Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 333: Lu Yang

As soon as Lu Yang left Wang Zhao's place, he hurried to Wu's house.

Old Wu is teasing his grandson, and the child's mother is waiting on the sidelines. Hearing him coming, let him come in and meet immediately. Lu Yang approached him with a smile on his face, and said with luggage: "My father is in a good mood these days!"

Old Wu laughed, and quickly gave his grandson to his mother, and stepped forward to salute: "Master Hou!"

Lu Yang smiled and quickly helped him to his seat. Then he sat down next to him and said, "I've been to King Zhao just now, and I told King Zhao about the two plans. King Zhao agreed to our plan!"

Hearing what he said, Mr. Wu groaned: "I know the son-in-law trusts King Zhao. But is King Zhao worthy of trust?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Wang Zhao has already begun to expand his military strength. If he is not credible, such a move will cause great disaster!"

Mr. Wu nodded and said: "Since the grandson-in-law said so, the old man is relieved! This time the Wu family crew went to Qin. The sacrifices made are also relatively large!"

Lu Yang nodded subconsciously, and suddenly thought of something puzzled: "Lao Wu means..."

Wu Lao said: "The grandson-in-law's plan is to fight against Zhao Mu and let him drive you out of Zhao country, right?"

Lu Yang nodded. Old Wu sighed and said, "As soon as the grandson-in-law leaves, the Wu family will leave the country of Zhao. But we can't leave without a reason, otherwise Qin Guohui will be suspicious!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "I've done this. Will King Zhao lead someone to attack Wujiapu. Let's use the secret road..."

Old Wu shook his head and interrupted him: "I understand my grandson-in-law's plan! But this is not enough for you!" He sighed and stood up and said, "My Wu family turned out to be the nobleman of Qin. Later, because Fighting left the Qin State. Only then did I reach the Zhao State. He just pulled up a pasture on a barren land!"

Lu Yang listened to his words thoughtfully. But I listened to Mr. Wu to continue: "So, the importance of Liu Guozhi, we know the Qin State best. The Qin people are tough and strong. The northwestern land is originally bitter and cold, but they can build the strongest country. At the same time, the Qin people pay the most attention to blood. The grandson-in-law is an outsider in the State of Qin, it is impossible to gain a foothold. Although my Wu family has the blood of the State of Qin, I have been in the State of Zhao for a long time, and the State of Qin cannot help but doubt it!"

Hearing what he said, Lu Yang frowned tightly and said, "Lao Wu means. Qin Guohui is suspicious of us?"

Old Wu nodded, his eyes a little lonely and said: "Yes! So the grandson-in-law wants to gain the trust of Qin people, they need to make a great sacrifice. Not only that, although Lu Buwei is the wife of Qin's foreigner, but now the people in the DPRK are also opposed to him. Many. I heard that someone planned to let him leave the political arena. If their plan is successful, it will be useless even if we get to Qin!"

Lu Yang frowned and said, "Maybe we can help Lu Buwei..."

Old Wu shook his head and said, "No! If we go to help Lu Buwei directly, we will be even more suspicious."

Lu Yang chopped him for a while, his face became difficult. Elder Wu was also a little lonely, and sighed: "My grandson-in-law has guessed what I think too!"

Lu Yang frowned and thought for a while before shook his head and said, "No, the Wu family has worked so hard to establish a family business. These people are all loyal to the Wu family. We should not do it for our own selfishness..."

Old Wu's eyes condensed, and he interrupted and said, "Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial!"

Lu Yang frowned for a while and said, "Lao Wu, move slowly. I will think about other ways!"

Seeing him like this, Old Wu sighed. On the one hand, he thinks Lu Yang is a cold-blooded king. A person who can accomplish a great cause, on the one hand, also hopes that his grandson-in-law is a person who values ​​feelings!

It is a very big sacrifice to abandon the foundation of the Wu family for so many years and so many servants of the center. He must achieve this if he wants to win the trust of Qin. It is not easy to do this, and the pressure on her is huge.

If Lu Yang was such a cruel person, he would feel uncomfortable. However, Lu Yang was so hesitant, he was very worried. This kind of ambivalence made him helpless as an old man.

Lu Yang left from Wu Lao and returned to his room to meditate. The meaning of Wu Lao understood very well, Qin people would not believe it without huge sacrifice. but……

He thought for a long time without a clue. Wu Tingfang came here exactly at this time, and when he saw him, he threw himself in his arms, his eyes gleaming and said: "My good man! What are you thinking about!"

Wu Tingfang's appearance is only below Ji Yanran, she is a peerless beauty. At this time, the seduction can be imagined by using charming technique skillfully!

Even if Lu Yang was full of things, he couldn't help but feel emotional. Xiao Jian, who was holding the beauty, said: "Something bothering you!" As he said, he scratched the beauty's nose and said: "You easily refuse to be enamored with me, even when you are better, you don't show your deep affection. Why? Are you interested in doing this today?"

Wu Tingfang is relatively young and does not want to be as passionate as Zhao Ya. In normal times, sweet words make him happier!

Wu Tingfang wrinkled her nose and said coquettishly: "I heard that you wrote a poem for Sister Ya'er, and they want one too!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, with a strange expression on his face: "I just wrote this morning, you know so soon!"

Wu Tingfang curled his lips, with a sour look on his face: "Sister Ya'er has been showing off to others all day. Now Langjun's poems are spreading throughout Handan! Everyone knows that you are one. The great talent!"

There was surprise on Lu Yang's face. He didn't expect that a poem he copied casually would be so appreciated.

He smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth: "It's just a verse, if you like it, I will write it to you every day!"

Wu Tingfang said coquettishly: "I want them now..."

Lu Yang laughed, touched her attractive face, and smiled lightly: "If you want me to write poems for you, you have to work as hard as your sister Ya'er..."

Wu Tingfang's face was ruddy, like a rose in full bloom, delicate and beautiful. With autumn waves in the eyes, sticking out her little pink tongue, wetting her red lips &...


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