Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 855: Steal the day

In the yard, all the sons caught their breath. Countless excited eyes fell on the corpse on the chopping board. This corpse belonged to Cheng Yang, but they didn't mean Cheng Yang.

Lu Yang thought about it for a while before he untied the hijab covering the corpse. Suddenly a rotting breath came. Many people turned their heads subconsciously, and more people began to retching. For a while, the yard became lively again.

But Lu Yang was calm and composed, staring at the corpse closely.

The degree of decay of the corpse is not very bad, but the face is bloated. Lu Yang remembered that his face was swollen when he saw Young Master Cheng Yang. However, judging by his body shape and clothes on his body, he was the son of Cheng Yang, at least very similar.

Lu Yang frowned and looked at it for a while. Seeing him looking at a corpse so intently, the other princes showed strange gazes, and didn't know what it meant.

Ma Sixu retched, and seemed to adapt a little. When he arrived at Lu Yang, he said, "Mr. Ma! Did you find anything?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No, the corpse will be killed by one blow. The technique is very sharp! The location of the assassination is very precise, and there is no doubt!"

"Suspicious points?" Ma Sixu frowned and said: "We all saw Master Cheng Yang when he was assassinated. What doubts can you see from a corpse?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "Otherwise! The corpse can tell us more than the living tell us. For example, look at the shoes of Cheng Yang's son, it is a little muddy. But there has been no rain in the past two days, and there is no water on the land. Pit. So Chengyang pays to go to places like the river."

All the princes showed curious eyes after hearing this, they naturally didn't expect Lu Yang to know where he was through a little water stain.

A young man was a little dissatisfied and said, "Is it possible that he has his shoes curled up and wet?" One sentence suddenly caused a burst of laughter.

Lu Yang shook his head and said solemnly: "This is even more impossible. If you pee on your shoes, the water stain should be on the top of the shoes. It shouldn't be on the shoes! Look, the tassels are concentrated on the bottom of the shoes. And Look at the water stains, are there some patterns!"

After hearing the words, a group of princes looked at the bottom of the shoes, and after a while, a prince said: "Huh? Water stains are the outline of a grass!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes! Some grass grows by the riverside. The grass blocks the water on the ground, so the water stains have the outline of grass!"

All the princes nodded in surprise, which is very surprising for them. Lu Yang continued: "Look at his hands again, the calluses on them show that Young Master Cheng Yang likes to use knives. The main method of knives is to chop, so the hukou grinding is more important!"

As soon as he finished his words, a young man laughed and said, "Haha! You are wrong! Young man Cheng Yang can't use a knife!"

Lu Yang became cold and looked at him strangely. The other masters nodded when they heard this: "Yes, Master Cheng Yang doesn't need to be here. And he doesn't know how to martial arts!"

Lu Yang heard a flash of light in his eyes, squinted slightly and said: "Oh? Young Master Cheng Yang can't use martial arts?"

Song Qiwen was on Lu Yang's side, and he was embarrassed to see him ashamed. He nodded and said: "Yes, Master Cheng Yang has never learned martial arts. I remember the last time we had an awkward relationship with the lady of the Situ family, and the lady of the Situ family beat him to the lower limbs. According to his personality, he would not intentionally hide it. Martial arts and suffered this great humiliation!"

At this point, he was shocked as if thinking of something and his eyes flickered. It's just that he faces Lu Yang, others can't see it!

Lu Yang frowned slightly, faintly aware of what he saw. He smiled slightly and said, "That's it! It seems that I was wrong!"

Suddenly, all the elder brothers made a noise and bought many people and began to condemn Lu Yang.

"What! Let us use so much energy to steal the corpse, and we haven't found anything!"

"It seems that there is nothing good about consorts! I thought the princess had added a capable person!"

Lu Yang didn't seem to hear these voices, hehe smiled and said, "If you have trouble, I think this son's special operations team can also be disbanded!"

All the princes showed disappointment after hearing this, and some people were unwilling to say: "No! We must find out who the murderer is!"

But listening to their tone, there is no meaning to avenge others!

When Lu Yang heard these words, his face was ashamed: "But the princes were too careless. Once they were spotted, we can't start the investigation anymore? I hope the princes can keep it secret!"

Confidential? Simple, as long as you have fun. This group of sons who usually don't have much fun suddenly became excited...

Lu Yang sent the corpse away, and within a short while he received King Qi's call.

King Qi looked a little bad, even a little angry!

He looked at Lu Yang coldly and said, "The prince! The lonely king asked you to investigate secretly, why did you tell the princes? This matter is now full of trouble in the city, and the lonely king has just been asked by the ministers!"

Lu Yang naturally thought about the doctor a long time ago, and smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, stay calm. Some of these brothers happened to have witnessed this. They didn't know it when they announced it. Now, in order to keep them from talking nonsense. , So... ahem!"

Only then did King Qi understand that he actually knew that such a big thing could not be kept secret.

Thinking of this, he said solemnly: "How does the consort plan to deal with this matter!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said: "I can't stop the sparseness. Since the prince already knows that it is not weak to give them an answer! As long as the answer does not hurt the national body, it will naturally make people feel at ease. The minister thinks that it is not good to keep it hidden. , That gang of princes just like to have fun, but there is no difference!"

Qi Wangwen's expression became mild, and he nodded and said, "Is there a result of the investigation?"

Lu Yang coughed, and his tone became low: "It has been found, the deceased is not Young Master Cheng Yang!"

King Qi was not surprised, and he stopped asking Lu Yang to directly say: "That's good! You are responsible for finding him, and then... hey!"..


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