Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 1189: Escape successfully

Long Yangjun used Zhao Guoren to attack Danyang, opening a road to the West City and controlling the seaport at the same time. Zhao Guo did not resist this temptation, and as expected, the attack opened the door. And all he did was to attract Lu Yang's army with a few people.

But his plan was defeated by Lu Yang. He began to gather his troops.

The more he understood Long Yang Jun, he knew that Long Yang Jun's ingenuity was more than just being a minister.

In the past, prestige favored him, and others felt that he had not been favored by King Wei. Lu Yang knew this person deeply, and now Ling Yang began to understand this person slowly. Behind this person's heart is cruel. In the past, the reason why Long Yang Jun obediently corrupted was because of his thought limitation. Once this limitation was opened, his actions would be more than a little.

This man can become cruel in an instant, and tender in an instant.

Ling Yang was thinking about it, and King Xiong snorted coldly: "Hey! Now you understand, we will definitely not cooperate with Zhao Guo!"


Ling Yang froze for a moment, his face changed slightly. Lu Yang arranged everything, but did not tell him what to do if the head of the Xiongnu did not agree to his solicitation. He never thought of such a simple question...

Hey! The color word first sang a knife. Hearing him talk about Ming Jue at the time, he agreed with his vitality. As a result, the whole thing ran without thinking clearly. What should be done now.

After a while, the cold sweat on Ling Yang's head came down. Run away now? Just kidding, the Huns treat his bond like a silkworm chrysalis. It's strange that he can run. Beg? If these Huns wanted to kill him, what use was his pleading?

The Xiong Nu stealing people seemed to see his horror, a sneer slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes gradually became cold. It was like looking at him against the prey.

Ling Yang had more cold sweat on his head and swallowed subconsciously. I started thinking about what to do at this time. Suddenly, he resounded about the Kunlun God that Lu Yang said. Anxiously blurted out: "I am an envoy sent by Kunlun God!"

In a word, Ling Yang just closed his eyes and waited to die. However, for a long time, he didn't see what the head Xiongnu did. Ling Yang opened one eye to take a look, but saw the head of the Huns opposite him staring at him dumbfounded.

Seeing him open his eyes, the head of the Xiongnu suddenly recovered and looked at him excitedly and said: "You are sent by the Kunlun God!"

Ling Yang nodded subconsciously. At this moment, if he wanted to shake his head, he would be dead.

The head of the Xiongnu walked over quickly, wrapped her arms in both hands and said, "Envoy of the Kunlun God! You are the envoy of the Kunlun God!"

Ling Yang nodded again, finally sighing in his heart.

The head of the Xiongnu suddenly raised the sky and shouted loudly to the outside: "Come on, come on the list for the messenger of God!"

Immediately two Huns entered the battalion commander, and they were stuck as if Ling Yang had untied. The King Hun also helped himself by uncovering the rope on him. It took a long time to uncover the circles. The rope piled up on the ground, and it hit a hill against it. The head of the Huns took him to sit down with a look of enthusiasm. Then he smiled and said, "Try not to be offended, I don’t know your identity, I thought it was a spy sent by Xicheng. Yeah!"

Ling Yang was completely relaxed at this time, and he smiled after hearing the words: "You are welcome, you will have doubts. It is normal for you to be suspicious. Before I can confirm that you are really loyal, I dare not easily expose my identity!"

Faithful, of course loyal. We don’t sleep in the middle of the night.

The head of the Huns subconsciously turned back and glanced at the statue behind him, as if to emphasize Ling Yang. Ling Yang didn't have this thought. He was now full of mind to leave this dangerous place.

He coughed: "Now your loyalty has been determined. Now I need to go back to Kunlun Mountain, and I want to declare your loyalty!"

Hearing this, the head of the Huns was taken aback, frowned and said: "Does the envoy communicate with the declaration, do we still need to visit Kunlun Mountain?"


Ling Yang froze for a while, don't you want to say Kunlun Mountain to Kunlun God? This...I don't quite understand things like religion. I don't understand this!

But at this time, he naturally did not clap the pot in panic, but he smiled and said: "Your Excellency knows something. The closer you are to Kunlun Mountain, the lower you can feel the will of God. If the distance is too far, you will not hear him. Call it!"

The head of the Huns frowned upon hearing this, and looked at him later. Ling Yang raised it up in his heart, it is hard to say that he had made a mistake.

But seeing the head of the Xiongnu for a while, the clothes suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this. It doesn't work if I don't care about my sacrificial offerings to the gods!"

Ling Yang was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't know how this **** started his work.

He coughed: "Of course that's the case, otherwise, how can I communicate with the gods next time?"

The head of the Xiongnu nodded, and his face began to wince. He wasn't reluctant to part with Ling Yang, but rather the messenger of this god.

Seeing his dismayed look on his face, Ling Yang was afraid he would change his mind, and said quickly: "Don't worry about the chief, there is a wind protection technique underneath. It takes no more than a cup of tea to come and go to Kunlun Mountain, you will take a moment. Go down and come back!"

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the head of the Huns. If he hadn't seen Ling Yang's kung fu, he might doubt his words. But after seeing his skill, he couldn't doubt it.

He stood up and exclaimed: "That's it! The messenger is interesting, waiting for the messenger here!"

Ling Yang just stood up and smiled with a face of immortality: "The headman waits a moment, and he will come when he goes down!" He walked outside with a stride. Several Huns outside saw him coming out and wanted a lazy pig, but they were drunk by the head of the Huns. Ling Yang came out of the camp all the way, looking back at the realization of leaving the Huns, the eight groups rushed!

When he reached the foot of a hill, Ling Yang stopped and bent over Kuang Chuan. Running wildly this way also exhausted him. ..


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