Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 127: Breaking the Waves

Even when he saw the monkey, he smiled with a melancholy look.

"Huo, you are naughty!"

The monk smiled slightly, leaped forward, and flashed onto a pillar.

The monkey looked quite spiritual. Hearing what he said, like a naughty child, he stuck his tongue out at him and hid behind the pillar.

The monk smiled slightly, shook his head, the figure flashed, and rushed towards the monkey.

Seeing him coming, the monkey suddenly bounced out of the ground, like a ball of fire, jumping the knife elsewhere.

When it comes to jumping, people are not the opponents of monkeys. In addition, this monkey doesn't look like a half monkey. Not only is it quite spiritual, but it also seems to be a celestial spirit. It should not be a mortal thing.

However, the figure of the monk is very fast, and his body skills are also very powerful when capturing the monkey.

Even if the monkey runs fast, he is not his opponent.

Soon, the monkey finally did not escape and was caught by him.

The monkey caught by the monk showed a kind smile on his face and said: "You little naughty, hurry up and bring it home!"

As he said, he jumped in front of a stone box that was wide for one person, opened the lid, and put the monkey in.

The monkey made a squeak of protest and was soon trapped in the box.

The monk smiled slightly, folded his hands together, and said Amitabha!

As soon as his voice fell, a voice outside the Buddhist hall remembered.

"Master, can you borrow Fire Monkey to use it!"

When the monk heard the voice of that person, he didn't seem to be surprised at his arrival, and turned his head to look at that person.

I saw this man with tiger eyes and sword eyebrows, handsome and handsome.

In particular, there is a sturdy heroism between the eyebrows, which makes people a little envious.

However, I don't know why, at first glance, it always makes people feel a little cold.

The monk glanced at him, sighed slightly, and folded his hands together: "There is something for someone who wants to inquire about the secret of heaven!"

As soon as his voice fell, the man laughed and said, "I want to take advantage of the fire in the next wave, Master, can it be convenient!"

Hearing his name, the monk didn't have too much eyelids. He glanced at him, shook his head and said, "No!"

Duan Lang heard a change on his face, and he was a little unhappy and said, "Great monk, the convenience of monks and people is for your own convenience. Why not lend me the Huohou, I will return it to you when I run out!"

The monk listened, then turned around and glanced at him and said: "The secret of heaven is unfathomable, and the destiny cannot be violated. As the saying goes, there is no alternative to the destiny, the destiny cannot be violated, and the destiny belongs to you. You know, again What is the use?"

Duan Lang listened for a moment, and laughed without thinking about it: "Master misunderstood, I Duanlang is different from those who rely on destiny. I only want to see my destiny, but I don't want to rely on it!"

The monk frowned upon hearing this, and looked at him and said: "You are so young, so you should have such arrogance. It's just that if you don't believe in the fate, why do you ask for a fire! If you don't believe it, you will have it, and if you don't believe it, it will be five. Don’t believe me, why know!"

Seeing that he was going to fight himself, Duan Lang became a little impatient.

He frowned, and said impatiently: "It's just a borrowing, so much nonsense!"

As he said, the long sword in his hand shot, and a sword pierced the great monk.

When the monk saw him make a move, he was not shocked or afraid, and he stretched out his palm calmly, just like the Tathagata pointing his finger, a finger bounced out.

Although his movements are relaxed, he implied a huge inside. Duanlang didn't dare to be surprised. He didn't expect this monk to be so powerful behind him.

He hurried to his side and avoided the bullet, his body still trending!

After the monk flicked his finger over, he leisurely changed his finger into his palm and pushed it with one palm.

This palm also seems to be relaxed, but it is tight enough.

Seeing him out of his palm, Duan Lang slammed his body to one side, unexpectedly changed the direction in midair, and rushed upward.

In midair, the long sword in his hand suddenly swung, turning into a blooming sword flower.

The monk was taken aback for a moment, and was surprised: "Eclipse Sword Technique! You are from the Duan family!"

In mid-air, Duanlang snorted coldly: "You know it's too late!"

While talking, the sword flower fell from the sky, covering the monk.

The monk snorted coldly and yelled: "Close!"

Suddenly, his palms were like lotus flowers and he pushed forward.

A lotus flower blooms in mid-air, directly facing the sword flower of Broken Wave!

The two realities collided, and there was an instant jingle in the air!

Duan Lang was taken aback. He didn't expect how easily his Eclipse Sword would be broken!

After the two people actually collided, they were almost powerful.

Duan Lang knew that the other party hadn't used all his strength, and under the shock just now, of course he did not use all his strength.

He didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and hurriedly abandoned the monk and rushed to the box!

The monk was surprised to see that he abandoned himself and went to the box!

He shouted: "Stop!"

It was taken out with a palm, and a huge ring rushed towards Broken Wave with a burst of white light!

Duanlang snorted coldly and shouted: "Fire Lin eclipses the sun!"

This move is the last one in the Eclipse Swordsmanship, the sword net is tight, just like the Tengu Eclipse, the airtightness gives people a strong sense of oppression!

However, the monk was determined not to be afraid, as if he could not see his sword moves at all, and still struck forward.

Immediately there was a tingling sound, and the real qi was relatively low, and there was a faint sound of killing in the air!

Duan Lang didn't hesitate, he used the most powerful trick, just to stop the monk.

He immediately jumped in front of the box, held the box and ran!

The monk flashed anger on his face, and the figure flashed, chasing him out.

The two changed to run and fight, so it was so lively.

At this moment, at the crossroad not far away, a woodman took his granddaughter to the ground tiredly.

They had just sat down when they heard the sound of horseshoes.

The three of Lu Yang rode their horses, and when they approached Qingliang Temple, they speeded up.

The three learned from the rumors of the rivers and lakes that the mud bodhisattva was covered with abscesses all over his body because of leaking too many secrets, and must rely on the heat to **** out the venom for him. ..


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