Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 70: backing

This person was Lu Yang, and he had expected this guy would not give up. He is the kind of vicious and vicious person, as long as there is a little possibility, he will attack himself. Originally, he wanted to do some Lianjin all the way. When he knew where Lianjin was hiding his money, he gave up this idea.

He had a plan for the entire implementation, and also used Daolianjin to consider two reasons. Instead of killing Lianjin, he reopened the place where he hid money...

With shining gold, he finally saw a chest full of gold and silver treasures. Although these money is nothing to him, he also understands that these are the lifeblood of Lian Jin, and Lian Jin needs to rely on these money. So Lu Yang accepted all the orders unceremoniously.

Lian Jin returned to Xicheng and finally gave the old man the former. Although he now has a lot of money in his hands. But if he spends a large sum of money just for He Chobi, he still feels a little distressed.

But no matter what, today he must give the money to the old man, because if he doesn't bring back He Shibi today, his status in Zhao Mu's heart will decline.

Back in Xicheng, Lian Jin immediately found the big man, and the big man led him to see the old man. When the old man saw the gold and silver, he immediately got a bit of energy, and handed over the finished He Choi to Lian Jin. Even Jin has never seen He Choi. But seeing that Kuaimei Jade is not a common product regardless of its luster or other aspects, even Jindeng was greatly amazed. After playing with it for a long time, he sighed: "Mr. is really a **** and man! He has made the treasure so perfect!"

The old man laughed and said, "You get what you pay for, son, if you spend the money, the old man will naturally give you a perfect Hesbi!"

Lian Jin smiled slightly and took He Shibi back to the inn. After returning home, I still looked at it with love for a while, and then laughed loudly: "Lv Yang, even if you are brave, I still got Heshibi. Then Zhao Mu told you two bad things. Zhao Wang sees you not pleasing to your eyes. , I see how your Xicheng is going to be mixed up!"

After laughing, he hurriedly packed his shape and returned to Zhao Mu's mansion.

After a while, Lian Jin went to see Zhao Mu. When Zhao Mu saw him, his face was also itchy. Before he handed over He's Bi, Zhao Mu laughed and said, "Lian Jin, you did a good job this time."

Lian Jin was stunned after hearing this, and said to his heart, how did he know that I took He Choi back.

After thinking about it, it is estimated that I am too agile in doing things. Zhao Mu must feel that he will not go wrong this time, so he has confidence in himself. Praising yourself in advance is also a way to comfort yourself.

Thinking of this, Lian Jin immediately took out He's Bi to Zhao Mu, and said respectfully: "The lord's prestige is so famous. Who knows that Lv Yang is presumptuous and refuses to hand over He's Bi. As a result, he has to be forced by the next bitterness. I have stolen He Chobi. Please check it out!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw no movement from Zhao Mu. He raised his head, but saw Zhao Mu staring at He Shibi dumbfounded.

Lian Jin was taken aback for a moment, and he saw Zhao Mu turn around and took out something from a box, which turned out to be He Shibi.

Even Jin was stunned for a while, Zhao Mu was also surprised.

He looked at Lian Jin for a while, then his face gradually turned cold, and he coldly snorted, "What's going on!"

Lian Jin's whole body forgave him, his legs softened and he knelt down. He panicked and said, "Subordinates really don't know!

Zhao Mu took He Cho Bi from him, and compare the two.

Suddenly, he slammed Lian Jin away and Choi slightly to the ground!

With a jingle, He Choi's response broke into pieces.


Lian Jin was shocked. When he was in Xicheng, he had heard of this kind of color management, something that he could see through. This kind of thing is only produced in Xicheng. He didn't know that other nights could be added to it.

No wonder this He Chobi looks so crystal clear and beautiful, but it is made of glass.

Zhao Mu's face was green, he didn't want to see Lian Jin anymore. But I have to watch.

Lian Jin paled for a while and could not speak.

He bowed his head deeply, thinking about the electricity in his mind to find an explanation.

But Zhao Mu said in a deep voice: "Lv Yang sent someone to send me He Cho Bi, and told me that the reason why he didn't give it to you was because you were really disrespectful to him. For this reason, he wanted me to make up for it. You tell me , Are you disrespectful to him?"

"I...I..." Lian Jin was speechless.

Zhao Mu coldly snorted: "Even if you are disrespectful to him, you are a member of my house. It's no surprise to look down upon him. I'll ask you, what's the matter with Choi Bi?"


Lian Jin has nothing to say. He wants to say that he stole He Choi?

But Lu Yang has given He's Bi to Zhao Mu. If you want to say that your piece is real, you can also say that it is true in private, or give it to Zhao Mu. However, this piece of myself is fake.

If Lu Yang gave He Shibi to Zhao Mu, why bother making a fake and hiding it at home. Could it be turned to steal it for him?

Thinking of this, Lian Jin's face was pale for a while, and he couldn't speak.

Isn't Zhao Min furious, but he also knows that Lian Jin is very vicious, and it is not good to speak hard to him.

He had to sigh: "Well, you go down!"

Lian Jin retired in a hurry. This time, he has no money, no face, no woman, and now even Zhao Mu’s trust is gone...

Think about it carefully, where did it come from? Just look down on Lu Yang...

The development of Xicheng has already taken shape. Although Lu Yang was the master of Xicheng, he did not regard Xicheng as his own city. On the contrary, he used it as a gathering place for merchants and swordsmen from all over the world. Instead, he himself did not live in his west city.

At the same time, many of his factories and workshops have been built in eight hundred miles of Hanhai. But the place is secret.

After hurried preparations, Lu Yang finally established his first power in the Warring States Period. The wealth of the world converged continuously to Xicheng.

However, at this moment, he also began to realize that the Seven Kingdoms began to pay attention to the power of his character. He needs a backer........


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