Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 586: Beauties

The next day, Lu Yang opened his eyes before dawn. When I wake up, there is a special fragrance in my nostrils.

In his arms, Min Hua was sleeping soundly. Xiao Qiao's Qiong Yao nose closed and closed as he breathed, and her tender red lips were gently pressed, as if she was smiling in her dream!

Lu Yang got a fever in his lower abdomen and quickly got out of the bed. If he really lay down again, he really didn't know what he would do.

Looking at the sleeping beauty in the bed, Lu Yang became worried. It stands to reason that no one would hate such a girl. But for Lu Yang, this girl is really a big trouble!

He is the sister of King Qin's man...

Letting King Qin know the relationship between the two is a trouble. This girl is also a trouble.

Trouble with extra income, Lu Yang began to worry.

As if aware of the look in his eyes, Min Hua woke up leisurely, opened his wistful eyes and glanced at him, rubbed his eyes and said, "Why do you wake up so early? People don't want to get up and wait for you!"

Lu Yang put away his thoughts, smiled at him and said, "You can sleep!"

Min Hua shook his head, got up from the bed, changed his clothes and said, "I am your woman now. Of course I have to serve you!"

Lu Yang's heart throbbed, and a cold sweat appeared. He smiled bitterly: "What about my woman! I didn't do anything to you!"

Min Hua was taken aback, blinked his eyes and said, "We are all sleeping on the same bed, what does it mean to do nothing?"

There was a wry smile on Lu Yang's face, and he shook his head and said, "You are not my woman when you sleep on a bed. Have you ever slept with your brother? Are you his woman?"

Min Hua's face blushed, and he glanced at him abruptly and said, "That's different, he is my brother!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said, "How different! I'm still your savior!"

Min Hua's face became even more red, and he said angrily, "People say it's not the same, it's not the same!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes again, then sighed heavily and said, "I didn't lie to you, we really didn't happen to you. You are not my woman now!" He said, with a sad expression on his face: Don't be like this! You scared me last night!"

Hearing what he said, Min Hua didn't dare to argue, pursed his lips and said, "Isn't someone cheated by your friend!"

Lu Yangyou sighed and sat up from the chair. Min Hua got dressed and got off the bed. He picked up Lu Yang's clothes and wanted to serve him to put them on. Where does Lu Yang have this thought.

He took the clothes from Min Hua and said, "I'll do it myself. If you are fine, go back to the room! Let people see it and misunderstand it again!"

Min Hua heard what he said, but didn't mean to leave. He hesitated for a while before saying, "When will you rescue my younger brother?"

Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, frowned and said, "What are you doing to save him! Are there any other places for your sisters and brothers?" Min Hua heard an eager look on his face, and his eyes became moist. He looked at Lu Yang and said, "But you said..."

Lu Yang interrupted him with a wry smile, "Don't worry, your brother is safe! King Qin won't kill him!"

Min Hua's face was a little better, and he looked at him in a little surprise and said, "How can you be sure that King Qin will not kill my brother?"

Lu Yang smiled and said mysteriously: "I said it wouldn't be natural! This is a Shanren's trick, you don't understand it!"

Min Hua frowned and looked at him for a while, as if he was finally sure that he had not lied. Then he snorted and said unhappily, "I love you!" He raised his head and walked out the door!

After she left, Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down and thinking about how to reprimand Teng Yi. Finally ready to speak, Lu Yang got up and wanted to go to Tengyi.

But when she just stood up, she suddenly thought that Teng Yi did not necessarily imply that the little girl could make up with herself last night. Maybe the little girl herself misunderstood? Didn't she misunderstand others?

Thinking of this, Lu Yang had no choice but to sit down.

Before dawn, Lu Yang was about to go out. Teng Yi bought a big stride. The storm came. When he saw Lu Yang, he beamed and said, "City Lord, that little girl last night was docile. You didn't offend Dao City Master! "

As soon as Lu Yang heard these words, his anger reappeared, and he glared at him angrily, "You kid, tell her what those things are doing. I don't know if this little girl is simple-minded, she will definitely misunderstand you!"

Teng Yi looked at the look that I made him do so, and continued beaming: "This girl really came last night! Is the city lord's family going to add people?"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and looked at him angrily, too lazy to continue to reason with him. Instead, he coldly snorted: "You will not worry about this kind of thing in the future. This family is not enough for me to mess with!"

Seeing that he was angry, Teng Yi touched his nose and smiled without speaking.

Lu Yang changed the subject and said, "Did Ya'er send any news?"

Teng Yi's face gradually became serious, and he shook his head and said, "Everything is fine with the princess! The city chief is worried about her, maybe I can help you ask!"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "We shouldn't be too close to them for the time being!" After that, he stood up and sighed: "The marriage between me and Ya'er, Zhao Wang has agreed. We are also in agreement, the main thing is Qin has some difficulties here! If King Qin knows about me and Ya'er, he will have some reaction!"

Teng Yi heard his words and his head immediately grew bigger. Lu Yang should handle this kind of thing himself. Even if he has a method, it is all thankless!

Lu Yang thought for a while, watching Teng Yi froze on the side, frowned and said: "What are you doing in froze! Is there anything else?"

Teng Yi suddenly came back to his senses, hehe smiled and said, "I'm afraid that the city lord has any more orders."

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "Where can I tell you what to do. It's okay for you to be messed up with me!"

Teng Yi smiled again, Lu Yang rolled his eyes and waved him to leave.

After Teng Yi left for a while, Lu Yang looked at the place where Min Hua had slept on the bed, and his expression became sad again! ..


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