Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 252: Brain supplement

Lu Yang looked at their husband and wife, this is the real version of Beauty and the Beast.

The husband is not only ugly, but also burly. In comparison, women are not only long and beautiful, but also have a calm temperament, which makes people feel refreshed.

Although he knew it was the enemy, seeing this beautiful woman cry so miserably, Lu Yang was moved with compassion.

He coughed softly: "Madam, let's leave here quickly, in case the other party comes back again!"

With a miserable expression on her face, Fu Sui said viciously: "If he comes back, I am here waiting for him, even if I can't kill him, I can leave a wound on him!"

Lu Yang laughed after hearing it, and said to his heart, you have left a wound just now, can we clean it now?

On his face, he sighed heavily and said: "The husband-singing hero died before he became a master. It seems that some people have calculated that we are not safe to stay here. If the lady wants revenge, don't die!"

This sentence seemed to remind the woman follower. She watched her husband sing for a while, then turned her head and sang to her husband with a miserable expression: "Hall Master Qing presides over justice for my couple!"

As he said, he suddenly turned around and bowed to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang hurriedly tried to help her up, but when he lowered his head slightly, he saw a piece of snow-white chest from the open neckline. It was like a milkshake, making him feel hot when he saw it.

He hurriedly closed his mind, afraid that the woman would find it, so he bent down and held her shoulders.

Immediately, a scent of fragrance penetrated into the nostrils. This fragrance was not the body fragrance of a young girl, but the sandalwood unique to mature women.

Lu Yang swallowed secretly, and said in his heart, this woman is indeed the best among the four. If she is not, no one will be.

He held Fu Sui’s shoulders to enrich her, and said with a generous expression: "Madam, don’t worry, the hatred of the husband-singing heroes is the hatred of the World Association, and it is also my hatred of Lu Yang, but at this time we still don’t know the opponent. The bottom line, this matter must be discussed in the long term. If the madam can trust me, let me go back first. The husband and the hero are buried, and we will discuss it separately!"

The woman nodded and said: "Everything is ordered by the hall master!"

Lu Yang laughed in his heart after hearing this, but he didn't expect to clean up this lady so quickly.

He was not stupid, but also moved with compassion, and Fusui believed that he had personally verified it.

While speaking, Lu Yang held the body of her husband singing, and returned to his team with the wife along the way.

Along the way, Lu Yang asked about the story of the two of them being attacked. Although he did this by himself, he still wanted to know what this lady knew.

Fu Sui didn't know much, only that the man in black was very powerful in martial arts. If it were really compared, Xiongba might not be his opponent.

Lu Yang heard what he said, and his heart moved. He originally only wanted to solve the couple, but Ting Fu Sui actually compared it with the male tyrant, and couldn't help but want to push the matter on the male tyrant.

Hearing what the woman said, he pondered for a moment, and seemed to say unintentionally: "There are such people. I thought that the martial arts of the helper would be the only way to martial arts. I didn't expect there to be someone who is taller than him. It's just that. The expert, why can't you get along with the virtuous couple?"

The woman listened for a moment, and randomly showed deep thoughts.

Yes, with the martial arts of the men in black, if you want to prevent them from looking for Bu Jingyun, you can kill them directly. Why did you move the tiger away from the mountain first, and support Lu Yang?

According to the way he acted, the man in black was obviously dealing with the couple.

But, even so, why do you want to support Lu Yang? Even if Lu Yang was there, he could kill her husband. There is a possibility that the man in black is Lu Yang himself, but in this way, he does not have to pretend to be a man in black. Wouldn't it be better to kill them directly? Besides, after this incident, the first person he suspected was Lu Yang, so he personally verified that Lu Yang was not suspicious!

Also, why did the man in black only kill his husband and not himself?

Thinking of this, Fu Sui's face gradually became darkened.

It's not that she is not smart, but her husband died just now, and he was too sad and didn't think carefully.

At this time, Lu Yang's words seemed to remind him that, thinking about it carefully, there were too many loopholes in this matter.

According to current calculations, the purpose of the man in black was to sing the husband from the beginning, so he did not kill himself after killing the husband.

And their husband and wife can gain a foothold in the arena, mainly relying on the cooperation of the husband and wife, the most important of which is the husband singing. He is like a cannon, and he only provides him with internal strength!

In this way, things will become clear. The purpose of the man in black is to let the husband, singing, and wife go extinct!

He acted quickly and ruthlessly, and found the key to the two men being able to run wild, that is, the husband singing.

In other words, this person knows them very well.

A powerful martial artist who knows them very well and treats them as a threat...

Thinking of this, Fu Sui's face changed!

In the world, who has such a powerful martial arts?

Who knows them so well in the world?

In the world, who can't wait to get rid of the martial arts masters and dominate the martial arts?

There is only one person, and that is the superior superior!

Thinking of this, Fu Sui's face was not calm.

She couldn't believe that the man was the male tyrant, because the Tianchi twelve evil spirits obeyed the male tyrant's words, and they followed the tyrant to fight the world when the tyrant hadn't developed.

Later, after Xiongba had Fengyun, they retreated behind the scenes, until Xiongba attacked Fengyun...

Thinking of this, Fu Sui's face gradually became frightened.

She didn't know why Xiongba wanted to attack Fengyun. I haven't thought about it carefully.

Now it seems that Xiongba's attack on Fengyun is a bit heavy.

The importance of Fengyun to the World Society is obvious, but why does the hero break his arm?

The only possibility is...

He now has the world and wants to wipe out those who might threaten him!

But after the storm, the most threatening dominion is the people who followed her to fight the country! ..


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