Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 151: Clear Soup Noodles

Youruo changed her expression when she heard the words "Dominate Jianghu", but did not speak.

Lu Yang continued: "So don't try to attract his attention. Instead of this, it's better to be a girl, and if he is happy, maybe you can be his daughter!"

After listening to You Ruo, her face gradually became cold, and she sneered: "Do you think you know about me? I tell you, you don't know anything. You are just a running dog of my father and you have no right to control. Things about our family!"

When Lu Yang heard this, not only was he not angry, but he said in a leisurely manner: "Yes, I am a running dog, at least I am not tied to this chain!"

You Ruo furiously said: "What are you talking about! Did you say I was chained?"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "As you understand it, it's always good for me to be like this. I don't know if you are good or not. I can't control what you like, but now that Nie Feng cares about me, I have to take care of it. !"

Youruo's expression changed when she heard that, she paused, and looked at Lu Yang with a little disbelief: "You fart, he doesn't care about me!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly, "Don't you know that he keeps drinking your soup just to make you happy? The soup you have always tasted really good!"

Youruo was shocked when she heard it, and said angrily: "You nonsense, my Tang Mingming is delicious, I spent a lot of effort to make it!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, his face turned into a bowl of soup, and he handed it to her, "If you like it, you can taste it!"

Seeing him like this, Youruo couldn't help feeling furious as if he looked down on himself.

She bit the soup and drank it.

After a mouthful of the pig lung soup, she was so excited that she was stunned.

Seeing her doing this, Lu Yang snorted and said, "I'm right..."

Without finishing a sentence, You Ruo's face changed suddenly.

Lu Yang made a big alarm in his heart and seemed to realize something.

As soon as he was about to get out of the way, he saw You Ruo's small mouth, and a mouthful of soup spurted out.

Lu Yang's face was full of this squirt, but he didn't waste it at all.

Lu Yang was stunned, he looked at You Ruo blankly, as if he hadn't reacted.

Youruo knew that it was awful when she had a mouthful of the soup. She felt angry when she saw Lu Yang gloating.

When this mouthful of soup was about to squirt, it subconsciously sprayed on his face.

Seeing Lu Yang's embarrassed look, You Ruo also regretted a bit, but seeing Lu Yang's stunned eyes, she couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yang looked at Youruo who was laughing, his face gradually changed...

Youruo laughed for a while, suddenly felt a chill, and couldn't help but shake her whole body, and looked at Lu Yang.

I saw Lu Yang's face twisted a little bit and his eyes became cold.

You Ruo seemed to be aware of something, so she stood up and ran away!

But she just ran to the door and ran into someone suddenly.

It turned out that the pig lung soup that Nie Feng had stayed up all night was brought to You Ruo as if offering treasures, but as soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly saw a figure flash out, accompanied by a loud laughter.

Nie Feng was caught off guard, and ran into that person full of emotions.

The pork lung soup cooked overnight was also poured on the ground. He froze for a moment, and held down the humanity: "Sword Dance, what are you doing!"

Seeing Youruo's face is also a little weird, she seems to want to laugh, but also a little scared.

She saw Nie Feng immediately said incoherently: "!"

Nie Feng heard this, without a wrinkle, and said in doubt: "What did you say?"

Youruo talked for a long time, but when he saw that he still didn't understand, he couldn't help being more afraid.

She broke away from Nie Feng and pointed to the room. A small mouth bamboo tube was like beans. She snapped and said quickly: "You lied to me that the pork lung soup is delicious. I am very angry. Lu Yang is angry now. , You help me stop him and I will spare you!"

She said too quickly, Nie Feng didn't understand much, but he also knew that Lu Yang was angry.

He chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I made a bowl of soup for you to drink. You will know how to make it after you taste it. The soup will not be like that in the future!"

You Ruo listened, knowing that he still hadn't understood the point of what he was talking about, gave him an impatient look, and ran away without saying anything.

Nie Feng watched her figure gradually become farther away without knowing it, and he was even more puzzled.

At this moment, a thunderous sound came from the room.

"You come back to me!"

Nie Feng was taken aback and recognized that it was Lu Yang's voice.

As soon as he was about to say hello to Lu Yang, he saw the figure flashing in front of him, and Lu Yang chased You Ruo.

When Nie Feng saw him, there was another dazed expression. He was stunned for a while before he shook his head with a wry smile and returned to his room.

Did Lu Yang rush all the way, chasing Youruo away.

Youruo ran all the way and couldn't stop laughing.

She didn't understand why she laughed for so long, she was obviously scared, but when she thought of Lu Yang's face just now, she couldn't help laughing.

As for why he wanted to escape, she didn't understand even more.

Since that night, in her subconscious, Lu Yang felt terrible.

Listening to her laughter, Lu Yang chased it all the way.

He wanted to catch up with You Ruo very quickly with his skill.

But he was not in a hurry to catch up with You Ruo. After all, she was Xiongba's daughter. It was inconvenient for too many people to bring back the punishment for her.

Secondly, he deliberately made Youruo tired from running and brought him back to punish, so that she would not resist too fiercely.

People in the World Club saw two white shadows running forward one after another, and they were a little curious when they heard the quiet laughter.

But they recognized Lu Yang as the chase, so they didn't dare to intervene.

Lu Yang still has a reputation in the world, he is a famous killer in the world.

Surabaya became a massacre, and the Wushuang City massacre was his handwriting. Who dares to touch his brow.

So they obediently treated them as invisible.

Lu Yang chased all the way, saying that You Ruo in front was finally exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to laugh before he stopped. ..


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