Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 383: Riding war

But if he is out, the momentum of his new army will be weak.

He smiled at Wang Jianqiang to himself. With a whip in his hand, he rode his horse towards the bullseye. It's not that he hasn't learned riding and shooting. It's just that I don't learn well every time. His arrow method relies entirely on reaction power. The moment the horse turned, he could test the quick response and shoot the arrow.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Yang rode his horse towards the bull's-eye, and many people couldn't help feeling nervous. Will this new city God of War create a miracle today?

But seeing Lu Yang reached a hundred meters, he suddenly pulled the rein. The horse turned quickly, and when he saw that it was about to draw an arc, he couldn't see how he moved, and the bow and arrow in his hand suddenly became full of moon.

Everyone exclaimed, there is no doubt that Lu Yang chose the wrong time. Although riding and shooting require the horse to move, the way of movement is also certain. The best deed is to release arrows when the horse is moving in a straight line. But at this time, Lu Yang's horses did not turn completely. It is impossible to move in a straight line at all. Lu Yang wants to release an arrow at this time, he needs too much precision!

Just as everyone exclaimed, Lu Yang's sharp arrow in his hand had already let go, and quickly went to the bullseye. All the spectators on the scene held their breath, and saw the sharp arrow falling on the bullseye quickly. However, what people did not expect was that the sharp arrow reached the target and did not stop, but went straight through the bullseye!

A soldier hurried over to take a look, only to see arrows pouring into the bullseye, leaving a round hole in the target.

The scene suddenly fell into a strange silence, and some people wanted to cheer, but more people were still a little unhappy. In this sentence, the two people seem to be tied, but Lu Yang actually won. The faces of many generals are already somewhat different. But Lu Yang's arrow technique still surprised them. Those people will be fine then. Although they are not easy to cheer openly, they all admire Lu Yang's arrow skills very much.

Wang Jian's face was lonely. Regardless of everyone's gaze, he threw the bow and arrow in his hand to his men. At this time, Lu Yang had already arrived, and Wang Jian suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Master Hou is extraordinary, and his riding and shooting skills are also impressive!"

Lu Yang smiled, and said to him, "Accept!"

Wang Jian nodded and said, "The second sentence is a weapon contest. Is Lord Hou ready?"

Lu Yang was dumb for a while, he thought that the school field competition did not use ice blade. When he first heard about the school competition, he knew that this competition must be different. Because you want to compete anywhere, you can compete with martial arts in the school field.

Unexpectedly, the school field is also better than these. But I heard Wang Jian explain: "The martial arts competition is a battle between the Liang army and the enemy soldiers alone!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Please show mercy to the soldiers!"

A smile at the corner of Wang Jian's mouth, neither humble nor overbearing, said, "Master Hou didn't have a weapon in his hand. You can choose one from our army!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Get down more generals!"

As he said, he jumped off the horse directly, and the generals looked strange. The people also looked at Lu Yang with some doubts in their eyes. He walked to the middle of the schoolyard, holding a sword in his hand. Wang Jian rode over, took a big knife, and smiled randomly: "Master Hou! The martial arts competition is on the horse!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and there was only a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and it was indeed different.

In desperation, he could only get up to the horse again with the long sword. Only then did the other people realize that he was not going to be on the horse for the Taoist contest, and the corners of their mouths suddenly burst into laughter. The people laughed more directly.

They didn't laugh at Lu Yang for not knowing the rules of the general army's competition, but laughed at him directly taking a sword. Everyone has his strong and weak points. He has a sword in his hand. Naturally, it is impossible for Wang Jian's broad knife to be so smooth.

Lu Yang got to the horse and turned on his horse. Wang Jian rode his horse over, and when he reached the nearest place, he frowned and said, "Don't you change Master Hou for a weapon? I know Master Hou is infinitely powerful, why not choose a weapon!"

Lu Yang smiled, and looked at him with a slightly profound eye: "Although long soldiers are good for horse warfare, but my equestrian skills are not as good as generals. On war horses, horses are like two feet with disadvantageous feet. How to fight is better than using a sword. Both near and far!"

Wang Jian's eyes gleamed after hearing his words, and it is true that he was already old and used a circuitous tactic with Lu Yang on the horse.

Hearing what Lu Yang said, he laughed and said, "Master Hou is not only good at martial arts, but also witty!" As he said, he suddenly shouted, "Look at the sword!"

The big knife in his hand suddenly came with a gust of wind, and it was one head against Lu Yang. Lu Yang did not slow down, pressing his horse back and raising his body backwards, holding his sword in front of him.

With a bang, the two weapons intersected. Wang Jianshou's general sword is magnificent. And although the long sword in Lu Yang's hand was not as mighty as his, but he was able to resist his broad sword eloquently and stayed still!

Wang Jian yelled, and withdrew the big knife in his hand, turning his chopping into a pick, training his legs and staying at the horse to fix his figure. It can be seen that although this knife is not as powerful as the last one, it can't laugh much with the force!

Lu Yang had taken precautions long ago and hurriedly turned the rein around. The horse turned sideways and escaped Wang Jian's knife.

No matter, Wang Jian missed a shot, and he stopped halfway, and suddenly came across to Lu Yang!

Suddenly, there was a cheering sound on the court. Wang Jian's knife shows that his arm strength is amazing, and his equestrian skills are strong. Changing offense in the middle is not only about taking a postgraduate entrance examination for personal martial arts, but also taking a postgraduate entrance examination for personal balance ability. If the balance ability is not good, it is likely to lose balance due to the change of attack. At the same time, if the horse keeps calling, it can also cause damage.

Seeing Wang Jian stab him, many people squeezed a sweat for Lu Ang. This knife was a must-kill technique. Because it is a horizontal sale, it is impossible to avoid it, and Wang Jian's angle is also very good. It is precisely on Lu Yang's buttocks, which cannot make him raise his head and avoid it. Unless he can fly from the horse, he will not at all. It may have escaped the knife.

If you want to be different, you can only abandon the horse and surrender!

However, what no one thought was that Lu Yang really flew up. But when Wang Jian slashed him, Lu Yang suddenly jumped into the air! ..


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