Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 231: Men and women

The guard listened to his words, wiped the tears from his laughter, and said intermittently: "Love my mother, I'm suffocating me!"

As he said, he reluctantly paid a courtesy to Lu Yang: "I said the hall lord... It's not that Lao Liu is disrespectful to you... It's really... Lao Liu can't say it anymore! You should go in and watch it yourself. Oh... my belly!"

Lu Yang guilty of a big roll of eyes, gave them an angry look, and then pushed the door in.

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Yang heard a heartbroken cry.

Lu Yang shook his heart and saw a heartbroken figure sitting on his bed.

She hugged her thigh with a sad look, her beautiful face was full of sadness and despair, and she looked like she was being bullied. Lu Yang was also a little heartbroken.

Lu Yang couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he thought, who dared to bully Lu Shuang in my room!

But seeing Lu Shuang's clothes makes him a little strange again.

Lu Shuang's clothes are neat and tidy, not like being bullied.

Moreover, his bed was cleaned up, not as if he had done strenuous exercise.

Especially when she thought of the guards, it didn't look like someone had just been presumptuous here.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but walk up to Lu Fangfang and asked curiously: "What's the matter with you?"

Lu Shuang heard his voice and stayed for a while, then slowly turned his head and gave him a very sad look.

Lu Yang shook his heart, and said, what's the situation!

But I saw Lu Shuang wiped his red eyes and said in a very sad voice: "I thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect to bully girls like this. Anyway, I'm going to be your woman anyway, although You are a bit rude, but you are now someone else’s man after all!"

As she said, she lowered her head and said a little lonely: "Although she has a bad temper, she has also learned female celebrity and embroidery since she was a child... She can be regarded as a competent wife!"

Lu Yang heard goose bumps all over his body, he hadn't thought about the day when Lu Shuang, who was fiery temperament, had a sad day!

What's this? What's wrong, I am his man! Also female red, embroidery!

Lu Yang stared at her blankly and said, "What's wrong? What happened to you? Just say that I am your man! Girl Lu, don't talk casually, OK!"

Lu Shuang's face paled when she heard it, and there was a sense of despair in her eyes. She looked at Lu Yang tremblingly and said, ", the master of the hall, do you plan not to admit it?"

As he said, a cloud of anger burst into his eyes, staring at Lu Yang, and shouting: "If you don't admit it, I just can't kill you, and I won't let you be a ghost!"

He was already on the ground, and there was another burst of laughter outside.

However, Lu Shuang didn't seem to hear, just staring at Lu Yang.

The cold sweat on Lu Yang's head came off. He took a long breath and said solemnly: "Miss Lu, if you kill me, you have a reason. Lu Yang hasn't done anything to you! I have a clear conscience, you I'm not afraid of being a ghost!" said, Dayi Ling Ran turned her head, looking aggrieved.

Lu Shuang did not expect that he would force himself to be wronged, and couldn't help but angrily said: "I let me sleep in your bed, and said that I am not yours! Men and women..."

As she said, her face flushed slightly and said: "Women, I have slept in the same bed, and...isn't it that?"

After listening to her, Lu Yang still didn't understand what he meant.

He turned his head blankly and looked at Lu Shuang blankly.

He finally understood why the guard was laughing and why Lu Shuang was so sad.

Feelings this girl...

Thinking of this, Lu Yang broke down in a cold sweat.

He looked at Lu Shuang for a while, and said in a difficult tone: "Miss Lu...this... the matter between men and women is a little more complicated than you think!"

Lu Shuang listened for a moment, staring wide-eyed and said: "Don't be sophistry! If you don't admit it, you don't admit it!"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, and opened his hands: "Where did I get the account to recognize? Whoever puts this matter on, I dare not say I am sorry for you!"

Lu Shuang was stunned for a while, but she didn't know much about men and women. She was dead since she was a child, and her father was busy fighting for power with his uncle, and didn't even care about her. How does he understand these things.

Although Lu Yang is a bit hateful, it is impossible to be the one who denies the account. Could it be that I really thought wrong?

Thinking of this, her face was a little hard to look.

Lu Yang sighed slightly and looked at her and said, "Okay, you think too much. Actually... There are more things between men and women. Not only are they married in the same bed, they must be together. Sleep without clothes..."

Lu Shuang figured it out and knew that he might have misunderstood Lu Yang. He heard what he said and couldn't help but stare at him curiously.

Lu Yang said halfway, seeing her ignorant eyes, suddenly couldn't speak.

How could there be a feeling of harming a little girl!

Lu Yang felt uncomfortable for a while, he paused and said, "That's why! This incident is actually..."

Lu Shuang stopped seeing him halfway through his words, and couldn't help but said, "Go on, people don't know much, what if you encounter a bad person in the future? Just say, two people take off their clothes and sleep together? Is it troublesome? Why take off your clothes?"

Her series of problems was enough to cause crimes, but her big ignorant eyes were innocent and innocent, Lu Yang couldn't help feeling guilty again when she saw it.

He swallowed and said, "Well, you don't need to know. You will know when you need to know. Cough cough! You just woke up. I want to ask you how you did things these days. !"

When Lu Shuang saw that he suddenly talked about publicity, he felt as though he was still unfinished.

She curled her lips and said: "What else? With your old command, many people who are in the way have been eliminated. Now Feiyuntang and Shenfengtang are very upright! The only hidden dangers are those two. Hallmaster! These two people are now motivated and immediately seek a lawsuit against the male tyrant! Now we have controlled them, but they will sue if they are not controlled by the male tyrant!"..


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