Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 224: The awakened nine-tailed fox

The elder aunt joined in the fun, crying sadly with others.

It wasn't just that the few sisters who were close to each other had finished crying. When I met Lu Shuang on the road, it was really sad to see him desperate.

The second aunt seemed to be unhappy in crying just now. Seeing that Lu Shuang was so sad, she wanted to cry with him for a while.

But after a long time of comfort, he still didn't see her any better, and he could only cry even more sadly.

Lu Shuang was crying, walking numbly.

Halfway through, I suddenly heard an ouch.

Lu Shuang raised his head subconsciously, and saw a coquettish woman right in front of him, clutching her high chest, looking at her like a pair of fire-breathing eyes.

It turned out that she didn't look at the way when she was walking just now, and he was a little shorter than this woman, and he lowered his head and hit the woman's chest.

That woman is Mrs. Lu. She failed to seduce Lu Yang. I heard that Lu Shuang went to find Lu Yang. I was a little worried.

In case Lu Yang likes the young girl, let this ghost girl have his support. Isn't your life sad?

Thinking of this, Madam Lu rushed here lifelessly, not wanting to run into her halfway.

As soon as she saw her, Mrs. Lu's fire came up.

Pointing to Lu Shuang’s nose, he started cursing, what kind of star, the cursing is so bad!

Lu Shuang was originally the six gods without the master, listening to her cursing voice, gradually became sober.

In her heart, a ball of anger gradually rose.

Why, I thought for the Lu family, and in the end I didn't even have a chance to protect the Lu family?

Why, this woman is just a bad woman who is tempted by Israel, yet she can be so rampant.

I am not convinced!

Thinking of this, the flames of war reignited in Lu's eyes!

I have something worse than her. Everyone is a woman. What she can give to Lu Yang, why can't I give it!

Suddenly, she thought of Lu Yang's words.

This time Lu Yang will meet in the world, as if she is going to accompany it!

For a moment, she felt as if God had taken care of herself again.

She wants to win! She would get Lu Yang's support before this woman!

She wanted Lu Yang to be his tool and let his arrogant face surrender to her feet.

At the thought of this, Lu Shuang's whole body was boiled with enthusiasm, as if at this moment, Lu Yang had already submissively surrendered to her!

Isn't it just a fight on the bed, I, Lu Shuang, is not his opponent?

Thinking of this, Lu Shuang suddenly raised his head, and his eyes regained their brilliance.

Mrs. Lu didn't expect the scolding to wake her up, and she couldn't help being a little dazed.

There was a fighting spirit in Lu's eyes that she had never seen before, and he looked at him coldly, and then, with a proud chest, stepped past her!

Before the end of his birthday, Lu Yi rushed to see King Yan.

If strictly calculated, he really did not live to that age.

Those who came to celebrate their birthday also turned to attend the funeral.

But they didn't stay long and left in a hurry.

Just kidding, if you don't cry to death, when will you come to take your life? If you don't walk, stay here and have tea with Lu Yi?

As soon as they left, Prince Xia's Mansion was completely deserted.

It was also deserted every day, and Chen Sheng brought people with him.

Lu Yang acted decisively and immediately asked him to garrison the city to infiltrate it thoroughly.

Then, in the name of King Xia's Mansion, Chen was promoted to the lord of the city.

His purpose is to control the city first.

Then give a promise to King Xia Mansion, whoever becomes the Patriarch of King Xia Mansion will belong to this city.

But for the family affairs of King Xia's Mansion, he is not in the middle of it.

None of the people in Prince Xia's Mansion are fools, so naturally they understand what he meant.

Who can become the Patriarch of the Palace of Xia, of course the one with the hardest fist and the most obedient?

For a time, the major divisions of King Xia's Mansion immediately started a battle for the Patriarch.

At this moment, Lu Yang took the opportunity to clean up the city, and then left with Lu Shuang after he was sure he was controlled by him.

In name, he was taking Lu Shuangdao's heroic dominance to avenge grievances, but everyone knew that he wanted to take Lu Shuang away from this struggle and not let this smart little girl participate in the struggle.

Everyone in the Prince of Xia's Mansion thought that Lu Yang was trying to solve an opponent who was far superior in intelligence to them. In fact, Lu Yang had his own plan.

It was not that he did not want Lu Shuang to become the Patriarch of the Palace of Xia, but decided to make her the Patriarch of the Palace of Xia from the beginning.

Lu Shuang is smart enough, if he can use it for himself, of course he is a very powerful character.

But the little girl was loyal to the Palace of Xia, and had no affection for him, Lu Yang.

If he really leaves him, with her brain, if he becomes the Patriarch of King Xia's Mansion, it will not be easy to control.

He took away Lu Shuang and let the others fight. Until the strongest person gained a firm foothold and completely controlled the Palace of Xia.

He was suddenly sending the little girl back, and put pressure on the Prince of Xia Mansion to make the little girl the owner of the family.

When the time comes, the little girl has no foundation in the Prince of Xia's Mansion, and it will definitely attract the victor's crazy attack.

She has no foundation and can only rely on her own foothold.

In this way, I am not afraid that Xiao Nizi will be unfaithful to herself.

Even if he didn't want to be the master of the house, it was very simple. As long as Lu Yang appoints a piece of waste wood, he can do that and become the head of the family. Lu Shuang can't stand it and can only hold on.

It's just that he didn't expect that the little girl who was beaten by him suddenly rekindled her fighting spirit.

And his battle goal is this triumphant Hall Master Lu Yang!

Lu Yang got into the carriage, and Lu Shuang rode behind him.

Chen Sheng kept sending him outside the city gate before leaving reluctantly.

He has always come, he is a small world knows the foundation.

Relying on Lu Yang, he became the envy of everyone in Qingmutang as the main guard.

That period was also the happiest time in his life.

In those days, he was carefree, what he wanted to do. Lu Yang had never taken care of them at all, and hadn't let them guard anything.

Every day, he sleeps until he wakes up naturally, and then eats, drinks, and is sleepy. This is simply a day like a god, it happened in the world meeting! ..


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