Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 114: West City

The sentence is very overbearing, but when seeing the appearance of the man in black, no one doubts the weight of this sentence!

Shaoyuan-jun trembled even more. He wanted to say a few words of resistance, but his legs were already frightened, and he was speechless. But I heard the man in black sneer and said: "The words have been delivered. How Shaoyuan-jun decides, I don't care!"

Said and waved! With his movements, the torch in the black man's hand instantly went out. Not only was the torch of the man in black, but even the nearby light was scorned by the man in black, and the whole world fell into darkness once again.

When the torch lights up again, the one who surrounded them just now, turned out to be magical, and disappeared. Only Shaoyuan-jun and his guards were left, all stunned...

The next day, this incident was sung throughout the Zhao Jun camp. Now not only Lu Yang, but the name of Xicheng also makes people sound scared. Hundreds of people? He sneaked into the enemy's camp late at night and surrounded the Chinese army's large account. Let alone this kind of thing, it is simply appalling! Is it possible that the people in Xicheng are all gods?

No one knows how much financial and material resources Lu Yang spent to train such a man and horse. These people are all carefully selected by Lu Yang. They are all equipped with special skills. Coupled with Lu Yang's training, they are all public and not weak.

Lurk, assassinate, sneak...

How could it be useless for Lu Yang to mold them into the most terrifying team in the entire Warring States period?

At dawn, the army continued to move forward, but did not want to be as relaxed as yesterday. The entire Zhao Jun team was all in fear, everyone couldn't help but look around, looking for the shadow of the man in black. A little bit of wind and grass can panic the army! It can be seen that the men in black are terrible!

Lu Yang was hidden in the army, seeing the soldiers look panic, couldn't help but smile again. He established such a constant force, and the biggest effect is still this. The soul of an army is morale, and once the morale is gone, the army no longer exists. Although his team of hundreds of people is small in number, his blow to an army is huge!

With such an army, plus his equipment and army, he can formally establish a foothold in the northwest. But he still needs to be careful now, because once a war, he only has one West City, wherever he lives are business and academic schools, etc. Once attacked, they are likely to leave, and West City will no longer exist.

Therefore, before the enemy enters the vast sea, he must disperse the enemy, and it is better than others in the military.

Not half a day after the march, someone came and told Lu Yang in a whisper that Zhao Ya was looking for him. Lv Yang took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention, and reported the peeing effort to the captain, where he went to Zhao Ya. After getting into the car, Zhao Ya immediately threw herself into her arms, and said mournfully, "If it weren't for Lu Lang, Ya'er would have been deprived of that **** last night!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "My responsibility is to protect you from hurting you less than others!"

A touch of emotion flashed in Zhao Ya's eyes, and the haze on her face disappeared randomly. She put on a smiling face and said: "Lu Lang is so capable that he has known that Ya'er is in trouble. Are you ready to mix in the army?"

It's no wonder he thinks so, it's impossible for ordinary people to enter the barracks at night.

Lu Yang's expression changed when he heard him, and he blurted out: "What a joke! This is your Zhao State army, how can I let people get into your army!"

Zhao Ya chuckled and said, "You are scared. Now there are only you and me. Even if I admit it, I won't tell anyone else!"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I didn't send anyone to hide in your army. Moreover, no matter whether this matter is true or not, you can't tell anyone. Your brother will be overwhelmed by his scruples!"

Zhao Ya's face was slightly surprised, and she said dumbly: "We didn't send anyone in our army, then where did these people come from!"

Lu Yang said with a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth: "Naturally, they come from outside, and these people are not to protect you, but to protect me!"

Zhao Ya's face finally couldn't help being stunned, and she said in disbelief, "How is it possible? This is a military camp and not elsewhere. It's impossible for a person to come in without noticing it, let alone so many people, don't lie to me. It’s good!"

Lu Yang laughed and sneered in his heart. In the Warring States Period, due to various restrictions, the military barracks were actually not fully defended. They can't see their weaknesses because of the limitations of the times. Lu Yang did not have this restriction, and the way he trained these people was also combined with the entire two thousand years of military training. After hearing Zhao Ya's words, he coldly snorted: "If you can't sneak into a military camp, you don't need to be the guard of my West City. Do you know how these people are usually trained!"

Zhao Ya immediately became interested when he heard him, and she also wanted to know how Lu Yang trained these people so well.

However, Lu Yang sneered and said: "Others only understand the wealth of Xicheng, but they don't know the situation inside Xicheng. Xicheng, the West, is full of killers, bandits, and exiles. The entire Central Plains, including those in the desert, are all here. At the same time here. There are business travelers from all over the world, that is the business travelers of the Western Regions. The most cunning and wealthy people in the world are also here. There are also prostitutes and women dealers, and the most cruel people in the world are also here. And I can let these people be honest in Xicheng The truth is all right, what do you think it depends on!"

Zhao Ya was unavoidably surprised when he heard what he said. She did not know enough about Xicheng. In fact, even the people in the Central Plains know very little about Xicheng. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a terrible place.

Lu Yang continued: "It is not huge benefits that make these people honestly relying on, because benefits will only make these people crazier. I rely on a powerful special force in my hand! Only these talents can These people are in peace!"

After hearing what he said, Zhao Ya was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Special forces?"

Lu Yang explained: "They are the elite soldiers. These people want to become law enforcement officers in Xicheng, they must be cold-blooded than killers, treacherous than merchants, and ruthless than human traffickers." ..


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