Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 497: Tian Shanzhizhi

Lu Yang sighed slightly and calmed down. It seems that Tian Dan is also using Zhao Mu. Otherwise, he will tell Zhao Mu that his most trusted subordinate, Dong Kuang, is actually his biggest rival, Lu Yang. Moreover, if Tian Dan and Zhao Mu are really so close, when Zhao Mu's people want to take refuge in him, he will not be so happy. Tian Dan should have an idea with himself, using Zhao Mu to disrupt Zhao's political situation!

Lu Yang waited until his mood stabilized, and then said in a surprised tone: "Hou Ye has such a close relationship with Tian Xiangguo!"

When Zhao Mu said a word, he seemed to realize that he had said too much. He was able to mix to this day because he did not trust anyone. Until now, he hides his hand from everyone. It wasn't that Tian Dan was unwilling to tell Zhao Mu Luyang's identity, but Zhao Mu didn't tell him that he still had such a card in his hand. At the same time, for this Dong Kuang, he was unwilling to tell him about his relationship with Tian Dan.

But at this time, he had already failed to speak, and he simply stopped covering up. The more you cover up, I'm afraid it will make Lu Yang feel unhappy. He bluntly said: "Tian Xiangguo and I have always known each other. You may not know that the last time he assassinated Longyang Jun was his idea!"

Lu Yang was shocked again, it turned out that Tian Dan wanted to assassinate Lord Long Yang. It was only when he remembered that in Xun Qin, it was indeed Long Yang Jun who was planning to assassinate Tian Dan and Li Yuan. He had a vague impression the last time Long Yangjun was assassinated, but he had forgotten about it.

Looking back at this time, he had a wry smile in his heart, he thought it was Zhao Mu who wanted to assassinate Long Yangjun! But the assassin clearly said that it was Le Cheng's command to move his hand, and Le Cheng himself admitted that he was the one who assassinated Longyang Jun...

However, Zhao Mu gritted his teeth and said: "At first I didn't agree. But they actually let Le Cheng do it in advance! With this Le Cheng, I had long suspected that he was ill-intentioned and had colluded with Tian Dan!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, still dealing with the relationship between a few people in his mind. According to Zhao Mu, it was not that he wanted to get rid of Longyang Jun, but Tian Dan wanted to get rid of Longyang King. Le Cheng knew that he was Zhao Mu's subordinate, but he actually had a connection with Tian Shan long ago.

Thinking of this, he gave a wry smile. This time Zhao Mu was damaging Bai Yang. He obviously didn't want to deal with Longyang Jun, but he accidentally took the wrong one, which made King Zhao firmer in his determination to deal with him. And Le Cheng's departure further showed Zhao Mu's suspicion. At first, he only thought that it was Zhao Mu's idea for Le Cheng to assassinate Longyang Jun, and did not ask Le Cheng carefully. Le Cheng probably didn't think of this in shock, so they all missed Tian Dan.

And Tian Dan wanted to get rid of Long Yangjun must be to destroy the Six Nations Alliance. Because he also knew that if the Six Nations League really destroyed the Qin State, the second one would deal with their Qi State. Because apart from Qin, Qi is the most powerful in the world!

With a flash of thoughts in his head, Lu Yang had already sorted out his thoughts. Tian Dan should already know that once his plan to get rid of Longyang Jun is successful, Zhao Wang will definitely be suspicious of Zhao Mu. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the six-nation alliance can be disintegrated without having to do it yourself. There is Tian Dan, the black sheep. The most important thing for him to be blind is to deal with Zhao Mu. He has to ask Zhao Mu to give him the list so that he can take medicine according to the prescription and bring these people to justice.

Thinking of this, he frowned and said: "Tian Danxiangguo's list of preservation is naturally good. But I just worry that he may not be the same as Hou Ye. He knows that Hou Ye is wise and martial, if he becomes King Zhao, Zhao Kingdom will be strong. Get up. So although he is cooperating with Master Hou on the surface, he must have done something secretly. The incident of Le Cheng assassination is a good illustration."

After hearing his words, Zhao Mu felt contemplative. Seeing him like this, Lu Yang continued to add fuel and fire, and continued: "Le Cheng went to assassinate Longyang, and Zhao Xiang must be the first to suspect it. If the assassination is successful, Tian Shan will definitely guide this matter. Go to the Lord. In this way, let alone Le Cheng, even the Lord will be disgusted by King Zhao!"

Zhao Mu's eyes condensed, and he began to become gloomy. Lu Yang concluded: "So if the list is in the hands of anyone, it cannot be placed in Le Cheng's hands!"

Zhao Mu lightly nodded and said: "Yes! I was a little impatient, and I missed this!" Then, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yang cheerfully and said: "If you weren't there, I really don't know what to do! "

Lu Yang smiled, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart. He also didn't want to entangle with Zhao Mu anymore, so he simply recommended himself: "So, instead of letting Tian Dan control the list, it is better to hand it over to the next!"

Zhao Mu nodded approvingly and said: "Okay, I will let them submit the vote tonight, and I will send it to you tomorrow morning!" He said, his face eagerly said: "I can't wait for a moment, now the situation is too After the crisis, let me do nothing like you said, I really can't do it!"

Seeing him look so anxious, Lu Yang couldn't help sighing in his heart. Now Zhao Mu will accept it no matter what he says. It seems that his former high spirited Zhao Mu who wants to be King Zhao is still there?

Zhao Mu said that, he stood up and left. He suddenly thought of something halfway. Turns back unexpectedly.

He whispered to Lu Yang: "Tian Dan still has nearly 10,000 troops outside the city. He once told me that as long as King Zhao starts, let me put in the city gate, and after the city gate opens, he can let him The army’s garrison entered Handan and helped me seize the seat of King Zhao! After you said that, I started to distrust him a little bit!"

Lu Yang was shocked and almost didn't pick it up. I couldn't help but be surprised: "What, I heard that he only stayed three thousand people in Zhao Country this time!"

Zhao Mu chuckled, shook his head and said: "When he arrived, he brought three thousand people with him, but after arriving in the country of Zhao, many people got into his barracks. What he told me was ten thousand people, but I guess he was sure. There is room for it. At least nearly 20,000 people have stayed this time. If so many people enter Handan City! Hey... I originally thought that the more these people, the better, but now I feel that these people will be a hidden danger!". .


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