Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 137: Love life

Youruo was even more happy when seeing his vicious eyes. The anger just now became much smaller.

Lu Yang thought for a long time but couldn't think of a good way, so he had to say with all his heart: "Miss, there is indeed my fault in the matter tonight, but I, Lu Yang, a handsome seven-foot man, were not just bullied by you. Even if he tells the gang leader, he can't say that I was wrong! You say yes?"

After hearing the words, You Ruo coldly snorted: "Do you know that you are wrong? Who told you to bully me?"

Lu Yang opened his hands and said: "You eldest ladies, why are you all a temper, you don't want to think, if you don't bully me, how can I bully you?" Thinking of this, he said angrily: "Look at other girls, How docile and likable, but you eldest ladies are all bad ladies!"

He just grumbled, and Youruo's face changed when he knew this.

Just now he was still smug, but his eyes blushed after hearing Lu Yang's words and he burst into tears.

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he was crying.

But You Ruo cried bitterly: "I am the eldest lady, I am a young lady with a temperament, and I am pampered. I deserve to be trapped here for more than ten years, and I deserve not to see anyone! I am sad, are you happy?"

Lu Yang listened to it for a while, and finally understood, and thought, it's no wonder that he hasn't heard about her, and the emotional hegemon has raised him as a canary!

Thinking of this, he felt a little sympathetic in his heart.

He sighed slightly and said, "Okay, I'm wrong! My mouth smells good? I'm also angry for a while, in fact, you don't look like a lady at all, you have a better temper than the lady I have seen!"

After listening to You Ruo, she gave a cold snort and ignored him at all.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I'm telling the truth. You see that you were bullied by me, and you didn't go to your father immediately. You can be regarded as taking care of me!"

Youruo heard another cold voice, but she said: "It's good if you know!"

Lu Yang smiled and immediately flattered: "Of course, I know you are the kindest person in the world when I see you. That's why I dare to be bold."

After hearing this, Youruo's face changed, and said angrily: "You said I'm so bullied by looking at it?"

Lu Yang hurriedly said: "Of course not, I mean you are kind and kind, a little...a little..." At this point, he couldn't find any good words.

Seeing him hesitate, You Ruo said, "It doesn't look like Xiongba's daughter at all, right?"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and was about to explain, only to see a look of expectation on You Ruo's face.

He paused for a moment and realized it instantly. It seemed that Youruo and Xiongba were not very close. This little girl must have been locked up for a long time, and the rebellious period has been extended.

After thinking about this, he immediately said: "Yes, yes, you are completely different from Xiongba!

After hearing this, You Ruo coldly snorted: "Huh! You are my father's subordinate, but you want to say bad things about him! My father will definitely not spare you!"

Although his speech was sharp, he didn't sound very angry anymore.

Lu Yang smiled inwardly and immediately said, "As far as I am from the bottom of my heart, if the girl wants to tell her helper, I won't organize you!"

After listening to You Ruoruo for a moment, she realized that he really didn't lie to herself, and snorted coldly, "Huh! Seeing that you still have some backbone, I don't care about you!" Lv Yang was overjoyed, but he didn't expect to use his own ideas. The girl found a way for him.

He immediately thanked: "Thank you girl!"

You Ruo coldly snorted: "Important, look at my face, is there any ink on it?"

Only then did Lu Yang look at her face in relief, only to see that Youruo's face was indeed a little funny, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

He secretly took a breath and said, "Left, right to your left!"

After You Ruo ruled several places, Lu Yang shook his head and continued to command.

Finally, You Ruo impatiently handed him a handkerchief and said: "You wipe it for me!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment and was speechless.

Such a stunning beauty, in the middle of the night, her clothes were disheveled. Two people were in close contact, and he still felt uneasy about himself.

His face was immediately embarrassed: "The body of a princess's daughter is inconvenient to approach!"

Youruo immediately became angry when she heard it, and she coldly snorted: "You just messed up me, didn't you think about it when you pressed me on the table?"

Seeing her mentioning this matter again, Lu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, so he had no choice but to wipe his ink with a handkerchief and pressed his face to him.

As a result, the distance between the two people got closer, and Lu Yang asked again about the faint fragrance on her body, which made her mind wavy.

After You Ruo approached him, she felt a little strange.

She usually rarely touches men, so she didn’t take it as the same thing. Now she is close to Lu Yang, smelling the man on him, and looking at his face up close, especially the air that Lu Yang exhales, blowing directly on her face. On, some even entered their nose. There is a strange feeling unexpectedly.

For unknown reasons, her heart beat faster than usual. His face is also slightly hot.

You Ruo didn't know why she thought the two were too close, she was a little unsuitable.

Lu Yang wiped her for a while, seeing her face flushed slightly, he felt a little bit in his heart.

He hurriedly lowered his head, not looking at her face, but when he lowered his head, he saw her towering breasts!

The clothes You Ruo originally wore were light, and after the trouble just now, the clothes were messy. Especially when the two people are close together, her body is completely open to Lu Yang. As long as Lu Yang has the heart, she can see it.

Lu Yang was confused and quickly missed his eyes.

Youruo seemed to have noticed something, her face was a little hot, and immediately said, "Did you wipe it off?"

Lu Yang's face was hot, and he hesitated: "There is...a little more!"

Seeing his blushing, You Ruo felt more intense in her heart. She curled her lips pretendingly and grabbed Lu Yang's handkerchief and said angrily: "The big man can't do this well! Give me the handkerchief!"

Lu Yang smiled awkwardly and let him take the handkerchief. ..


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