Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 355: Lu Buwei

The visitor was an eunuch, who was originally sent by Lu Buwei to invite Lu Yang. Lu Yang left the palace and went to Lu Buwei's residence. Lu Buwei's mansion is very large and extremely luxurious. You can't see it from the outside, but you can only see the universe inside.

Carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions are small. A variety of colorful clouds and green tiles, jewelry porcelain, is even more numerous. Worthy of being the world's number one rich businessman, he can do such a thing, it is not difficult to have the courage to support a monarch.

The gate of the Lu Family Mansion is solemn and majestic. The gate is very large and the guards of the two schools are solemn and majestic. Entering them, there are all marble bricks on the ground, and it feels smooth when they walk up. Further inside, there are layers of houses and courtyard attic.

The house is built on the mountain, the house is wise, distinguished and ordinary at a glance!

Lu Yang ascended the road, before reaching an attic in a short while. The servant went in and gave an announcement. After a while, Lu Yang heard a loud and straightforward whisper. He looked up, but saw a vigorous old man approaching him.

The old man is about forty or fifty grade. He seemed to be full of energy, and a powerful breath of life exuded all over his body. It makes people feel unconscious after seeing it. No need to guess that this person is Lu Buwei!

Lu Yang saw that he was a little old, but he couldn't tell whether he was an old lady in terms of spirit or temperament. It is quite different from someone like She Lao who is very mature. No wonder he can be an excellent politician, but She Lao will always be the person under him.

Lu Buwei strode and the meteor came to him, without the slightest pretense of a grandfather. Instead, he bowed his hand to Lu Yang, Qianqian politely said, "Master Hou!"

Lu Yang chuckled, he needs to accept this gift. Although Lu Buwei now has a higher status than Qin. But he is the master of Xicheng after all. Lu Buwei did this to raise him by three points in advance. It would be bad if he hurt his face!

He smiled slightly and said, "The country is exempt from gifts!"

Only then did Lu Buwei straighten his waist, his eyes gleaming, and he glanced up and down at him and said, "Master Hou is young and promising, with unobtrusive aura, casual and disorderly manners. Think of him as a generation of heroes!"

Lu Yang's expression moved, Lu Buwei said this in the beginning. This is the first time he has seen such a posture. Sure enough, the businessman was in a trance, opening the door and saying good things! Hehe smiled and said, "The old Xiangguo should be strong and strong, and the beggar will not be reduced back then!"

Lu Buwei smiled up to the sky, shook his head and said, "I'm not old at this age, he's not old!"

The two people said, when they arrived in a room, Lu Buwei waved his hand, it was a sign of "please", it was clean and neat, which made people very happy!

Lu Yang didn't let him go, and simply went inside and sat down. The two sat opposite each other, and Lu Buwei said: "A few days ago, Xiao Yuetan came to tell me that Lord Hou had a fancy to Li Si that I attached?"

Lu Yang didn't expect that this was what he said when he split his head and covered his face. After pondering for a while, he smiled slightly and said, "At this time, please let Xiangguo get along. This Li Si is very similar to my childhood playmate. Lu Yang likes it very much!"

Li Si is already his subject, so I asked a few times. However, when Lu Buwei mentioned this sentence, he just asked Lu Yang to give him the favors he should give him! As a businessman, Lu Yang will understand after thinking about it! Lu Buwei smiled heartily and nodded grandiosely: "That's it! Since Master Hou likes it, I will give it to Master Hou!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said a few words of thanks. Lu Buwei said in a small way: "Master Hou is also named Lu, Zhangzhou Lu or Fan Yang Lu?"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment. It turns out that the Lu Family still has this particularity! The clan system came into being during the Three Kingdoms era, and it was the peak era in the Tang Dynasty. The reason why Lu Buwei said so was just to bring the relationship closer by the way, and had no other meaning.

Lu Yang didn't understand, so he could only say, "I will be born at the border of Qin and Zhao!"

Lu Buwei nodded, and he pondered for a while before saying, "Master Hou is from Qin!"

Lu Yang nodded immediately and said, "Yes, this lord is from Qin!"

Lu Buwei smiled slightly and said: "So, it was not a pity that Master Hou entered Zhao country at the beginning. But he didn't want Master Hou to be from Qin. It seems that Master Hou entered Zhao because of Zhao Ji's mother and son!"

Lu Yang smiled, nodded and said, "Exactly!"

Lu Yang left Zhao country because of a conflict with Zhao Mu. The reason for this is obvious. But as soon as he entered the country of Zhao, he immediately contacted Zhao Ji's mother and son. But he happened to help Zhao Guo defeat Yan Guo. It helped Zhao Guo disturb the big beam.

All these actions seem to be contradictory on the face of it, but Lu Buwei would not doubt it. Lu Yang took a snapshot of this matter with both hands. Only by leaving their own seeds between Qin and Zhao, can we achieve both sides.

Zhao Ren lost Lu Yang. Zhao Mu received condemnation from many people in Zhao Country, and most people blamed him for being out of dignity. Allow allies like Lu Yang to escape. Some people say that he is insidious and cunning, others say that waiting for him is short-sighted.

The voice of Zang Fei was everywhere, but the biggest blow to the recruitment was that King Zhao suddenly accepted King Xinling into Zhao. This move is basically when Zhao Mu came to the curtain of Zhao State. However, King Zhao not only favored one person, but also favored both of them. This made one Hou Ye and the other a king pinch.

Lu Yang did not expect such a wise move, and Zhao Wang learned to be smart this time. Zhao Mu was uneasy, no matter what, he had already obtained the power of Zhao State. Wang Zhao always wants to do things for him.

And let Xinling Jun come, is to let him pinch Zhao Mu. When the two tigers compete, he can secretly prepare his army.

Coupled with Zhao Ya fanning the flames from the side, the two of them trembled happily. From the perspective of the Six Nations, Zhao Guo is also considered to be close. No one knows the secret fight between two people!

Looking at it, Lu Buwei knew that Lu Yang had some credit for this matter.

Lu Yang is clever and brave, no matter whether it is force, strength or even courage. The key is that this person is like a sword, just use it, and return the sword when it is used up. He is a foreign minister, can't give her the real power of Qin Palace! Moreover, he doesn't have to fight for this ally, he will send it to the door himself! ..


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