Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 162: visit

You Ruo said, "That fool is back?"

Lu Yang shook his head, looked at her and said, "No!"

You Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement: "Why are you looking for him when he didn't come back?"

Lu Yang smiled and said casually, "He was not there when I went, I sneaked into his room!"

Youruo uttered, and suddenly her whole body was shocked, her face pale.

She looked at Lu Yang in horror, her fists clenched tightly, and her body collapsed tightly. There was fear and sadness in his eyes, staring at Lu Yang blankly.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I didn't distrust you and secretly investigate you, but I heard everything inside!"

You Ruo's complexion was a little better now, and her tight body relaxed. She pretended not to care: "Who is where?"

Lu Yang smiled and sat down on the stool and said, "It's Qin Shuang!"

Youruo's face changed, and she frowned before slowly saying: "I have long heard that he is very wise. Among my father's three apprentices, he is the smartest!" She said, she looked at Lu Yang and said, "She found out. what?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No, but it's also very thrilling. I found something!"

Youruo's face changed, she lowered her head sadly, and said quietly, "Did you...know it!"

Lu Yang nodded and looked at her.

Youruo's expression became even more gloomy. She raised her head and looked at Lu Yang and said, "Do you think I am a selfish woman? A bad woman?"

Lu Yang laughed and glared at her, "What a bad woman or a good woman, you are a little girl, not even a woman!"

After listening to You Ruo, she immediately ignored her sadness, puffed up her chest and said, "Who said no!"

Lu Yang moved his eyelids and hurriedly raised his head, not daring to look at her breasts.

He smiled and said: "After all, the attraction of freedom is too great for you. It is normal for you to bet with your father. But when I knew about it, I was still scared." Then, he looked at You Ruo. Said: "What do you think now?"

Youruo glanced at him, and said unhappily: "With you here, where is the opportunity for others!"

Lu Yang was completely relieved after hearing this. He chuckled and said, "I would rather believe that you are a good girl than I can bear to kill him!"

Youruo snorted and said unconvinced: "Who said that I can kill whoever I want! Kill whoever I like!"

Lu Yang knew that she was going to be strong, so he no longer irritated her about this matter, but followed her tone of voice and said: "Well, of course I know this. You just watched him pity and spare him!"

You Ruo snorted and nodded somewhat satisfied.

Lu Yang smiled and sighed suddenly: "But I still admire you very much. I exchange my life's freedom for Nie Feng's life. I rarely admire that person, you are one of them!"

Youruo snorted, and her heart was indeed wirelessly sweet. How could she be in a bad mood to receive such praise from Lu Yang.

Lu Yang knew that she must be very proud now, smiled and continued: "After tonight, you will go back to Huxin Xiaozhu. If you are really bored in the future, remember to teach me to accompany you!"

After hearing his words, You Ruo was also a little sad. She sighed quietly and said: "I am on the island, how can I tell you!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Your father has someone who meets you secretly, don't I have one?"

He thought for a while and said: "I will arrange for someone to contact you, so don't worry!" Youruo couldn't help but be overjoyed, but she soon realized that she was too excited, and Lu Yang would be proud of it.

So she just showed a smile, her face changed, and coldly snorted: "My father monitors Huxin Xiaozhu very closely. You may not have a chance!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Leave this to me, and you can take it with you when you go home."

After listening to You Ruo, she didn't know why she was hitting, and her heart settled a lot.

Lu Yang finished speaking, and settled a thought.

The two people sat facing each other, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

Especially You Ruo rarely took it alone with him. There was no one else in the room, and she was used to the door of the room. Her heart beat gradually faster.

Lu Yang had no strange feelings at first, he didn't want to be in Qingmutang now.

Today is August 15th, there are many things in Qingmutang. He also doesn't have a housekeeper, so there are more things to worry about.

He didn't bother to worry about these things and threw them to the guards.

Those guards were too lazy to get used to it, but suddenly there were so many things and they were so busy. Lu Yang didn't bother to go back and clean up the mess.

The two sat quietly for a while, You Ruo couldn't bear it.

She looked at Nie Feng's bed and suddenly said with a weird look: "Where did you say he went?"

Lu Yang suddenly heard her asking like this, and subconsciously said: "Maybe it's the old lady!"

Youruo let out a cry, and started looking for new topics.

She thought for a while and said: "Why don't we go and have a look!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and hesitated, "What are we going to do? That's people's secret!"

You Ruo curled her lips and said, "What secret does a big man want? Besides, that person prays for us all day long. We should go and thank others!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, and he couldn't expect Youruo to have such thoughts.

He didn't want to go, but when You Ruo was rarely empathetic, he immediately said, "Okay!"

The two people got up and went to the Buddhist hall.

After a while, they arrived at the Buddhist hall.

The old lady was sweeping the floor, and the two people had passed, and the old lady found them.

When she saw Lu Yang and You Ruo, she smiled slightly and said, "It turns out that it's a girl!"

With that, she glanced at Lu Yang suspiciously.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "We are friends. I heard that Lao Zhang is here alone, so come and see you!"

When the old lady heard it, the wrinkles on her forehead suddenly unfolded.

She smiled happily and said, "Okay! Two people please come in!"

Lu Yang laughed and went in with the old lady! ..


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