Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 4 Chapter 9: Before leaving

"Lu Shaoxia's surprise is really too big." Several people in Wudang said with emotion, and some people even thought that Yu Daiyan's injury was more appropriate.

"Yu Sanxia has suffered for so many years, it can be regarded as a kind of compensation." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Let me give Yu Sanxia a suggestion. I don't know if it should be said or not?" Lu Yang asked.

"Gongong, please say it." I think you should not publicize things about your better health and improvement of your skills. "Lu Yang said.

"Why is this?" Mo Shenggu asked without understanding.

"Your third brother's injury is healed, but the disputes in the arena where you want to live are too severe. In case someone wants to be against Wudang in the future, your third brother can be regarded as Wudang's killer." Lu Yang explained.

Hearing what Lu Yang said, they all understood. Originally, they all wanted to celebrate, but now it seems to be low-key, and just a few of them know it.

"Lu Shaoxia is thoughtful, I can't wait!" They all said with emotion.

"Song Daxia, I came to Wudang for two days, why didn't I see Zhang Zhenren?" Lu Yang asked.

"Oh, my fifth brother left an orphan, and he was caught in the palm of the **** Xuan Ming, and the cold poison could not be eliminated. They all relied on the master to resist with internal strength, otherwise my poor nephew would be gone." Song Yuanqiao sighed. Said: "Now the number of cold toxins is increasing, but it can't be suppressed by internal force, so my master took my nephew to Shaolin, and wanted to find a Shaolin monk to give my nephew Zhang Wuji's cold with nine sun magic powers. The poison is relieved."

"It's really unfortunate. If we came two days earlier, we would be able to detoxify." Lu Yang said.

"Oh? Could it be that Shaoxia Lu can also be a master of Nine Suns?" they asked in surprise.

"Brother, I don't know if Lu Shaoxia will be or not, but the one who came with Lu Shaoxia, but is capable of Nine Suns, and is a super master." Yu Daiyan said.

"How did you know?" Song Yuanqiao asked.

Then Yu Daiyan said to his senior brother what Lu Yang had said to him, and everyone suddenly realized that they admired Lu Yang even more.

"Since I know that Zhang Zhenren has gone to Shaolin, we will leave and also go to Shaolin to see if we can meet Zhang Zhenren and others. If we meet by chance, Zhang Wuji will naturally be treated." Yang said.

"Don't Lu Shaoxia stay for a few more days?" Song Yuanqiao and others asked, especially Yu Daiyan, who even hoped that Lu Yang would stay for a few days, and he would get close to Jia according to Lu Yang.

"I won't stay too much, I will get together naturally in the future," Lu Yang said.

In fact, Song Yuanqiao and the others hoped that Lu Yang would stay a few more days, mainly because they wanted to wait for Zhang Wuji to come back, but they had already treated Yu Daiyan, and they didn't dare to make excessive demands and had to give up.

"Well, I and Yu Sanxia are more predestined, I will give you another good luck before leaving." Lu Yang said.

"Zhang Wuxia sacrificed himself and became a benevolent, and now you have only six people left in the first generation of Wudang. The original protection of the mountain formation should be relatively low power, I will give you a set of joint attack formations." Lu Yang said.

After the Wudang Six Heroes heard this, they were naturally very happy, so Lu Yang began to tell them a set of six-lighted sky formations. After Lu Yang said this combination of strikes, they all felt powerful, and they were right again. Lu Yang expressed his thanks.

"Yu Sanxia, ​​I suggest that you become Wudang's hidden son, then I will give you a few more unique skills. If Wudang is in trouble, I hope you can save Wudang." Lu Yang said.

"I will follow En Kungfu Church." Yu Daiyan, the seven-foot man, said with red eyes. Apart from his master Zhang Sanfeng, no one has treated him so well.

Hearing Lu Yang said this, Song Yuanqiao and several people were wise to avoid it.

"I'll only teach you once, it's up to you to understand how much you can." Lu Yang said.

"The first one is equivalent to a hidden weapon, but it is not a hidden weapon. It is equivalent to controlling one's internal force. The name of Kung Fu is Snap Finger Magic. You were injured by a hidden weapon. I will teach you this skill today." Lu Yang finished. Later, I began to explain the method of using the magical power of the finger and the route of the exercise. Yu Daiyan was originally a smart person, and this magical power of the finger seemed to be difficult, but after being explained by Lu Yang, it was relatively simple.

After Yu Daiyan listened, Lu Yang asked him to try the method that Lu Yang taught. Yu Daiyan did the same. Although it was relatively unfamiliar at first, after more than ten times, Yu Daiyan slowly found the way and became proficient. The proficient Yu Daiyan knows that the magical power of the finger is easy to operate, but the power is indeed not small. If someone is hit, it can penetrate the hands and feet, if it hits the head, unless the person is a master, it will be difficult to survive.

"You understand a little bit now. You have to practice harder in the future. I observe that you are following a tough Kung Fu line. Now I will hand you a set of palm techniques. This set of palm techniques is infinitely powerful, no less than nine. Yang Shen Gong, I hope you will study hard." Lu Yang said.

"I must study hard and repay my benefactor in the future." Yu Daiyan said, why is Lu Yang so good to Wudang, especially to Yu Daiyan. In fact, it is mainly because Yu Daiyan suffered too badly in the original work. Lu Yang was more sympathetic to Yu Daiyan before. Another reason is that the people in Wudang are more upright, and their skill is considered acceptable. The only thing that doesn't make Lu Yang very cool is the later Song Qingshu, but if he wants to be a little kid in Song Qingshu, Lu Yang will not care about a child. Moreover, people like Wudang might be able to help themselves in the future, even if they were against him, Lu Yang was not afraid, so he dared to give them some effort.

"This palm is called Jianglong Eighteen Palms. As the name suggests, there are 18 palms, but each palm has countless changes. It is the palm of the world from the first to the sun. You must watch it carefully." Seriously.

After seeing Yu Daiyan nodding, Lu Yang began to explain, saying the name and change of each palm technique three times from beginning to end. When Yu Daiyan's record was about the same, Lu Yang took Yu Daiyan to play the palm technique twice. , This is the end.

After that, Lu Yang took the fireworker Tuo and left Wudang Mountain in the reluctant eyes of several people in Wudang. ..


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