Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 185: Kong Ci

Lu Yang hurriedly left Xiaozhu in the middle of the lake and came to Qingmutang.

Just after visiting the Qingmutang, the guards found him and said, "Hall Master, girl Kongci is here!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and logically said that the bride should not see the groom before getting married. Why did Kong Ci come here?

That was the guard who seemed to pay attention to his expression, and immediately said: "Girl Kong Ci came in private!"

Lu Yang nodded and immediately asked, "Did the scary people in the hall see him?"

It was the guard who smiled slightly and said, "The hall master is newly married, and there is nothing wrong with seeing the bride. The hall master is relieved, there is no one who dares to talk about the servants. The Liming butler is very cooperative with us and controls the servants very strictly!"

Lu Yang nodded immediately after hearing this: "Good job!"

The guard received his admiration, and his face immediately showed a happy expression.

Lu Yang thought for a while and said, "But when it should be strict, it should be strict, and when it should be loose, don't be too strict. Just let them know the rules. It's not good to be too tight!"

The guard heard this and moved in his heart, and immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, Hall Master, we have a sense of measure!"

Lu Yang nodded then and came to the backyard.

As soon as he returned to the backyard, he immediately walked into his room.

Halfway through, I just met Kong Ci who came in a hurry.

As soon as Kong Ci saw him, he said: "I have a prediction that you will come back, you really have time to come back!"

Lu Yang laughed after hearing this, and asked whether this little girl also has telepathy?

But she didn't entangle this question, but immediately asked: "What's the matter? Listen to them saying you are looking for me!"

Kong Ci heard his words, and the look on his face immediately became a little worried.

He glanced at Lu Yang and said, "Young Master Bu Jingyun came to me!"

Lu Yang's expression changed, and the smile on his face disappeared.

When Bu Jingyun found Kong Ci, Kong Ci might not have come to tell himself.

She hurried to find herself, but Bu Jingyun must have done something too much.

Lu Yang calmly said, "What did he do?"

Seeing his gloomy face, Kong Ci became even more worried. She hurriedly put away her loss, and said with a calm expression: "Nothing, Young Master Yun came to act like this, don't worry. It just happened to be seen by Young Master Feng. The two almost fought, but fortunately Young Master Shuang rushed here!"

Lu Yang's heart became more sinking when he heard it. It's not a big deal. How could Nie Feng follow Bu Jingyun.

But seeing the worry on Kong Ci's face made him feel angry, afraid that Kong Ci would be sad.

He sighed inwardly, laughed, pretending to be relaxed: "That's good, as I expected, this incident will definitely deepen the conflict between the two of them!"

Kong Ci nodded convincingly after hearing this. She looked at Lu Yang and said, "Everything that is happening now is determined by Lu Lang. People really don't know what to do anymore. Watching the two brothers do it, I..."

Having said that, her eye circles were red, and her eye sockets suddenly became wet.

Lu Yang hugged her quickly and comforted him: "Don't worry, they are temporarily celebrating the holidays, after all, they are brothers for more than ten years. But then, our plan must also begin!"

Kong Ci listened and nodded emphatically: "Well! I used to worry that you were worried about being redundant. Looking at it now, Lu Lang is true to the truth, and now everyone is up to you!"

Lu Yang smiled, scratched his nose and said, "I only know now that your mate is great!"

Kong Ci blushed, lying in his arms and coquettishly said: "I hate, people knew you were amazing before, but...just..."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's just that your father is always good at night. You haven't seen me in the daytime, right?"

After hearing this, Kong Ci rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you..."

At this point, her face blushed, and she complained: "Oh, you guys, telling you serious things, let you bring the same thing!"

Lu Yang chuckled, Kong Ci accepted it, and the thinking teacher followed others. Lu Yang likes to tease her like this most.

To tease her now is to divert her attention, not to make her sad.

Seeing that Kong Ci was not sad anymore, Lu Yang said, "Well, this matter should be done immediately. Since they have conflicts, we must hurry up and create conflicts again. When they fight, I can arrange for you. Fake death!"

Kong Ci nodded immediately after hearing this, "Alright, but are you really sure? Don't hurt Young Master Yun!"

Lu Yang nodded immediately after hearing this: "You don't have to worry about this, but you are going to suffer!"

After hearing this, Kong Ci smiled slightly and said, "As long as it is for the sake of a few sons, Kong Ci is willing to do anything!"

Lu Yang heard the jealousy coming up again, and he couldn't help complaining: "Your teacher said this in front of your father-in-law. Be careful that day I will trouble you some sons! Also, you are not a maid anymore. , Why is this son and son every day!"

It is rare for Kong Ci to see him jealous, and he only thinks it is very cute.

Among Lu Yang's women, Mingyue worships Lu Yang absolutely, and everything Lu Yang said is correct. He asked her to do anything without questioning.

And You Ruo is pure love for him, this love is mixed with some small naughty, like to play with Lu Yang. I also like the feeling of being tricked by Lu Yang.

But Kong Ci is wireless and tender. She truly regards Lu Yang as her own man, a tree she cares for and relies on.

Therefore, Lu Yang occasionally tempted her, which is rather novel in her eyes.

She chuckled and said: "Don't be angry, Xianggong! When people grew up with them, they are naturally concerned about them. Is the Xianggong their mate? You are the most concerned about them!"

Lu Yang curled his lips, looking disbelief.

Seeing him like this, Kong Ci's expression was immediately lost.

She wouldn't want her to act like a baby, she could only look at Lu Yang pleadingly, hoping that he would not be angry.

When Lu Yang saw her doing this, he snorted: "In the future, Xiang Gong wants you to care about Xiang Gong a hundred times, not less than them!"

Kong Ci relaxed after hearing her expression. She nodded and said, "Well, Kong Ci must be a hundred times, a thousand times better to the grandfather!" ..


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