Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 145: The theory of big marriage

Kong Ci listened, her face was ugly, she wanted to refute, but seeing that You Ruo had already determined the matter, the explanation was useless, so she quickly said: "Sister Sword Dance, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing his horrified look, You Ruo smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am not a person with a big mouth, but Lu Yang is not a good person. If you don't love him, you should forget him, I I think Bu Jingyun is better than him!"

Kong Ci was frightened at first, he couldn't help but was taken aback when he heard what she said, and said in surprise: "Have you met him? Why do you say that?"

After listening to You Ruo, her face flushed, thinking of the conflict with Lu Yang.

She can't say that she was a big girl who was painted on Zhuo Zai by someone else!

She immediately shook her head and said: "This... of course I can see it!"

Kong Ci glanced at her in surprise and said, "Can you see this too?"

You Ruo nodded in agreement and said: "Of course! This person doesn't look like a good person. Look at his smile and manners, he's not a good person!"

Kong Ci listened for a while, remembering Lu Yang's wicked smile and his presumption, his face flushed, and his heart said, he is really not a good person!

She smiled slightly and said, "In fact, he likes to be muddled sometimes, most of the time it is good!"

Youruo wrinkled her nose when she heard it, with a look of disbelief.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and she looked at Kong Ci with a faint smile and said, "In that case, why don't you serve Lu Yang?"

Kong Ci's expression changed, she also wanted to serve Lu Yang and get along with her lover day and night, but in this way, his relationship with Lu Yang was almost exposed.

Lu Yang originally planned to ask for a kiss after taking Wushuang City, but these days are very busy, this matter has been brought down.

Coupled with the weird behavior of the hero these days, he didn't understand what the hero wanted to do.

Most importantly, Kong Ci stayed beside Bu Jingyun, helping him to watch Bu Jingyun not let him act rashly. He finally had an ally, but he didn't want to just lose it.

After hearing You Ruo's words, Kong Ci immediately became alert.

The relationship between him and Lu Yang is still a secret, and You Ruo can't let You Ruo know.

She had to explain: "Kong Ci is just a maid, what the helper said, Kong Ci naturally obeyed the order!"

After listening to You Ruo, she couldn't help but glanced at her sympathetically.

She couldn't even approach the people she liked, not like herself, and too pitiful.

Imagine carefully, if she likes someone, will Xiongba agree?

Thinking of this, he sighed slightly, pitying himself.

Even after the individual was silent for a while, Kong Ci seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "Yes, thank you girl yet!"

Youruo was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't understand.

Kong Ci helped him with his work and treated her very well. Why would you want to thank yourself?

She wondered: "What are you thanking me for!"

Kong Ci smiled slightly and said, "Young Master Feng is like Kong Ci's elder brother, please take care of it!" Only then did You Ruo understand that it turned out that Nie Feng was close to him.

Thinking of this, he sighed and looked at Kong Ci deeply and said, "Kong Ci, your fault is like it. Everyone wants to be a good person and likes to think about others!"

Kong Ci smiled at this, but did not speak.

Youruo glanced at her, shook her head helplessly, yawned and said, "I'm tired, I'm going to rest!"

Kong Ci nodded and said, "Well, go and rest! If Young Master Feng has any requirements, you can come to me!"

You Ruo nodded impatiently, and walked out.

As soon as she left, a figure appeared in Kong Ci's room.

Kong Ci suddenly saw someone coming in, and couldn't help being startled. When he saw the person's face, he sighed and said, "You scared me to death!"

Lu Yang touched his nose and smiled: "How many times have I been here, what are you scared of! By the way, why are you chatting with that girl!"

Kong Ci listened and waited for him to take a look and said: "He is Master Feng's maid, I naturally want to get along with her, by the way, you come here so late, go back tonight!"

Lu Yang stretched out, shook his head and said, "No!" As he said, he went to Kong Ci's bed and sat down on his own.

Kong Ci poured him a glass of water carefully and handed it to him.

Lu Yang looked at her thoughtful manner, suddenly remembered Youruo's words, and sighed slightly: "By the way, our marriage must be planned early!"

Kong Ci listened for a moment, and immediately shook his head and said: "Don't worry, they are already yours. What are you worried about, now let's get on with business!"

Lu Yang listened to her, kissed her forehead, smiled bitterly, "I think I can't finish these things! I'll go to help propose marriage in a few days!"

Kong Ci blushed at hearing, and said shyly: "So fast!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I really can't wait."

Kong Ci's face became even more red. He glanced at him and suddenly worried: "But, Young Master Yun..."

Lu Yang frowned upon hearing this, and sighed, "She was right!"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a while, and asked in doubt: "Who?"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and raised his head and said, "That **** girl! You are very softhearted!"

Kong Ci sighed after hearing this: "Young Master Yun is lonely and pitiful, Kong Ci really can't bear to abandon him!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said, "If he needs your attention, he doesn't need to be the hall master of Feiyun Hall!"

Seeing Kong Ci's worried look on his face, he sighed slightly and said, "Well, since you are like this, I am not in a hurry!"

As he said, he stood up and said, "I'll go back tonight!"

Kong Ci's expression changed, thinking she was angry, and quickly said: "Lu Lang, I..."

Seeing his nervous look, Lu Yang smiled, flicked on her forehead, and smiled: "What are you so scared of? When I was chatting with you, I suddenly thought of the maid of Jian Wu. I thought it was a bit strange. Clearly, I am not at ease!"

Seeing that he was not angry, Kong Ci was relieved and nodded to him! ..


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