Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 722: War

The West Side army finally began to attack the city. In the battle drums, Lu Yang’s cavalry was in the crack of the capital of Chu. The army surrounded the entire capital of Chu State! Xicheng cavalry is tied in front of the city gate. However, on the head of Chu State City, the West City Project with only tens of thousands of people was wrong. Chu Jun once again thought that Xicheng was Yang Gong. In the past two days, Xicheng did not go to the city to irritate the Chu army, and did not attack, just narration. Although Chu Jun had a headache. But it still looks fearless. This time, although many people clearly heard the tune of the siege is different. But still not too faithful.

The Xicheng Tieqi Cracking Needle Baby was not finished, but was not in a hurry to attack the city, but was busy behind. Chu Jun watched all morning, Xicheng had been fighting drums but had no intention of engineering. Even the King of Chu was a little slack, thinking that this was Lu Yang's feint method.

However, he hadn't relaxed for too long, when Xicheng suddenly launched a huge category of cars behind him. This car has a city wall high and low, and there is an interview slope, like a staircase, Chu Jun was dumbfounded at seeing this car! With this kind of car, the West Side army can successfully climb the city wall. These words Chu Jun was finally not calm. A general hurried to Miyagi to report to King Chu. King Chu was enjoying the cool in the ice palace at this time. Mrs. Li was sitting beside her, eating grapes for a blink of a while.

Hearing the seniority of the soldiers, King Chu still didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't believe that only tens of thousands of troops could admire the capital of Chu Kingdom! But Mrs. Li listened carefully to the soldier's return. When the soldier reported back the information, Mrs. Li roughly simulated the device in her mind and found that the device was really useful. Looking at King Chu who didn't take it seriously, Li Fu subconsciously showed a strange smile. Lu Yang's palace seems to be more than trying to seize the capital of Chu State!

At the same time, Chun Shenjun was also enjoying the shade, he was more comfortable than King Chu, and he had two beauties in his arms!

The beauties are all fifteen or sixteen years old, which is an innocent age, but they just want to accompany her this old man. No one looked reluctant, but they could only make a face behind his back. Hearing the soldier's report, Chun Shenjun didn't pay much attention to it. , In his impression. It is impossible for tens of thousands of people to attack the capital of Chu State. So he didn't finish listening at all, so he drove the taxi away!

Finally, the Luyang project began. One after another huge engineering tanks, the Chu army camp pushed past. The stakes of this tank are very huge. To an astonishing degree. When Lu Yang's chariot came over, the defenders on board were so frightened that they all forgot about Lu Yang's arrival. During the city wall weddings and funerals, soldiers started shooting with rockets. But it didn't work at all, and some people started using rem to try to make the ground uneven. The only drawback of this type of tank is that it must have a smooth road to move forward. However, where does the Chu army at this time want to dig a hole for the Xicheng chariot? Finally, the car arrived in front of the city wall. Lu Yang's cavalry moved.

The cavalry rumblingly boarded the chariot, with blond hair on the head of the king's city, almost flat on the ground! Seeing that the Xicheng army was speeding up, Chu Jun had no resistance at all and started to retreat. Such a siege was the first and only time. Lu Yang's army didn't need much effort to break into the capital of Chu Kingdom. But after waiting for them to get outside the capital, no one still realized how powerful this kind of chariot is!

Lu Yang's cavalry rushed around the city, which shocked the king of Chu and the others. Various families began to organize resistance forces. After a while, the entire capital of Chu State was caught in the flames of war. When King Chu heard a battle report, he finally started to collapse! Chun Shenjun was more direct, he was more informed than the King of Chu, and he ran away after receiving the news. King Chu didn't know yet, he had already thrown out the capital!

Lu Yang's army quickly tilted the surrounding forces and began to surround Miyagi.

In the main hall, King Chu looked at the ministers with horrified faces, their expressions gloomy and terrible. These ministers have all taken refuge, just a few days ago. He didn't even say that Liaodu City could not be attacked by the Xicheng army within three to five years. As a result, this morning, they won the capital without any effort! Looking at the horrified eyes, King Chu knew that the situation was gone! The current State of Chu could not be Xicheng's opponent at all!

Suddenly, King Chu's complexion changed, his eyes drifting in the crowd. Finally, he said in a still calm voice: "Where is Jun Shenjun?"

The ministers in the main hall were ignorant and looked at each other. Finally, a general stepped forward and said: "Report to your Majesty. Long before he broke the city, Chun Shenjun had already escaped from Chu Capital City!"

King Chu was all over his body, and his face instantly became blood red. Suddenly, he picked up an object on the table, threw it down on Meng's net, and said angrily: "Zhuzi! Zhuzi!"

The officials could also understand his anger. He didn't touch him at the beginning, it was Chun Shenjun who wanted to fight. The results of it? Cheng broke, Chun Shenjun is gone!

The king of Chu was furious, and after a long period of anger, he slowly breathed out: "Fall! That being the case! I can only make peace! Submit!"

Qu Cong immediately stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty!"

King Chu sighed and said, "Go and ask Lu Yang what he wants!"

After listening to what he said, he hesitated for a while and said: "This...Please, your Majesty Shuchen can't go out and ask. Shen knows exactly what Lu Yang wants!"

King Chu twisted his eyes, looked at him and said, "Say!"

Suffering and raising his head, he looked straight at King Chu and said, "All Lu Yang wants is one thing, and that is Jun Shenjun!"

King Chu cried and laughed when he heard the words, and said helplessly, "But he has already run away!"

After succumbing to pondering for a while, he raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Although Lu Yang wants Jun Shenjun. But he may not have shaken his life. What Lu Yang wants is that the two countries can live in harmony. Now Chunshen Jun has always wanted to provoke a dispute between the two countries. This is how Lv Yang started the army. If you want to keep Lv Yang from getting angry, the method is also very simple, that is, let Chun Shen Jun’s title be removed. Since then, he will become a civilian!"..


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