Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 201: Don't complain

Lu Yang supported Kong Ci's coffin and boarded the carriage with a painful expression on his face.

The wide carriage is like a moving room, where there are not only chairs, but even chairs.

In the middle of the carriage was a brazier, and it was cold when it came in, and Liming prepared it for him.

Lu Yang got into the carriage and sat down comfortably on the chair padded with this heavy mattress.

The mattress is covered with smooth silk, making it quite comfortable to sit on.

However, Lu Yang didn't have the heart to feel this silky smoothness, his mind was full of the current situation.

After a while, a man dressed as a small servant got in.

Lu Yang smiled slightly, put aside his worries, and hugged the young man in his arms.

The little boy was hugged by him, and he let out a shocked cry, lowered his head and glared at him and said: "Look at you, let people see you!"

Lu Yang laughed, and said with a wicked smile: "There are all my people around here, and no one will agree to you even if you call your voice broken!"

He wasn't really talking about it for fun, the carriage design was very clever, and the sound insulation effect was very good. Even if the two of them are doing inside, people outside can't hear it.

And his guards are all the altar masters of the four cities, all his people.

These people were personally promoted by him, and they were loyal and righteous people with a sense of justice. It is incompatible with the rule of the tyrant, so even if it is talented, it will not be reused.

Some people are martial arts rangers who are not low in martial arts, but they don't like being domineering and have never joined the world.

Lu Yang specially absorbed these people, that is, soon his own territory will be separated from the rule of the dominant.

Xiongba didn't realize his behavior at all. On the one hand, Lu Yang didn't show that he attached great importance to the management of the four cities. On the other hand, he was arrogant and arrogant, and didn't take this place in his eyes.

But he didn't want these places that he didn't pay much attention to, becoming a place nourished by a huge force.

The little servant heard it, but the sky was red. He glared at Lu Yang and said: "It's not serious, don't forget, people feign death and get out of life, and one was discovered by accident!"

Lu Yang chuckled, and saw her nervous look, and didn't play foolishly.

He put down Kong Ci and sat down on the chair comfortably, groping for the green dragon embroidery on the smooth silk cushion, and said leisurely: "You don't have to worry about this. Now whether it is the dominant or other people, the attention is not on you anymore. "

He said that Kong Ci did not know whether he played the role of a small servant with due diligence, or he was used to the life of a maid, and he did not forget to be busy in the frame.

Lu Yang frowned but didn't say anything.

He continued: "Bu Jingyun leaves, no matter who takes over, the world will change drastically in Shenfengtang. Now that Nie Feng is sinking day and night, it is estimated that he will not stay for too long. There are four branch halls and two branch hall masters. All leave. The world will change drastically. It is inevitable for them to stabilize the situation at this time and they will not concern you!"

He said, he smiled and said: "The Hall Master of the World Conference, that one is not eager, that person doesn't want to sit. Now the whole World Conference is busy with this matter, naturally he won't care about you!"

There was some regret in his tone, because he first knew that the hall master of the Kamikaze Hall was about to leave and wanted to plant his own hands. Unexpectedly, Xiongba was a step faster than him, and the deputy master of the Shenfeng Hall arranged his own person in advance.

Needless to say, Feiyuntang, Lu Yang was still a step slower than Xiongba.

However, he was busy arranging Kong Ci's suspended animation last night, and Xiongba will directly arrange the manpower to inherit Feiyuntang after a while. So he was too late.

As soon as Nie Feng made a move this morning, Xiongba immediately took action. He could see that he had wanted to contact Nie Feng for a long time.

But fortunately, he arranged and began to absorb the people from Shenfeng Hall and Feiyun Hall who were still finally Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, absorbed into Qingmu Hall.

Even if Xiong Ba got two divisions, he still could only get an empty shell, and his strength was still growing.

The most important thing now is Tianshuangtang, and it is very important who Qin Shuang is on.

He doesn't dare to oppose the hegemony now because Qin Shuang has been loyal to the hegemony. Once Qin Shuang was tired of the evil of the male tyrant, he could fight against the male tyrant.

Two of the four branches of the World Society are in his hands, and Xiong Ba wants to move him, so he has to weigh it.

In fact, he was worried too much, but Qing Mutang had a branch, and Xiong Ba had to weigh it if he wanted to deal with it.

Kong Ci has been busy while he is thinking.

Lu Yang looked at her busy figure, and finally couldn't help it, and took her soft little hand, with a strong force, he brought it directly into his arms.

Kong Ci thought he was going to do something bad again, so he couldn't help but blushed and complained: "Look at you, it's just that your own family is dishonest. It's not serious when you go out!"

Lu Yang laughed after hearing this: "My father is not serious, so you are serious?" He said, his face scolded: "You are now my wife, not the maid of the World Society, what are you doing?"

Kong Ci heard this, and then realized that he was just feeling sorry for himself.

But thinking of leaving the world meeting, she still feels a little uncomfortable. The expression was a little sad: "People still can't believe it, just leave the world like this!"

As she said, she lowered her head and squeezed her handkerchief, seeming a little lost.

Lu Yang smiled slightly and comforted: "Don't be sad. You have stayed here for a long time. Of course you will not adapt to leaving. When you arrive in Wushuang City, you will get used to it after a few days! Okay, you will have a busy time on this road. Right!"

After hearing his words, Kong Ci showed a sweet smile on his face and said: "People know, but they always think that they want to do something. When they are free, they don't know what to do!"

When Lu Yang heard this, he rolled his eyes and couldn't laugh or cry, "Isn't it better to just sit idle and do nothing? Look at your mate, isn't life not doing nothing?"

When Kong Ci heard this, his face flushed, and he sipped at him: "You are really idle, you don't do good things when you are idle!"

Unexpectedly, these words reminded Lu Yang. He looked at Kong Ci who was blushing like a ripe peach with a smile in his arms, showing a bad smile.

Kong Ci seemed to realize something and immediately struggled to get up. ..


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