Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 12: That sword style

Shan Rou turned her head in surprise, and saw the big man holding a huge arm in one hand.

That arm didn't know what was wrong, it was hanging softly as if it was interrupted by life.

But the big man's face was pale and cold sweat continued to flow down his forehead, obviously suffering to the extreme.

And the old man was still sitting on the ground, looking at him in horror and said: "Spare! The strong man, spare!"

Shan Rou suddenly became puzzled.

Not only her, but the other samurai all around were stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

Shan Rou didn't see it just now, but they really saw clearly.

As soon as the big man approached, he greeted the old man with a fist.

The old man retreated hurriedly, trying to avoid the blow.

Everyone could see clearly, and the old man's body did not touch the big man at all.

Then I saw the big man shook his whole body and fell backward.

Then his face turned pale, and he cried out in pain with his arms.

All this happened very quickly and very strangely, which is inevitably surprising.

The big guy didn't know why, but suddenly his arm hurts terribly.

Weeping in pain for a while, he didn't retreat and turned into a rage.

Even a first-rate swordsman like him would have to work hard to defeat him, but the old man didn't know how to do it, and his arm was useless.

All this was so evil, he didn't believe that the old man made a big injury to himself, he thought that he had exerted too much force and pulled his muscles.

One arm is useless, he still has two legs.

Slowly adapting to the pain in his arm, the big man stood up with a grim face, and kicked the old man.

He used this kick with skill and did not rashly hit it.

But with the help of the weight of the body, he pressed the old man.

Seeing his huge body flying towards the old man, everyone recovered from their surprise and sneered somewhat in response.

I just didn't know what was going on, but some old men must die.

The big man's huge body is said to be an old man. Even if a young person is kicked, he will be disabled.

Seeing that the big man was carrying a gust of wind, the whole person was already in front of the old man.

There was a sneer in everyone's hearts.

Suddenly, something strange happened.

I saw the yelling in mid-air suddenly stiffen, his two legs quickly retracted, the whole person was wrapped in a circle in mid-air, and he slammed heavily on the ground.

The old man saw that he was yelling and the whole person flew over, and he was taken aback, and turned over in a hurry.

The samurai who looked around were stunned, looking at the big man and the old man on the ground in horror.

For a time, a strange atmosphere filled the entire Qiuxian Hall.

In this atmosphere, there are only two people on their faces without panic.

One is Lu Yang, and the other is Shan Rou. She didn't see it clearly just now, but now she sees it exactly.

She has seen through how the old man fought back.

Although the technique is not unusual, she still admires her.

It turned out that when he yelled and kicked over, one of the old man's hands had been pressed on the ground while others were not paying attention.

A falling wine glass next to him was flicked by the old man, and quickly hit a thickly wrapped stick lying on the ground.

The stick quickly moved up to a part of the knee, which happened to be o'clock.

All this happened so quickly that ordinary people wouldn't be able to discover it if they didn't pay attention to it.

Shan Rou sits on the side of the old man, so he can see it under careful observation.

No matter the angle or attention of other people are on that stick, it is impossible to see it at all!

Although she knew the technique, she was still surprised.

Unless you have a deep understanding of the acupuncture points of the human body, and the strength of your hands is amazing, it is impossible to slash this effect.

Not only that, but also the judgment of the angle, the use of hand strength, etc., must be more precise.

Because the acupuncture points of the human body are very small, factors such as force, angle and so on when the point is centered, with little deviation, will cause different results.

But the old man can do this in a flash, if it is not surprising, it is impossible.

Thinking of this, Shan Rou sighed slightly, and didn't dare to despise the old man anymore.

However, she suddenly remembered another thing.

Just like him, Lu Yang did not watch the old man's movements.

Even before the competition, he had already concluded that the old man would definitely win.

This in the end is why?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at the man in surprise. The man's face was still calm, and his attention was obviously not on the competition. Instead, staring at the scenery outside leisurely.

She wondered: "Sure enough, as you said. But how did you make this judgment?"

Lu Yang stared at the scenery outside boredly. Did not watch the battle between two people at all.

After listening to her, he turned his head and glanced at the old man and said: "When I walked past him, I found that his breath was long and even. I knew that his martial arts must be extraordinary. Moreover, his movements seemed random but dark. There are rules. There is a rhythm when you drink and drink."


Shan Rou listened to him and turned her head to look at the old man in surprise.

But seeing that the old man's actions were nothing but horror, and there was no way of framing Lu Yang said, he couldn't help but feel more puzzled.

However, the more she herself did not understand, the more she felt Lu Yang made sense. I couldn't help but admire Lu Yangyou a bit.

Thinking of this, she looked at Lu Yang obsessively: "You can see this, presumably the skill is extraordinary. If it is you, how can you do with the old man?"

Without raising his eyelids, Lu Yang glanced at him boredly and said casually: "One move!"

Shan Rou listened for a moment, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

But if a man can see what she can't, it means he is better than himself.

That woman didn't want her man to be better than her in every way.

Therefore, despite being discouraged by the man’s answer, Shan Rou said softly: "Don't be discouraged. I believe that in time, you will be better than the old gentleman."..


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