Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 720: Escape from Chu State

Started to flee deep in the jungle. I don't know how long it has passed. Lu Yang finally fought with Ion, and the two began to fight outside.

Ion gave Lu Yang a horse, and a group of people started rushing out of the guards. Several horses went all the way out of the capital of Chu State. On the way, Ion looked at Lu Yang with some worry: "Your Majesty is all right!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine!"

Ion was relieved, and went to kill with Lu Yang outside. The guards at the gate obviously did not realize that Lu Yang would come back. Immediately begin to close the city gates. Lu Yang speeded up their horseshoes, but when they got to the gate, the gate was about to close. But at this moment, two figures suddenly rushed out and slashed at the guard on the city gate together. The two of them were already in the city, and they came back very fast. The guards of the city gate were caught off guard and were killed by them! At this time, Lu Yang's flattery also arrived in front of them, and suddenly raised one of them to mount, and rushed outside the city!

Finally, after the capital of Chu State was settled, Lu Yang stopped. The man also took off his mask and smiled slightly: "How do you know it's me!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Now Chu is the only one who is willing to help me! Lu Chuan is here, which means he must have told you about it! So I know you are here!"

Zi Rou smiled slightly and said, "Don't you feel embarrassed that the dignified King of West City needs me to come to you?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Wife helps her husband, this is what it should be! If you don't, I will murder your husband!"

Zi Rou smiled slightly and said, "See you, where are we going now?"

Lu Yang smiled hehe and said, "Chu began to call in the army, and the people of Xicheng already knew about it. Now my Xicheng cavalry is coming, we are here for the time being, waiting for a day, the reinforcements will come!"

Everyone was resting in the forest, and there were also a few chasing soldiers in between! They blew up a tent here at night. At such a time of crisis, Lu Yang did not forget to be happy with the beauty. The joyous voice lasted all night. Finally the next day, the army of Xicheng arrived.

Two hundred thousand cavalry arrived in the capital of Chu State and began to station. At this time, the capital of Chu State only had a hundred thousand defenders. Lu Yangtai, they arrived in the Xicheng military camp.

As soon as I entered the barracks, I saw Le Cheng waiting for a few people hurriedly. As soon as they saw Lu Yang, they said, "If your Majesty does this again, please resign and return to heaven!"

They were menacing knights, but they didn't seem to have come to persuade Lu Yang. It's here to fight! After listening to them, Lu Yang cried and laughed in his heart. He nodded slightly and smiled at several people: "This kind of thing won't happen a second time!"

The expressions of a few people improved, and Le Cheng said: "It is almost impossible that our army has surrounded the capital of Chu State. It should not be possible to capture it now. Reinforcements from all directions of Chu State are coming! What should we do, Your Majesty Haiqing Instructions!"

Lu Yang knew that he was angry, if it were himself, perhaps this matter would have been done! Nodded, Lu Yang smiled and said, "Encircle you first. You also start to manufacture the engineering equipment I mentioned. There is..." Then, he looked at Le Cheng and said, "You and Ion will carry 50,000 soldiers and horses and lie in wait. Reinforcement!" As he said, he looked at another general named Li You and said, "You bring 50,000 soldiers and horses for the day and night project. But don't really attack. After you get close to the capital of Chu, you will retreat. To put it bluntly, it is harassment!"

Everyone was strange when they heard this. Lu Yang smiled and explained: "Let Chu country trouble this, let them attack unintentionally! Harassment day and night, they will be exhausted forever!" Everyone nodded and went to work on their own. Lu Yang took Zi Rou to his camp. With no one on the left or right, Zi Rou immediately said, "Don't look at it, you are actually quite attractive when you are serious!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I am more than just being charming! Without charm, are you following me now?"

Zi Rou glanced at her mouth and said, "Also! I don't have a better choice now. As long as there is a choice, who will follow you!"

Lu Yang nodded and smiled, and then said to her: "By the way, can you paint?"

Zi Rou was taken aback: "Drawing?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, just paint!"

Zi Rou said a little strangely: "What are you doing painting! If you like it, I will find a decent painter. My level is not very good!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "The things I paint, others can't see, only you can see!"

Zi Rou's face blushed, and he gave him a white look: "You are not ashamed, and let me paint something!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and quickly understood, shook his head and said: "I didn't mean that, I really want you to talk something useful!"

Only then did Zi Rou believe him, but she still looked at him doubtfully: "What are you going to paint. Let me tell them first!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "This thing is called a cloud ladder. You should have seen it too, but the one I'm talking about is different from what you have seen!"

Zi Rou knew that he was not painting something shy, so she was relieved. Soon, he took out his paintbrush and drew it as described by Lu Yang. After it was finished, he looked at the painted transformation and couldn't help but sigh: "What a ladder. This ladder is different from our long sword ladder. Sure enough, there are some subtleties!"

Lu Yang nodded, looked at his transformation, and couldn't help but sigh: "You really are a master painter! The ladder drawn is exactly the same as mine!"

Zi Rou smiled slightly, her face flushed slightly and said: "People are naturally much more powerful than expected. But you don't know it! I want you to look down upon us from Chu, a small woman!"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Where am I a small girl!"

Zi Rou coldly snorted: "I haven't said yet. When you saw me saving you, you were still a little surprised. People feel that you have been wanting someone's assistant for a long time! Don't you think that they are not capable enough? How, People still played a big role. If it weren't for me this time, you could escape from Chu State. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to paint so quickly!"..


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