Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 930: Storytelling Lu Yang

Lu Yang thought about the darkness here, even if he wrung out his clothes, he would be fine. So he quickly took off his clothes and began to wring them out. After a while, the clothes almost caught up with Lu Yang before putting them on.

During the entire process, Chu Lingfeng made no sound. Lu Yang couldn't help but wondered: "Girl Lingfeng?"

Chu Lingfeng's voice immediately said: "Must?"

Lu Yang paused, then said loudly: "You are from the Wei country, is your name really Chu Lingfeng?"

Chu Lingfeng was quiet for a while before he arrived: "Yes! I never change my name. Because the person I killed didn't know who did it!"

Lu Yang said in a sudden voice: "So that's it!" He said, ah, a little strange: "How did you find the riverbank!"

Chu Lingfeng’s voice was a little confused, but he said honestly: "My home is on the Weishui River and the edge. Oh, I have been able to swim in the water since childhood. So I have always liked to swim in the water. Others don’t know about the flow in the water. ."

Only then did Lu Yang show a dazed look and said: "That's it!"

Then, Lu Yang talked to him again. Chu Lingfeng was asked a few words, and finally he was a little puzzled: "Why did you ask me about these things. But where are we in the hall of disguise?"

Lu Yang Wenyi smiled, and said in an embarrassing voice: "You know. Your assassination is a bad thing for me and my family. So I don't want to keep you because it's too cruel! Today! We are in jail at the same time. Helping each other is the most important thing."

It seemed that Chu Lingfeng suddenly realized what he meant. It turned out that he was afraid that he would not help him, so he ran away.

Thinking of this, she chuckled and said, "Did you leave you?"

Lu Yang smiled and touched his nose and said, "It's best if Miss Lingfeng doesn't think like this!"

But Chu Lingfeng smiled slightly and said, "If I want to leave you behind, I won't tell you the location of the shore. You may not know it. This is a coincidence used by the director to prevent others from stabs. The owner can find the route by himself. . And if it’s fishing in at this moment, you can only drown in it. Ling helped people design this kind of river before. So you can understand it at a glance!"

Lu Yang suddenly realized it, and said in his heart very carefully: "Since you are not going to kill me. Why don't you let me out?"

Chu Lingfeng sighed after hearing the words, "It's not that I don't want Fang Ma to go out. This is because the design of this river is too old. It is not good for us to act rashly now. I am listening to the sound of the water!"

Lu Yang was dumbfounded when he heard the words, just listening to the sound of the water. He can judge the direction of the current, this kind of thing should be regarded as a spell!

Thinking of this, his hopes grew stronger. However, after a long time, Chu Lingfeng still had no voice, and Lu Yang became disciplined in his heart.

Suddenly, Chu Lingfeng's voice said, "Come over and check the number?"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and he became vigilant. What did you do in the past? Could it be that he is killing himself? Thinking of this, he hesitated: "This...what does the girl make me feel in the past!"

After listening to her, Chu Lingfeng seemed to understand what he meant. Smiled slightly: "I'm afraid of the dark!"

Lu Yang glared and rolled his eyes when he heard this, and thought out of anger, what kind of reason was this. I don’t have to say that if I’m crazy.

He chuckled and said, "A master like a girl is also afraid of the dark?"

Chu Lingfeng paused for a while, then suddenly said in a very sad business way: When I was young, if I did not practice well in practice. The master would lock me up. A place as dark as here! "

When Lu Yang heard the words, he felt like he was using tenderness tactics? But listening to her voice is indeed very scared. But Lu Yang still didn't dare to trust him, and smiled slightly: "Actually, it's easy to be afraid of the dark. Just close your eyes and pretend to be daytime!"

As soon as his voice fell, Chu Lingfeng calmed down again. After a while, she fluttered and said with a smile: "Punma is really glib. It's still dark when you close your eyes!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said with no anger: "This is the time to pretend to be daytime. Anyway, closing your eyes is dark. I remember one person once said. A wealthy businessman married a wife, and he found it special in the East. Ugly. Attached with a sad face, his friend paid attention to him. Every time I had **** in the future, I kept blowing and waiting. And I didn’t let the surroundings shine. I attached the photo, and it didn’t take a few days to get better. much better!"

Chu Lingfeng sometimes chuckled when he heard the words, and said out of anger, "Every serious man of you, even persuading people is qualified."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It's fine for a girl to be young." When he said this, he was talking about: "Has the girl found a way out?"

Chu Lingfeng seemed to have just remembered the incident, and smiled slightly: "The son is so anxious. The mechanism here is not elsewhere, it is easy to find!"

Lu Yang cried and laughed when he heard the words, and said in his heart, otherwise I will let you feel something. But after listening to Chu Lingfeng continue to say: "Mr. Ma has a steady footsteps, until today, is there some pressure in my heart!"

Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and he did not want to answer this question. Chu Lingfeng seemed to see his thoughts, and hurriedly added: "I see that those officials who have a sad face every day are far less comfortable than us knights!"

Lu Yang paused after hearing the words, and suddenly sighed, "Girl, do you know Bai Hui?"

Chu Lingfeng was taken aback for a moment, and was puzzled: "White Grey?"

Lu Yang nodded and said: "Yes, every March, the birds will drop their feces in a fixed place. These feces pile up and become white ash within a few days. Normally, no one pays attention to it, but it becomes yellow when it is yellow. A kind of precious food.” As he said, he cried and said with a smile: “I have seen people eat this before. And more than once. Among the princes now, there are people eating this kind of food in every transit. They seem to have already I’m used to it. But I’m not. I think if I don’t do anything now. One day my offspring will eat these things. So I have to stand up. Every time I encounter danger, I’m like, but the worst is going back. See the white ash to eat!"..


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