Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 364: witty

Lu Yang listened to what he said and didn't even look at Li Xin. Instead, he turned his head and said to a servant he had brought: "Go back and get my weapon!"

The servant got the order and hurried away. Lu Yang snorted coldly, and sat down in his seat. Li Xin was also a little vacillated at this time. He didn't know whether Lu Yang himself was Lu Yang's opponent. If not, he would really be ashamed this time!

But you can't show your cowardice at this time, otherwise you really lose face!

Two people sat down and drank, although the others are now focused on their martial arts, it is not good to stare at them at this time! Quietly discussed who will win the contest.

King Qin didn't know about Lu Yang's martial arts. Although Lu Yang was said to be very powerful, the world was backward in traffic, and everything must be legendary. Even if it was exaggerated, no one knew the truth. He didn't know exactly how Lu Yang martial arts was.

Today he also wanted to see what strength Lu Yang was, so he patiently waited for Lu Yang's weapons to be delivered. However, a long time has passed, but Lu Yang's weapons have not been seen for a long time, and some people have been impatient to wait. The tension in Li's confidence gradually subsided, and he began to have some courage again.

Suddenly, he snorted and glared at Lu Yang and said, "Since you want to compete in martial arts, you need so many reasons. Our barracks have a lot of weapons. If you can't send them, you don't have to use our army!"

Everyone was silent by him. Looking at Lu Yang with a smile, his eyes inevitably derogatory. Lu Yang didn't move, as if he could not hear Li Xin's words, he just bowed his head and drank.

Seeing that he became more frantic, Li Xin pointed to Lu Yang's nose and furiously said: "You bird man, you want to find such a reason to delay. Could it be that you repelled the 160,000 army of Yan army, also let Yan army Waiting for you to get a weapon?"

Suddenly, the banquet roared with laughter. Prince Cheng Jiao also quietly teased: "General Li Xin needs to talk nonsense, what kind of person is Lord Lvhou? You can't take advantage of the weapon in your army! Even Lv Hou asked the Yan army to wait, and the Yan army didn't. This patience!"

He had already landed, and suddenly more people became bold and mocked Lu Yang. There was a burst of cynicism at the banquet, and the people on Yang Quanjun's side continued to cynicism. Lu Buwei looked ugly for a while, and wanted his own people to help Lu Yang. But anyone who ridiculed Lu Yang could easily help Lu Yang regain his position, and this was what Li Xin could deal with. Seeing that Lu Yang's expression remained the same, he could only remain silent, but he felt sorry for him.

But at this moment, suddenly a heavy footstep sounded. The laughter in the hesitation scene was too loud, and no one thought. Knowing that eight big men came in, all the talents looked over.

Suddenly, the whole banquet was silent. But I saw the eight big men, looking at an eight-foot-long iron box, walking here.

Everyone's smiles froze on their faces, staring at the iron box blankly. Li Xin was also dumbfounded, and said in his heart, this wouldn't be the weapon of the servant!

King Qin frowned and looked at Lu Buwei with some puzzlement. Lu Buwei was also blank and looked up at Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji smiled slightly and said to King Qin: "This is Lord Lu's weapon, weighing two hundred and sixty jin..." His voice is very small, but at this time it is very clear. Everyone present exclaimed. He stared at the iron box among the eight big men. Cheng Jiao and Madam Xiuli even paler, looking at him in amazement.

Zhao Ji was so busy, taking a sip of wine, her eyes calm, as if she was thinking about something else. King Qin took a breath, turned his head and looked at Lu Yang, his eyes surprised, as if he knew him again.

Suddenly, the eight big men turned around, faced the iron box, bent over and opened the chain of the iron box, and together they lifted the lid of the iron box. boom! With a sound, the front cover fell to the ground, and an eight-foot-long knife was suddenly seen inside.

But I saw that the big knife was completely black, only the hilt wrapped around the golden chain. The handle is not long, and it does not have a shank as others thought. It's an enlarged version of an ordinary knife.

The black back of the knife, only the blade slightly reflected the silver cold light, giving people a depressing cold chill.

Li Xin swallowed slightly, and said to his heart, this man with a big knife might just be a bluff. If I am afraid of the enemy, he will take the opportunity to step down, and I will lose face. Thinking of this, he sneered with fierce disdain on his face.

However, when everyone was stunned, his sneer seemed a little awkward.

Suddenly, Lu Yang got up from his seat and walked towards the main road without a word. Eight big men immediately gave way to her. When he reached the big sword, Lu Yang bent over, held the big knife, and picked it up effortlessly.

what! With a soft cry, it was true that a court lady paled in fright and looked at Lu Yang blankly. The expressions of other people were not much better. If the big sword surprised them, Lu Yang's carelessness made them even more unable to believe their eyes.

Li Xin's face turned pale, and cold sweat on his forehead continued to spread out. But at this moment, Lu Yang suddenly turned around, a pair of eyes projecting dazzling brilliance, staring at him coldly. Li Xin was clever, his legs were already weakening.

However, Lu Yang laughed and said: "I have used this big sword three times. The first three-sword battle to advance. The second time Haocheng battled the Yan army. The third time Handan killed Zhao army. Every time, blood will be stained. , I am afraid of General Li Xin alone!"

Li Xin shuddered and trembled, unable to speak. When everyone saw him like this, they felt somewhat contemptuous in their hearts. The madness just now is in sharp contrast with the current embarrassment. The people on Lu Buwei's side are full of joy. Although it was also surprised, at this time I felt more exhaled.

Lu Buwei's eyes were full of sneers, but he looked at Li Xin coldly.

After Lu Yang finished speaking, King Qin recovered from his astonishment, and immediately thought that he could not let Lu Yang kill Li Xin tonight, otherwise Qin would be missing a general. Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei reacted swiftly. When King Qin moved, his expression immediately changed. Looked at Li Xin sadly. ..


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