Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 211: march

For the princess' wedding leave, the team of escorts can't be less. King Zhao had a forbidden army of 1,000, and a city defense army of 2,000. Five hundred people were guarded on the Plains Monarch Mansion. Five hundred guards of honor...

In the final analysis, the total number of people reached more than 5,000, marching toward the Wei state in a mighty manner. Lu Yang dressed up as a guard in disguise, painted some paint on his face, and a moustache on his nose. A white-faced scholar quickly turned into a sturdy man. He had a somewhat strong figure, and he really looked like a martial artist with his Hufu.

The state of Zhao is adjacent to the Huns. After Hu Fu’s riding and shooting, a large number of Hu people flooded into the state of Zhao, so most of the people of Zhao were of Hu descent. Lu Yang is not very conspicuous either. Moreover, there were few who had seen him in Handan, and even fewer in Wei. So I don’t worry about being recognized by others. There are even fewer people who know Lu Yang's mission. Even if someone discovers him, he can't say that he has other plans!

In the crowd, Lu Yang watched Princess Zhao Qian, who was dressed in red, slowly got into a kind car. The gorgeous carriage started, and Lu Yang's team also moved forward. In the farewell of the people, Princess Zhao Qian went to Wei to get married...

The princess guard of honor has just started, and different caravans have set off for different gates in Handan. There are more rangers and merchants coming in and out than usual. Lu Yang's current status is not an ordinary person, his every move is related to the survival of Xicheng. So when others arrived there, those who secretly protected and contacted Lu Yang got there.

Where he reaches, everything must be under the control of Dark Water, and anything threatening him must be eliminated!

When the dark water was busy, Lu Yang's life was not easy. When he first came to this world, he listened to suffering, but it was easy to go from frugality to extravagance. After a good life, it would be a bit hard for him to suffer hardships again. After only two days of marching, he was miserable.

But being able to follow these soldiers, he also learned a lot.

"It's too late, then it's fast! I saw one man and one horse, flying to the Yan army, only to enter the middle army of the Yan army! The Yan army was shocked, and the whole formation was in chaos in an instant!" In front of the fire, A big man with a big beard spit in his mouth and said.

A group of people gathered around the fire, listening intently to what he said, it was obvious that the whole person had entered the scene he described. But the big man said: "I, Zhao Jun, took the opportunity to conceal the killing. The Yan Army who killed directly was defeated. The 600,000 army instantly became like a lamb, just fleeing. General Lian Po ordered the pursuit of the Yan army!"

The big man said, took a deep breath and said: "At that time, Zhao Jun didn't know who that person was, and Yan Jun didn't even know. I just thought that this person was wearing a white armor and was very mighty. Then I heard someone say, that The man turned out to be Xicheng Hou Luyang!"

He was talking about the Yanzhao Hancheng battle, and Lu Yang knew that he was talking about it. After he had heard of which station before, Yan Zhao spread his legend everywhere. Especially Yan Guo only described him as three-headed, six-armed and blue-faced fangs, which was more terrifying than white. But he didn't know that Zhao Jun also had such a terrible reputation.

He has been following the honor guard for three days. During the three days, marching during the day and resting at night, it has been several days since I stopped and went. In the evening, he often cooks at a campfire like this, and he also rests with ordinary soldiers.

A group of soldiers listened to the big man's words, and their faces were full of fascination. It seems that it is a very regrettable thing not to participate in which station. But another big man said: "Although the battle of Huancheng is full of heroes of Lu Hou, if you want to talk about wisdom, you must also talk about the battle of Xucheng!"

When everyone heard his voice, their attention shifted to him, but they listened to the humanity: "At that time, our army obeyed the will of King Zhao and was taken by Lu Hou to the front to deliver grain and grass..."

Speaking of generality, suddenly a person was surprised: "Have you seen Lu Hou?"

The man curled his lips and said of course: "Naturally at that time, I also spoke to Lu Hou!"

When the crowd listened to him, they suddenly showed envy. People kept asking: "What exactly does Lu Hou look like!"

The man smiled triumphantly, and immediately said with a mysterious face: "This person who has seen it naturally knows. I remember that day I caught a cold at night and suffered a wind chill, and couldn't keep up with the march during the day. The boss met someone of me. I was lazy and wanted to punish me. But I was bumped into by Lu Hou. Lu Yang organized the captain and let me ride his horse!"

As he said, his eyes flashed red and said, "I have been in the army for almost ten years, and I have seen countless generals, but Lu Hou is the first to cherish soldiers like this. I was thinking about it at that time! It was Lu Hou who asked me to go. Death, I don't even frown!"

After hearing what he said, the eyes were a little envious, and some were moved. It seemed that the soldier cherished by Lu Yang was himself. They are all soldiers at the lowest level, and their lives are hard. As long as a little favor is given to them, they will be grateful. When Lu Yang heard his words, such a person also sounded. On that day, he didn't kindly let the horses be given to others, but he was really tired from riding on it and wanted to find a chance to be a carriage. Seeing that he was ill, he immediately gave him the horse and got into the carriage by himself.

But for this soldier, this is the happiest thing in his life.

When everyone sighed, they listened to the human being: "We just walked to Huancheng for a few days. Originally, this road was under the land of our Zhao Kingdom. Who knew that when Xu Cheng came, suddenly a group of people killed him. We were frightened at the time. Even General Zhao Mu was shocked. But when we saw the people and horses across the mountains and plains on the opposite side, they rushed over like a big wave. There were only more than 20,000 people here, not even half of them. I was about to pee on my pants at that time!"

"When everyone is scared and stupid. But when I heard Lu Hou shout, I didn't expect General Lianpo to lure the enemy with food and grass. The enemy really got the trick! I only got a little courage when I heard this. But at this time. , I saw Lu Hou one man and one horse, and he killed the enemy!"

Having said this, he suddenly laughed, and slapped his thigh, saying: "Lv waited and dashed, and our brothers would have believed him. If it weren’t for Yan Jun really hit someone’s foreign minister, why would he go to Yan Jun? Li Chong, so the brothers also rushed over. Who knew that later, Lu Hou turned out to lie to us!"..


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