Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 556: Each have one hand

Entering the Qin State from Zhao State, passing through Jiayuguan in the west of Zhao State, continuing westward, crossing the Yellow River, and then entering Xianyang.

When Lu Yang went from Zhaoguo Jiayuguan, he used horseback riding. Running all the way, there were a few people in the dust. Fortunately, there was a caravan of dark guards to take care of it. Lu Yang walked along the road quite comfortably.

This is also the most leisure time for him these days. Along the way, he not only watched the customs between Qin and Zhao, but also the places of interest. At the same time, he also has a certain understanding of the terrain between the two places.

The dark guard already had a clear map about the Qin and Zhao relationship. It was an accurate map drawn by a painter Lu Yang specially invited from the state of Chu.

In this era, drawing maps is a matter of rangers. Many painting skills are very good, and the painters with accurate calculations simply do not have the ability and wealth to browse the mountains and rivers of all places.

The military maps of some countries are also very rough, and some are simply patchwork of maps of other countries.

This dilemma has been resolved until the Qing Dynasty. So the map of mountains and rivers is very important for a country.

In the early years of the Song Dynasty, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin wanted Nantang to be his subject, and asked Nantang to send his own landscape map. Those who were as mediocre as Li Yu didn't dare to give away the map at will, and had no choice but to let his younger brother hostage, and were unwilling to hand over the map.

And Lu Yang's intention was that after he personally taught some measurement techniques, he specially made many precise tools, and then let this Chu painter paint.

This painter was personally escorted by a dark guard, disguised as a caravan and marched in various countries. On the one hand, security is strengthened, and on the other hand, caravans are everywhere. As long as the tariff is paid, they can go anywhere, so the drawing is more comprehensive.

But Lu Yang still asked people to keep this matter secret. This map can't help being related to the success or failure of his future attack on Qin Zhao, and drawing the map from the other side shows his ambition to occupy Qin Zhao.

So this matter is extremely confidential, even people close to Lu Yang never knew it!

However, even if he had a map, he, the lord, still had to come personally to see the entire geography of the mountains and rivers. Not only watching, he also conducts simulation exercises in his mind based on the terrain.

How many troops can be placed at a certain moment. How many troops will Zhao Jun defend at a certain moment. How to break the Qin Army's defense line from a small road at a certain moment...

These must be based on the actual local situation, as well as the overall personnel situation of the Zhao country, the current configuration of the Qin army, and so on!

So others look at the scenery, and Lu Yang does look at the military. Ji Yanran seemed to see that he was walking along the way, not seeing any scenic spots, but instead was interested in military fortresses, and knew what he was thinking in his heart, and constantly persuaded him not to have so many. But Lu Yang had already formed a habit like this, and it would be really uncomfortable if he didn't enter a military fortress.

Seeing him scratching his mouth and scratching his cheeks, Ji Yanran couldn't help but let him go.

Finally, passing through Jiayu Pass, Lu Yang entered the territory of the Qin Army. Compared to Zhao Guo, he looked more diligent. But in Qin, he couldn't be so blatant. King Zhao might not pay attention to him now. Qin still has many enemies. If these things are spread, King Qin won't be afraid of him!

Therefore, he can only pretend to sneak along the way, not daring to show his true colors.

In this way, Ji Yanran was happy and waited for a few girls. Especially Shanrou has been chasing down the people who killed her family back then, so she walks among the six countries. Even if there is no scenery, she can find a comfortable place for them to visit. Especially when a few people pretended to be able to play around like ordinary people, a few people immediately enjoyed themselves.

Lu Yang finally took time out. When a few girls were playing in the daytime, he took a few guards to see some military fortresses to observe the geographical situation. Sometimes when he met a good idea, he would let his own people write it down.

Stop and go along the way, it's a lot slower. Lu Buwei asked several times to urge him, but he was not in a hurry.

In fact, he was not in a hurry to return to Xianyang, but knew what Lu Buwei asked him to do.

The six-nation alliance was disbanded, and people know that this is because the envoys of various countries have different intentions, each with their own scheming methods, and they are unfair and collapsed, but unless the parties are involved, other people can only think that this is something that someone is trying to block.

Especially in Qin, as soon as Lu Yang left, Longyang Jun was assassinated, and General Zhao Lecheng was missing, and Zhao immediately went into chaos. Zhao Mu is dead, Tian Dan flies to the world. King Zhao killed his own brother. Li Yuan didn't know where he was going, Han Chuang stayed alone in Handan for a few days, and returned home in grief.

That's why Qin Guoxia thought it was Lu Yang's credit to find it! Besides, all these events have something to do with the Ma Chi named Dong Kuang.

Who dares to say that all this is not the credit of Lu Yang?

With such a great achievement, Lu Buwei naturally wanted to celebrate him. To celebrate Lu Yang's merits is to celebrate himself because Lu Yang is his ally.

The reason why Lu Yang went back late was that he didn't want the credit to be too obvious. Lu Buwei is not a stupid person. Who else can use Lu Yang as a gun if he doesn't use it for robbing?

Lu Yang knew that Lu Buwei would make him the first bird to meet the attacks of other forces in the Qin Kingdom, so he was not in a hurry to go back and grab the credit.

Everything has heat. Lu Yang has to wait for the heat of this matter to pass and let the joy in King Qin's heart weaken before he goes back. In this way, naturally many people attribute all the credit to Dao Lu Buwei...

In this game, anyone can be an enemy, and even the closest comrades-in-arms have a strong relationship. There is no absolute loyalty, only absolute rights.

The more Lu Buwei sent to remind him, the less anxious he was. Later, even King Qin couldn't sit still, so he kept reminding him, and then Lu Yang got into the carriage and hurried away!

The casual group finally arrived in a small town near Xianyang!

It is said that it is a small town, but it is similar to the village of future generations. There are not many people even in the market, but Lu Yang likes this clean feeling..


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