Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 153: Little girl who loves to listen to stories

Lu Yang's eyes were quick and quick, he grabbed her and lifted her up.

Youruo was grabbed by his arm, she couldn't help feeling aroused all over her body, wandering all over her body with a strange feeling, her whole body seemed to have no strength, and she collapsed.

She couldn't help it, and stuck to Lu Yang's arms unconvinced.

Lu Yang looked at her painful face, sighed slightly, hugged her waist, and turned her over.

Seeing that he was about to turn over herself again, You Ruo was frightened and struggling.

Lu Yang held her down and suddenly said in a gentle voice: "Don't move around, or it will hurt again!"

His voice was warm and powerful, and it seemed that there was a special kind of magic power that directly spread into You Ruo's heart.

You Ruo was stunned for a moment, but she didn't even move subconsciously.

Lu Yang put her away, then sighed slightly and said, "Don't move around, just wait for a while!"

Youruo was lying on his lap, where could he be motionless.

She is uncomfortable now, and she doesn't understand where she is.

She could only cry in mourning, and did not dare to lose her temper at Lu Yang.

Taking advantage of her quiet effort, Lu Yang sighed slightly and said: "I told you a long time ago, don't make a fool of yourself. I am a maid of the hall, and I was boiled by the face of a maid of yours, what style? How to hide this identity?"

Youruo listened for a moment, Lu Yang's words were indeed good, but at this time she felt that everything Lu Yang said was justified.

She snorted, her voice slightly sobbed: "Hmph, then you can't be rude to me. If you are seen like this, how do people see people? Even if my father heard about it, he didn't care about other things. Will kill you!"

Lu Yang snorted after hearing it, "I taught her daughter, what did he do to kill me?"

After hearing these words, You Ruo was surprisingly lifeless.

But she didn't realize it either, but she was not convinced, "That can't be done, you look like...too much!"

Lu Yang gave her an angry look and said, "Can you remember me if I don't do this?"

You Ruo wrinkled her nose, glanced at him with red eye circles, and whispered: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell my father?"

Lu Yang snorted: "If you like to talk or not, I'll be a big deal no longer in the world!"

Youruo listened for a moment, and suddenly said with a look of contempt: "You finally got to the seat of a hall master, are you really willing to leave the world like this?"

Lu Yang snorted, and immediately Sicheng was in his hands, and Wushuangcheng was his own.

Even if you leave the world, what will happen, anyway, you will have to fight Xiongba in the future. What is he afraid of?

However, he didn't say that he didn't care at all. Of course it would be best to stay. Now Qin Shuang and Nie Feng can't say that they are his people, it's the best relationship to absorb the World Society.

But of course he didn't worry about You Ruohui. Tell Xiongba about this. If Xiongba knew what happened today, he would naturally be punished and even planned to kill him.

However, Youruo's plan to escape has also failed, because Xiongba heard that the girl was bullied, of course, there is a reason to break the gambling contract, and will not continue to bet on the contract.

Seeing that he was not speaking, You Ruo let out a cold snort, and said in her heart that she was still duplicity.

But she really didn't dare to tell Xiongba, but the ordinary little things really couldn't help Lu Yang. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel resentful, feeling a little sorry for her little ass.

No one has ever beaten him since he was a child. After only seeing Lu Ang for a few days, he was beaten several times.

This **** seemed to have caught her three villages, so presumptuous.

Lu Yang did not speak, and she was too lazy to take care of Lu Yang.

The two were quiet for a while, and the atmosphere gradually became a little strange.

In an uninhabited place, lone men and widows approached in such an ambiguous way, especially the matter just now, saying that it is impossible to make You Ruo completely calm.

So after a while, she seemed to be unable to bear the silence, and couldn't help but said: "I heard that you have become the master of the World Conference in just a few months. I have always wondered why you were so scared so quickly, right? What's in it?"

After listening to her, Lu Yang rolled his eyes at her and said, "You little girl, you still know what's so tricky."

After hearing what he said, You Ruo snorted, "I love you!"

Lu Yang twisted his lips, and said helplessly: "Well, I'm not good to say, it's not right to say that there is no. But it is inevitable that you are upset when you hear it, so I'll just pick something you like!"

Upon hearing this, You Ruo snorted, knowing what he meant.

Lu Yang thought for a while, and began to talk about how he entered the world meeting, how to participate in the competition, and how to win the competition.

He just picks out some interesting things, and sometimes talks about some funny things, which are always easy topics.

You Ruo had nothing to say at the beginning, but after listening to Lu Yang talk for a while, she gradually entered his story.

When she heard something interesting, she couldn't help laughing, and there was a soreness in her ass.

It was also time for Lv Yang to play styles at the beginning. Seeing that she heard it with gusto, it didn't look like a fake, so she started talking hard.

The two chatted like this, and they talked for an afternoon.

After a while, the light of the setting sun shone on You Ruo's face.

The warm feeling made her stretch out a little comfortably, showing a peaceful smile like a child.

The warmth from Lu Yang's face was like lying on his father's lap when he was a child, listening to him telling stories.

Lu Yang said to himself, he realized that it was not early until what happened recently.

He looked at the sunset in the distance, and then said: "Okay, it's late, let's go back!"

You Ruo listened for a moment, and then realized that it was late, they actually stayed here for nearly a day.

She didn't feel hungry or tired on this day.

Lu Yang hugged her waist, trying to help her up.

You Ruo was shocked, and suddenly subconsciously said: "Don't move!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said in amazement: "What's the matter, is your **** still OK?"

You Ruo slowly shook her head and said: "No! I just don't want you to move. Would you let me lie down for a while?"

Lu Yang listened to her, although strange, but did not refuse. ..


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