Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 299: Spring in the door

When Lu Yang lay down for a while, he heard the sound of light footsteps. As soon as he got up, a beautiful figure fell into his arms. For a while, Lu Yang hugged the figure subconsciously.

A sobbing sound sounded: "The son finally woke up, Yan Ran thought you couldn't do it anymore!"

Lu Yang laughed, just about to say something. But I saw the beauty in her arms raised her head, a beautiful hurried, Yingying with tears, looking at him: "Yan Ran knows you will wake up. Yan Ran has never expected a person to appear in front of me again. !"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "How could I die so easily! Yanran is worried!"

Ji Yanran sobbed, weak and pitiful: "How can Yanran not worry about seeing you like that! Yanran never wanted to look forward to you again for more than ten days..."

Lu Yang was taken aback, and interrupted him: "Ten days, what do you mean!"

Ji Yanran's scumbag eyes, big tears fell, and sobbed: "The son has been in a coma for more than ten days."

Lu Yang said dumbly: "More than ten days! It's been so long!"

Ji Yanran nodded, lying in her arms faintly said: "I already wanted to reject you. But that day I heard that you were in danger, and they couldn't help but save you! Yanran has been pure and unwilling for many years. You bastard, you have moved your family again!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly, hugged the beauty tightly, and said with a light smile: "Fool, you still call me bad! You are the worst one! Lie to me for so long!"

Ji Yanran's expression improved, and she smiled softly, "People are not as bad as you. Even when you are in a coma, you always make trouble. You didn't say a word when Wei Bing came to search. People thought you were dead. !"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that when he heard the sound of footsteps, he did intentionally hold his breath. He chuckled and was about to speak, but heard a sound of footsteps.

When Ji Yanran heard this voice, she immediately came out of her arms, quickly sorted her clothes and hair, and wiped away tears. As soon as the sound of this footstep arrived, he had recovered the appearance of a talented woman, except for the red eyes, there was no trace of it.

Lu Yang couldn't help but looked at him in surprise.

The footsteps gradually progressed, and Zou Yan appeared in front of the two of them. Seeing the two men, he smiled and said, "Wei Wang's army is here."

Lu Yang was shocked, but when he saw Zou Yan smiling, he didn't even look scared. But I heard Ji Yanran say: "The son, hurry up with me to avoid and stand up!"

After speaking, Yingying got up, walked to the wall, he pushed lightly on the wall, and a secret door appeared. Lu Yang said dumbly: "There is a secret door here?"

Ji Yanran smiled and nodded: "Yanran is in the beam, why is there no defense. Many hectares of the royal family are unruly towards Yanran, and Yanran also needs a place to hide!"

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and said in his heart, this woman thought carefully.

He got up hurriedly and avoided in the cubicle. Ji Yanran waited for him to enter, and went into the compartment with her head slightly lowered. For a while, the direction was puffing, the compartment was originally small, and when two people were crowded, it was very crowded at all.

The bodies of the two were close to each other, and Lu Yang suddenly felt her soft body close to his own. All her nostrils were full of feminine fragrance, and she couldn't help but feel stunned.

Ji Yanran blushed and turned her back to Lu Yang, not daring to look back. Zou Yan hurried forward and closed the door.

The whole world plunged into darkness instantly, and the surroundings instantly became quiet, and the breathing of the two people could be heard clearly.

Lu Yang could feel Ji Yanran's heartbeat sound gradually accelerating, and her breathing became increasingly rapid. The lower abdomen also gradually began to fever. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation coming from under him.

Then Ji Yanran was shocked and froze.

Lu Yang's face blushed, and she gradually felt Ji Yanran's body begin to tremble, and her breathing began to accelerate. He wanted to stay away from her, on the one hand his ugliness was too obvious. But not wanting his queen to shrink, Ji Yanran greeted him...

Lu Yang moved in his heart, tentatively stretched out his hand and hugged her forward. Ji Yanran trembled all over, but did not resist.

Lu Yang became bold, and plunged one hand into his body. Touch her soft skin. Ji Yanran stiffened. There is still no resistance. Lu Yang finally became bold, and suddenly one hand untied the silk ribbon around Ji Yanran's waist...

Lu Yang heard the sound of footsteps. But someone outside said: "Mr. Zou, the king has spirit, if you harbor Lu Yang, it will be a death penalty!"

But Zou Yan laughed and said, "Zou Yan is just a lore and has no intention of participating in major national affairs. Why should he harbor Lu Yang?"

The man mumbled when he heard his words and walked out. The sound of footsteps went away. Lu Yang held Ji Yanran's slender waist, something unfinished. Ji Yanran's legs trembled a little. Still insisting on standing.

But at this moment, I heard Zou Yan said: "The son, come out quickly! They are gone!"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, how to get rid of the critical moment of his righteous path. Ji Yanran gasped. He can only ignore Zou Yan's voice and continue his business.

But at this moment, I heard a human voice: "I said I'm not here, you want to learn from Zou Yan."

Both of them were shocked when they heard it, but fortunately they didn't get rid of it just now, otherwise it would be bad. The two outsiders scolded a few words and left.

After a long time, the compartments opened. Ji Yanran lost her support, and when her legs became soft, she was about to fall.

Lu Yang hugged her quickly, looked at the faint blood on her legs, and apologized: "Yanran, I..."

Ji Yanran turned around, hugged Lu Yang, and said in a weak voice: "Don't blame yourself, this is what Yanran thinks! As early as when the son was in a coma, Yanran seemed to do this!"

With that said, Yingying Qiubo said in her eyes: "Yanran also wants to thank the son for making Yanran your woman!"

Lu Yang was moved for a while and hugged her tightly and said, "Yan Ran is already my woman, and she will be forever!"

Ji Yanran smiled slightly when the sound of footsteps sounded. ..


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