Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 698: (Below) ambush

He moved, and Chu Fang, who was lying on his lap, also woke up. She lowered her head shyly, grabbed her clothes to cover her body, smiled slightly: "The son will wake up soon!"

Lu Yang nodded and smiled, not knowing what to say. If it's an ordinary girl, he might be able to pat his **** and leave. But these two are both daughters. Can he directly suffer from these two people.

The two girls seemed to see his doubts, and Zi Rou smiled slightly: "Don't worry, son, we two won't haunt you. We just want to have a long-cherished wish with the hero in our hearts. If the son doesn't like it. We don't need to pester the son!"

Lu Yang was surprised at hearing that these two women's ideas were really avant-garde!

He smiled and said, "Since the two girls don't mind. I won't mind it anymore! It's just that, hehe, I might have thought about it a lot, but I still think I should be responsible for the two girls!"

The two girls laughed playfully, looking at him a little funny, "Are you guys from Xicheng like this? Two days ago, one of our sisters spent the spring with a dark guy, and that dark guy wanted to take him. Meeting Xicheng, my sister dare not see him for a few days!"

Lu Yan was taken aback when she heard the words, and she was dumb: "Dark guy!"

Zi Rou nodded and said: "This person won my sister in the martial arts competition, and my sister is in love with each other. The two people have a good night, but they are more comfortable than us! Last night's salary seemed a little hesitant, absent-minded, no reason It makes people unhappy!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and his doubts quickly disappeared. He chuckled and said, "In that case, how about letting the two girls have fun now?"

When the two people saw him open their minds, they showed their sincere smiles. Zi Rou let out a sweet smile, and directly pounced on Lu Yang...

After sending the two girls away, Lu Yang always had an incredible smile on his mouth. Just after returning to work, Limay just got up, sleepy-eyed and was walking out, seeing Lu Yang coming in from outside, he seemed to be in an instant situation. He winked at Lu Yang and said, "Hey! Who is this for your majesty so early. I don't remember that Madam came last night!"

Lu Yang's face blushed. He didn't know how to mention such a romantic debt. His eldest brother said casually, "It's just two friends!"

Ion still insisted on letting him go, and said with a grin: "Two friends? I don't want to be friends with the movement last night!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said out of anger: "What are you doing!"

Ion drove unforgivingly: "It's not that my subordinates talk too much, but I rarely see your Majesty when he is so happy. Ion is really envious!"

Lu Yang gritted his teeth fiercely, and smiled: "You still envy me? I heard that when someone competed...ah! Haha, I forgot who it was!"

When Ion heard this, his face flushed, and Soou turned around and was about to run away.

Lu Yang shouted from behind him: "What are you running! Didn't I say that I forgot who it was?"

Ion ran and waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, have a meal, Ion will not be with you!"

Lu Yang let out a cold snort before returning to the room. During the day, just after having breakfast, someone outside the door suddenly sent a letter. As soon as the letter opened, it was indeed a beautiful line saying: "Last night, my sister couldn't go back for a long time. I have an appointment in the east of the city as soon as possible. Hope my brother can come. The signature is also two small characters, Zirou!"

Lu Yang looked at him for a while with surprise. It stands to reason that Chu Fang is the one who missed him the most now. I don't want this Zi Rou to be even more boring. Thinking of the heat hidden under her graceful body. Lu Yang's lower abdomen is hot!

He couldn't wait to receive the letter, and hurriedly left his home and headed south of the city. I don't know how long, he finally reached the south of the city.

However, halfway, he suddenly felt a little strange. Judging from the situation last night, it should be that Chu Fang had a deeper feeling for him. The one called Zi Rou has a lighter feeling. And this messenger that Zi Rou sent it. If she really wants to see herself, why does she have to make an appointment alone, and she has to be in the grove?

Thinking of this, Lu Yang couldn't help but feel a little strange, he tightened his horse halfway, frowned and thought. At this time, the grove is not far away. But Lu Yang couldn't make any progress.

Thinking about it carefully, this matter is indeed suspicious. Both girls are generous women. This is not to be jealous, why do we have to meet all around? Even if they have feelings for themselves, they shouldn't keep such secrets.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang hesitated for a while, and finally decided to dismount and go quietly. If something suspicious is found, he is making a decision. If no suspicious situation is found. He could say that he wanted to give her a surprise. Thinking of this, Lu Yang got off his horse. Wang Xiaolin fumbled over. I don't know how long it took before he finally reached the grove.

However, when he arrived at the agreed place, he did not see Zi Rou. Lu Yang finally raised his heart. But when he was about to leave, a sudden voice said: "My son, he is not coming at this time, I think he can't come today!"

Lu Yang's mental movement turned out to be Zi Rou's voice. But he heard another voice coldly snorted: "You didn't feel enamored with him overnight, right? Persuaded me to leave again and again!"

But Zi Rou hurriedly said: "How can you say that, you know my heart is yours. Only sister Chu Fang has true affection for him!"

Ling Yu snorted coldly when he heard the words: "This **** thought that Lu Yang would like him. He even took care of other guards! He just refused to give me a favor. If this son seizes the opportunity, hehe!"

When Zi Rou heard this, Wei Wei was a little displeased and said, "Why are you taking my good sister's attention too much!"

Ling Yu snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Good sister? Why don't I see you love me so much! I think you don't want to be Lily, but this is just what I want. I always want this **** to give me I am mentally willing!"

Hearing this, Zi Rou lowered her head slightly, her expression a little lost! ..


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