Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 607: Plot

Lu Yang sighed and continued: "Qin is now full of enemies on all sides. I can't bear to let the Xian Wang's effort be consumed in this way, so I only made a reconciliation today. If Yangquan is interested, he won't prevent him from entering the Qin Palace with me. Let's discuss with Xiangguo!"

Jun Yangquan frowned when he heard the words. To be honest, he wanted to make peace with Lu Yang. But are Lu Yang's words credible? Can he really persuade Lu Buwei to give up and kill himself? What if this matter is a conspiracy after entering the Qin Palace?

Lu Yang seemed to see his doubts, hehe smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry. If Lu Yang wanted to harm you, he would do it now!"

Jun Yangquan frowned, knowing that what he was talking about was indeed not a yellow flower. If Lu Yang really wants to kill him, he can do it right now, and the blessing of Ying Zheng is on the plane!

Wanting this, Yang Quanjun frowned. Although he moved Lu Yang's heart, he had to doubt his motives. Why should he help himself?

Lu Yang seemed to see his hesitation, and smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, don't be over-hearted. If you talk about selfishness, Lu Yang is not without him. The new army behind me is also brought out by me. I can't bear that they will suffer casualties. !"

Where did Jun Yangquan believe his nonsense, in such a tone, he would rather believe that Lu Yang was for helping Qin State!

He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! I can enter the palace, but because of meeting your majesty, what if Gong Xiangguo wants to hurt me?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lu Yang promises your safety. If Xiangguo wants to hurt Jun, please ask Jun to find me, Lu Yang!"

Jun Yangquan nodded and said: "Okay! I will believe you once!" He said, shouting to the people behind him: "Leave me all the way! I want to attack your Majesty!"

Yangquan Jun’s people on both sides separated immediately, Yangquan Jun turned his horse's head and said to Lu Yang: "Hou Ye, please!"

Lu Yang laughed, and the two of them went to the gate of the palace. Lu Yang said to the big man above: "Tell Xiangguo and say that Lu Yang wants to see you!"

The guards above looked at each other, and a person hurried back to report Lu Buwei!

Soon, two more soldiers came hurriedly. The palace gate opened rumblingly. Lu Yang rode the horse in front and Jun Yangquan was behind, and the two of them went to Miyagi.

In front of the palace, Lu Buwei was surprised when he heard that Lu Yang was coming. Already leading people to wait in the palace, but seeing Lu Yang unexpectedly come with Yang Quanjun, he was even more overjoyed, and immediately stepped forward and glared at Yangquan Jundao: "Tie me!"

Two guards immediately stepped forward, trying to tie up Yang Quanjun. Yang Quanjun's expression changed, and he looked at Lu Yang in amazement. Lu Yang smiled slightly, and suddenly the figure flashed, and he jumped off the horse and quickly reached a guard. Lu Yang evaded the sword in the guard's hand, and the figure approached the other guard.

After some action, it was just a matter of a moment, and the two guards didn't even know how the ice blade in their hands was taken away. A group of cultural relics ministers were shocked. Among the crowd, Ying Zheng's eyes were indeed shining, and it seemed that it was him who had just exposed such a hand.

Lu Yang snatched the swords of the two guards, then smiled slightly and said to Lu Buwei: "Sang Guo, don't worry, Yang Quanjun is my friend!"

Lu Buwei flashed a strange light in his eyes, looked at the two people coldly, and said, "Friends?" Lu Yang smiled slightly, glanced at his guards and said: "Lu Yang has just been killed from the chase and interception of two thousand people, and no one is left alive. This matter will not be investigated. Lu Yang is not at ease!"

Lu Buwei felt like he heard the words, and asked, he found out?

He glanced at Lu Yang with a guilty conscience, but saw that he was just smiling. He was relieved, but he didn't even dare to ask Yang Quanjun again. Today, Lu Yang is outside. It would be good to kill Yang Quanjun, but if he knew that he was the one who assassinated him, could Lu Yang spare himself?

Swallowing secretly, Lu Buwei coldly snorted: "Since Master Hou guarantees, I will let him in!"

After speaking, the thugs said for a while: "Please, please!"

Lu Yang turned to Yang Quan Jundao: "Please, please!"

Yang Quanjun snorted coldly, and followed the two people to the palace. Seeing King Qin's body, Jun Yangquan naturally suffered a while, and went to greet Mrs. Huayang and the others.

All the time, everyone sat down. Lu Buwei preemptively said: "Your Majesty has a photo, let the prince Zheng be the king of Qin! Prince Zheng is already the prince and now it is inevitable that I will become the national army of Da Qin!"

Yangquan Jun heard the words and said with a sneer: "Your Majesty's death is a bit strange. At that time, only Madam Zhao Ji was the only one who saw the cause of your Majesty's death. Now Madam Zhao is still in mourning, and this matter cannot be investigated. Let the prince Zheng be?"

Lu Buwei was furious when he heard this, and he slapped the table and said, "Yang Quanjun, what do you mean!"

Yang Quanjun coldly snorted: "I didn't say that you killed your majesty. Why is Xiangguo guilty about this matter?"

Seeing that the negotiation has entered a stalemate just after the beginning of the negotiation, Lu Yang smiled and said: "The quarrel between the two is just a question of when the prince will be the prince! Such a quarrel is not a solution! It is not weak for two people to spend the same time, if it is a few days to investigate. Can you ascend to the throne if you don't have a fierce leader?"

Lu Buwei frowned upon hearing this. Now, the sooner Ying Zheng takes the throne, the better for him. It is good for Lu Yang and him! Why does Lu Yang still say this?

He looked at Lu Yang with furrowed brows, and couldn't figure out what he meant for a while!

Jun Yangquan frowned deeply. Lu Yang said, Ying Zheng is already the King of Qin, and he is naturally not convinced.

But if Ying Zheng delays boarding time, there is still hope for everything. Thinking of this, he immediately took the case and said: "Although Lord Hou is an outsider, Jun Yang can trust Lord Hou! This is the case!"

Lu Buwei's face changed, and he looked at Lu Yang in amazement. But I saw Lu Yang Twilight looking at him shiningly.

Lu Buwei knew that he must have plans, but he did not object!

After Yang Quanjun finished speaking, he also fixedly watched. Lu Buwei breathed a sigh of relief without saying a word after seeing him stand up! ..


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