Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 1065: upset

The situation in Qi is indeed turbulent, not just turbulence. And the turbulence is very severe, and there are already many teams rising up in many places.

Rao was the king of Qi, and his heart began to turn yellow. At this time, a major event happened. The occurrence of this incident was actually a coincidence, but it pushed the hazard of the last behavior in King Qi's life to the top!

This morning, a precarious official spent a frightened night. He didn't even return home on this page, so he drank all night to save it. Lu Yang killed people every day, who knew that he was not killing himself today?

Tian Tian was so worried and frightened every day passed. He drank all night before calling back in the morning. Before I knew it, I fell asleep on my stomach. The so-called old horse knows the way, that is the reason. This horse should have dragged him home. Don't you want to get tired on the way? I want to take a break. Coincidentally, the road leading to the gate of Miyagi where he rested.

I don't know when he woke up, at this time the sky was already cute. There are already many stalls on the street, and he just woke up. I saw Gongmen right in front of my eyes.

This person was also stupefied and mad thinking that he was going to be beheaded, so he shouted immediately: "Your Majesty is innocent, I am not convinced!"

A person shouted for a long time, although his voice was not loud. But it happened to be heard by an official passing by. The official heard him yell so, the anger accumulated in his heart exploded. When he reached a place alongside this man, he also roared. This roar immediately aroused the idea of ​​a group of people. Anxious to pass one, ten pass a hundred. Soon, this voice spread throughout the nine cities.

In less than a morning, all the officials gathered here. After using it one after another, many people felt it. What I saw was this scene.

Soon the entire gate of King Qi's palace was filled with this voice, and the voices shouted together.

The Qi capital city began to be in chaos, and the imperial army watched these roaring people. No one dared to move these ministers. Although they might be cut off by Lu Yang one day. But now they are still ministers.

As soon as Lu Yang received a report from the Forbidden Army, his face changed drastically. This is the time when Qi is in turmoil, once this happens. At the end of the division of various places, are you still about to move?

He subconsciously wanted to ride a horse to siege the city, but soon he woke up. He was the executor who killed these ministers. He married the peak of no effect, I would arouse the anger of these ministers.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang stopped his horse and thought for a while. He suddenly thought of someone. But whether this person can perform this task is still lacking in consideration!

It's true that only this person is the most suitable at this time. Thinking of this, Lu Yang didn't hesitate. Hurried to the man's residence. Soon his horse arrived at the Prince's Mansion. Lu Yang stopped his horse in front of the Prince's Mansion. He hurried to the prince.

The prince had already woke up at this time, and people had heard the news. He was hiding in the room, and his expression looked panicked. When Lu Ang arrived, he was staring at the ground fee in a daze.

Hearing Lu Yang's voice, his expression changed, and a thousand words of joy on his face: "Brother-in-law, you are here!"

Lu Yang frowned upon hearing this, "What is the reason for the prince's impatience!"

The prince Fu Wenyan smiled bitterly: "Is it not clear about the consort? Many officials have gathered outside the siege today." Lu Yang frowned upon hearing this, "I know this, but I don't know why I am so impatient!"

The prince Fu Wenyan smiled bitterly: "Except for such a fight, of course I am impatient!"

Lu Yang's tone fell low, his eyes focused on him and said, "Could it be said that if Qi State is disrupted, will the Prince be so impulsive when he becomes Qi King?"

The prince Fu was taken aback when he heard that something was going on, and then stared at him blankly and said, "What does this mean?"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "The prince is so agitated, isn't it what he should be like to go to the army?"

The crown prince Fu was cold for a while, and suddenly his complexion changed, and he took a deep breath and said: "What the horseman taught me. Fu is a little anxious!"

Lu Yang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good! Now that Qi is at home and abroad, only one person can solve this problem!"

Prince Fu Wenyan's eyes lit up, and he respectfully said to Lu Yang, "Who!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and Chen Sheng said, "It's your Excellency!"

The prince Fu Wenyan was taken aback, and looked at him in surprise: "Does the horse tell me? can I handle this kind of thing!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Perhaps no one in the world can handle this matter. But the only person who can handle this matter is the prince!"

Prince Fu frowned and his eyes became unstable again. He thought for a while and said, "I still don't know I can handle this!"

Lu Ang smiled slightly and said: "Otherwise, in fact, if you know that you want to appear, the ministers' emotions will be stabilized. You want to give them nothing but hope!"

Prince Fu Wenyan frowned. Lu Yang smiled and continued: "The prince think about it. The prince's personality is a little weaker. These ministers are also clear. The appearance of the prince is to give the minister confidence. After all, their future monarch is a very docile person. This is hope. One. Secondly, what the ministers are most afraid of now is that your majesty will continue to kill. As long as the prince intercedes, your majesty will have a step up. The ministers also have hope!"

Prince Fu Wenyan's eyes gradually changed. But soon he hesitated and said: "But this way. Am I going to criticize the father in person?"

Lu Ang laughed and said: "Even if it is criticism, there is nothing. Besides, the prince does not need to talk about this matter. After all, this matter is not a good thing for the prince or his majesty."

Prince Fu swallowed after hearing the words, still seemed a little nervous.

Lu Yang talked lavishly in his heart, and put a hand on his shoulder and said: "Prince, Qi Guo will rely on you in the future!"..


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