Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 620: Shock the audience

The field hunting of Qin Kingdom has begun. For the first time since Ying Zheng boarded the plane, the six countries have sent envoys.

The field hunting is in a hunting ground not far from Xianyang in the Qin State. Are there people from all over the world around the hunting ground? Field hunting was originally a trivial matter, but it was just hunting. But the affairs of the emperor became a major event, so much so that it is now a ritual-like behavior.

This is a sign of Ying Zheng's growth, so Qin State attaches great importance to it, and field hunting is also a manifestation of Qin's military strength in reality.

The Qin army moved swiftly and adjusted every step. These troops are all trained by generals from the new army. Not only are they disciplined, but their combat effectiveness is also staggering. The army of the envoys of the six countries has been in awe

After the Qin army queued up, the six-nation army also began to move. The army is lined up neatly, wanting to have the aura of the Qin army, but no matter how neatly they are, they always lack a kind of aura!

After the rectification of the six-nation army was finally completed, Ying Zheng walked out of the queue and glanced at all the sayings: "Thank you for participating in today's hunting. Ying Zheng has always come to make friends with other countries, and I don't like wars among them!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and looked at Ying Zheng, who was standing there and giving a speech. At this time, he was happiest, and most energetic. Lu Yang didn't see him at the moment, but I'm afraid he didn't have the joy when he boarded the plane.

As Ying Zheng said it seemed to be intentional or unintentional, he looked at Lu Yang with winged eyes. At this time, Lu Yang was in the largest team of the Seven Nations!

Behind him are all black armored soldiers, this is Lu Yang's guard, the black armored army. Their armors are all special steel made by Xicheng, and ordinary bronzes cannot be pierced. And in the armor, there is a special kind of silk, which can effectively prevent the cold arrows from flying.

Ordinary people don't know how powerful this guard is, so they directly call them the Black Armor. Lu Yang's own name is Long Weiwei, but few people know it. Each of the Black Armored soldiers looked cold, and could not see any special features on their faces, even the masters of the army could not see their special features. This is the basis of Lu Yang's establishment of the guard, and he does not require too outstanding!

The princes also knew how powerful this black armour was, so they never dared to look directly!

Lu Yang glanced, all the princes' eyes seemed to avoid him. As one of the only two monarchs inside, Lu Yang's aura is undoubtedly one of the two biggest. However, Ying Zheng's age and experience are not comparable to him, so Lu Yang is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one!

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he waved his big hand: "The hunting begins!"

The State of Qin already has several armies, each of which is the family general of several families. The focus of field hunting is encircling hunting, whoever gets the elk is the winner. This is an opportunity for real strength and showing up, so all families have closely prepared.

Ying Zheng gave an order, and everyone was immediately touched!

The sound of horse hooves raged, lighting up the entire hunting ground instantly. The army of the envoys of the six nations watched the great army of the family of Qin one by one, with envy in their eyes.

As far as Lu Yang's eyes were, he saw that many people were already ready to move. He smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the envoys of the six countries are here today. Not weak, we will also have a hunt!"

This sentence uttered the voice of many people, and it was also discussed by Lu Yang and Yingzheng, let Yingzheng take the opportunity to participate in the hunt!

Ying Zheng was overjoyed when he heard that, he laughed and said, "What? Master Lu wants to be involved too!"

He got excited, and as a result, he and Lu Yang both said his nickname. When the five envoys heard the words, their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at each other. On the side, Lu Buwei's expression was a little ugly, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Lu Yang didn't realize the abnormality either. Haha smiled and said: "Okay! Since your majesty has approved, my Long Weiwei will also try his skills!"

He called Long Weiwei's name very loudly, reminding the princes of his guard's name.

However, the people of the Six Nations didn't give any face. Just after he finished speaking, the envoy of the State of Wei Long Yang smiled, Gao Sheng said: "People also want to see how powerful the Black Armies are!"

Lu Yang chuckled in his heart and smiled bitterly. His guard is called Long Weiwei! Not the Black Armor!

He didn't bother to argue, Ying Zheng gave an order, and the troops of the envoys of the six countries were also dispatched. Ying Zheng personally wrestled the guards and entered the battlefield.

Lu Yang looked at the men who were about to move, and gently waved his hand, the Black Armor was touched!

With the sound of rumbling footsteps, the Black Armored Army immediately attracted everyone's attention. The horse galloped, and the black armour rushed to the elk. The general hunting is to circle the elk and shoot them. But the Black Army did not do so. They started driving away the giant deer from the beginning!

The princes of the Six Nations saw a burst of doubt, but saw that the Black Armour was far away, and they had already begun to shoot arrows. The princes were shocked again, it was impossible to shoot an arrow at such a distance!

However, soon their faces were filled with surprise, because those flying arrows went straight over the elk and flew forward!

But then he breathed a sigh of relief, everyone, because the long sword did not hit the elk at all. There was a smile among the princes!

However, it didn't take long for the ridicule on everyone's faces to disappear. Because the place where the flying arrows fell, the elk was surrounded. The poor elk was so scared that he didn't dare to move when he saw the arrow coming over!

Even the iron weapon dared to move quickly, staring at a pair of fearful eyes, one after another at the black armor army that was coming by.

Everyone was stunned. No one has seen such a way of hunting. No matter why these flying arrows can shoot so far, and no matter in terms of accuracy or cooperation, these people have become the center of this hunt!

Moreover, their flying arrows formed a complete circle. This requires the cooperation of the entire cavalry team with each other, and they have not had any communication before!

Without communication, you can know what the other party is going to do through eye contact, forming a complete circle, and how much tacit cooperation is needed. If such a combat power is on the battlefield, the combat power can be imagined. ..


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