Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 182: Betrothed

This sentence is less powerful than the previous one, because the name of Kong Ci is less known to outsiders, but most people in the world still know it.

Except for the outer disciples who are distributed in the branch churches, almost everyone in the general altar knows Kong Ci.

Some people in the arena have heard about this woman, but they don't care very much.

They knew that Xiongba's three apprentices had a good relationship with this maid, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, she was just a maid!

Now that I hear this name again, everyone is aware of the importance of this name!

This is the woman who flies on the branch and turns into a phoenix!

As soon as Xiongba's voice fell, behind him, a bright beauty stepped out.

Everyone saw the true face of this woman who is watching the world.

I saw him dressed in blue and black splendid clothes and a bright moon jewel robe.

The bright pearl on the head, the golden cave. The beautiful hair is like a tangled stream, streaming in the bright pearl hairpin.

Looking down, it was a beautiful and gentle face. Although this face seemed to flush with tension and excitement, it couldn't hide his meek and watery feeling.

The slender eyelashes and bright eyes are like a warm current flowing into the heart of recognition.

Everyone watched her slowly walk to Xiongba's side, beside them were two beautiful beauties with jewels. However, the light was concealed by him.

The two girls carefully supported Kong Ci to Xiongba.

The male tyrant laughed, hugged Kong Ci's arm, and said kindly: "Come on! Dao is by his father!"

Lu Yang was behind him, his eyebrows throbbed.

It's too close, this is too close!

Lu Yang rolled his eyes in his heart. Although the male **** is not good at femininity, although Kong Ci is his daughter, although...

However, Lu Yang still felt a little uncomfortable looking at her own woman being held by others.

He gave Xiongba a cold look, and then his gaze fell on Kong Ci.

This should be her most beautiful day. When she first came out, Lu Yang was amazed.

However, he felt that Kong Ci's wearing such a gorgeous pair was not as good as the goose yellow clothes before.

She is the kind of meek girl, low-key and elegant, like a lilac flower, pure and beautiful, peaceful and moving.

Xiongba now dressed her as a peony. Although she was a little surprised, she felt a little less tender.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang couldn't help raising his sleeves and wiping his nose, his eyes fell on Xiongba again.

Qin Shuang next to him glanced at him and said calmly, "What's the matter? It was frozen last night?"

When Lu Yang heard his words, he shook his head invisibly and said, "I drank too much and took a bath!"

Qin Shuang nodded and smiled: "It's rare that you can get sick with your skills!"

Lu Yang laughed and said nothing.

He was ashamed to say that he drank too much last night, so he rested at Kongci. As it turned out this morning, people who were going to dress Kong Ci arrived.

Lu Yang was caught off guard and hid on Liang with his bare buttocks early in the morning, waiting for those people to pick up Kong Ci.

Although the time was compensated, he was definitely going to be ill if he was cold and hot.

Although I worked hard to repel some of the chill, my nose would still flow when the wind was strong.

When the two said this, the tyrant laughed and said to the group of heroes: "From today onwards, Kong Ci is my daughter! The old man is always the daughter, so there is one more thing to announce!"

After hearing this, the crowd raised their hearts again.

Kong Ci secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had seen many big scenes, they were all supporting roles.

She is also used to being a supporting role, to accompany behind others, to be a competent green leaf.

But only today, she is a woman who has attracted much attention. As if the eyes of the whole world were focused on herself, she was really uncomfortable.

In the face of thousands of gazes, I was jealous, curious, envious, and liking.

With strange eyes, she felt like she had been penetrated, which was extremely uncomfortable.

So when Xiongba spoke, Kong Ci sighed when everyone's eyes fell on him again.

Xiongba's second sentence made everyone nervous again.

No one knows if his second sentence is what he thought of, if it is, those disappointments and surprises just now will go to hell.

Just listen to the male tyrant with a smile: "I decided to betroth my righteous daughter, Kong Ci, to..."

He said this sentence extremely coherently, he secretly used the inner, and the mere mountain wind was forced back by him.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief as soon as this sentence was spoken.

But after all, it's none of their own, and they don't care about the people who follow.

Among all the people, only one person heard these words, and his expression showed a hint of joy.

He glanced at Kong Ci, the fiery love in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Lu Yang glanced at Bu Jingyun imperceptibly, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Qin Shuang knew about Kong Ci and his affairs. Hearing these words and glanced at Lu Yang, it didn't seem strange.

Nie Feng looked curious, and he was the only one who knew nothing about his own century.

Hearing Xiongba paused, he immediately said: "Lu Yang!"

Lu Yang was shocked when he heard his name, and immediately said, "Ban Lord!"

Bu Jingyun's face changed! I'm so stupid!

Xiongba laughed, turned around and looked at Lu Yang.

Bu Jingyun was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiong Ba with sharp eyes.

Xiongba didn't seem to see him, and smiled at Lu Yang, "Come on!"

Lu Yang arched his hands: "Yes!"

Xiongba enthusiastically took Lu Yang's hand, and the two stood side by side.

Xiongba grabbed Kong Ci's hand and put it on Lu Yang's hand and said, "This gang leader will personally marry you, what do you think?"

Lu Yang was stopped by him. He couldn't respect it anymore if he wanted to be respectful. He could only express his joy in his voice and said, "Thank you, helper!"

The hero let go of the two of them, turned around, and then gave a majestic speech to the world hero.

Lu Yang also held Kong Ci's small hand, feeling the trembling from her hand. ..


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