Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 107: Incident

Lu Yang glanced at her, a little annoyed and said, "You still want to marry Du Guming!"

Mingyue glanced at her and said sadly: "This... of course it is!"

Lu Yang became a little angry. She held Mingyue's shoulders and her eyes were sharp and said: "Mingyue, listen, you are my woman, you can only marry me in the future!"

Mingyue was shocked when she heard what he said, and gave him a foolish look.

His woman!

This word made him feel a strange feeling, and he didn't even feel that kind of thing just now!

She looked at Lu Yang idiotically for a while, and then said quietly: "Lu Lang, don't be embarrassed!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly and looked at her somewhat domineeringly: "I want to embarrass you, I naturally want to embarrass you! I will not let go of this matter. Even if it is against the command of the hegemon, I will destroy Wushuang City. I can't watch you marry Du Guming!"

Mingyue looked at her affectionate look, and was a little moved.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Mingyue suddenly smiled sweetly, put her head in his arms and said: "You are sincere to others, and they will be content!"

Lu Yang did not realize that he was wrong, and was immersed in her tenderness.

After a long time, Mingyue heard a regular breathing sound, and it turned out that Lu Yang had already gone to sleep.

She stood up quietly, put on her clothes, gave Lu Yang a look, and said quietly, "Langjun, Mingyue wants to be with you too, but..."

A line of tears crossed his cheeks, and she said foolishly: "I can only say that you and I have no destiny. With tonight, Mingyue is satisfied!"

With that said, he turned his head and left without looking at Lu Yang again.

After he left, Lu Yang slowly opened his eyes. A sneer spread at the corner of his mouth.

There is no chance!

Humph! There is no such word in front of me, Lu Yang!

Mingyue hurried back to the Caolu, only to see where her grandma was still waiting.

Suddenly seeing his stern face, Mingyue's face turned pale, and she quietly walked over and said, "Grandma!"

The old man slowly opened his eyes and glanced up and down at Mingyue and said, "You are back!"

Mingyue nodded slowly and said, "Yes, grandma!"

The old man nodded and said, "But did you find Nie Feng?"

Mingyue shook her head obediently and said: "No!"

The old man nodded again, glanced at her, then closed his eyes and said, "Well, the city lord of the lonely city found a trace outside the city, but it still hasn't been found. It's normal if you can't find it. It's late, go back and rest!"

Mingyue nodded slightly, took a peek at her, and then walked inside with gentle steps.

But when she was only halfway there, the old man who was sitting still like a clock suddenly moved.

Her body was like the wind, and she slapped her palm towards Mingyue.

Mingyue was caught off guard, startled, looked at her in horror, but didn't fight back!

The old man's palm reached Mingyue's head, but he stopped abruptly.

He opened his eyes and looked at Mingyue with a sharp look: "Say! Who are you with just now?"

Mingyue shook her body, her face pale and said: "Grandma, what are you talking about, Mingyue doesn't understand!"

The old man snorted and sneered: "Do you think I am old, so you are confused? You clearly smell like a man, and you think I can't smell it? The Lord of Solitary City is all over Wushuang City looking for Nie Feng, why didn't you find you? Come on, who did you have a private meeting with!"

After Mingyue heard it, his eyes immediately panicked. He glanced at the old man blankly, and still insisted: "Grandma, I haven't seen Mingyue Meeting!"

The old man's complexion changed, and he suddenly waved his hand and slapped his delicate face with a slap.

She coldly said: "Bitch! Are you still deceiving me at this time? You are already betrothed to Master Dugu, how can you have a private meeting with others? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Ming family? Are you worthy of the Lord Dugu ?"

Mingyue's eyes went black when he was hit, and there was a fiery pain on his cheeks.

She glanced at the old man in surprise, saw his cold eyes and heard her cold words, suddenly she didn't know where she had come from, and said courageously: "Grandma only knows the vows of famous masters, but she knows that Mingyue is really willing to marry that Dugu Ming ?"

Hearing her words, the old man changed his face and said angrily: "Whether you like it or not, how can you violate the Ming family's oath!"

After hearing her words, Mingyue felt a pain in her heart and said, for more than ten years of nurturing grace, am I the one who fulfilled the vow in your eyes?

Thinking of this, he smiled miserably, and looked at the old man and said, "Grandma! Does Mingyue even have this full strength?"

The old man snorted coldly and categorically said: "No!"

Mingyue trembled all over, thinking of Lu Yang's tenderness and concern, thinking that he would not hesitate for his own sake, and then look at the closest person in front of him, suddenly feeling a kind of heartbreak.

Suddenly, without knowing where the courage came from, Mingyue suddenly raised her head and looked directly at the old man's eyes.

The old man was shocked when she saw that she dared to be so rude to herself.

Mingyue has always been very docile, and has never violated herself, how can she be courageous today!

Just listen to Mingyue looking at her and saying in a firm tone: "Grandma, Mingyue won't marry him!"

The old man shook his whole body, and in an instant, his angry face was red.

He glared at Mingyue for a while, suddenly his face changed, and sneered: "Okay! Okay! Is it because of your little lover that you didn't marry him? I want to see who it is that makes you so infatuated!"

With that said, he turned his head and left!

Mingyue's expression changed when she saw that she was leaving. Lu Yang's injury is not healed now. If her grandma finds out, wouldn't it...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly stood in front of the old man and said: "Grandma, Mingyue didn't see anyone else!"

Seeing her nervousness, the old man confirmed his thoughts more, pushed her away, snorted coldly, and continued to move forward.

Mingyue stared blankly at her looking for the past along the trail she had left. She didn't dare to do anything with him, so she could only follow her.

It's a big deal when I die with Lu Yang, I can't watch my grandma kill him!

Thinking of this, Mingyue bit her lip, and quickly followed.

Lu Yang didn't sleep for a while when he suddenly heard a sound outside. ..


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