Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 1207: failure

Ling Yang went to the bar and told Qi Ye about the matter, and wanted Qi Ye to take him away. What he said in the camp to the head of Anger was just trying to get away, and didn't mean to them all.

But Qi also really brightened his eyes when he heard what he said, and said words of praise.

Before Ling Yang spoke, he was praised. Suspicious in his heart, he quickly looked like a car owner. Qi also didn't know that he was just pretending to be clever, and thought he had planned this way. He couldn't help but said happily: "Yes! It seems that your Majesty is not honest and wise to let you do this. I never thought that you still have some talent!"

Ling Yang was praised by him, and he really felt very smart. He chuckled, and said in a dark voice: "These Huns are very simple-minded. Let's say a few words at random. They just believe it."

Qi Ye frowned when he heard the words, his face was a little displeased and said, "Although you have successfully settled down today. But there are still endless doctors and patients. Your mission is to have a large audience. Don't be careless."

When Ling Yang heard the words, his proud face suddenly stepped down, and he smiled and scratched his head: "I'm always careless!"

Ling Yang smiled and said: "You have deterred these Huns, but they are not enough for you to use them. If you want to use them, there is one more thing to do."

Ling Yang was taken aback, and said strangely: "Is there one more thing to do?"

There were many expressions in Qi Ye's eyes, and he nodded and said: "Yes, there is another important thing. That is to anger them!"

Ling Yang sometimes froze for a moment, frowning and saying: "Enraged them? Didn't you make them angry today?"

Qi also frowned, looking at him sternly and said: "I said irritated, but I didn't say that I would irritate them. They want to be angry, but they can't be angry with you!"

Ling Yang was stunned by him, and quickly lowered his head and said: "Mister means..."

Qi Ye smiled and said: "Hey! Isn't it easy? You brought it from Chahar. Chahar is the best of Yankang because of yours. Today you offended Chahar because of Yankang. You said How can you anger these Huns chiefs?"

Ling Yang froze for a while and suddenly his expression changed, and he looked at Qi Ye in surprise and said, "You said Chief Chahar!"

Qi also nodded and said, "According to the current relationship between you and Chahar. Naturally, no one would suspect that you killed Chahar. However, Yan Kang had many conflicts with him, and killing him makes the most sense. As long as the arrangements are made properly, no It's hard to think that he killed Chahar."

When he said this, he smiled and said: "You just proposed Ji Pathology. Chahar was killed by Yankang. In the eyes of others, what is Yankang's goal? What is he afraid of? In this way, you can control this branch more easily. The troops!"

Ling Yang frowned when he heard this and said: "However, if it weren't for Chahar's support these days, we wouldn't be able to stay here for so long. He has always supported me, why are we ashamed to kill him! Besides, Chahar is Our only supporter will still be of great use to us in the future. Killing him will still ignore us in the long run!"

Qi Ye frowned when he heard the words and said: "You have received support from many people now. As long as this group of leaders have opinions on Yankang. You can easily control this group. As for the others, you don't have to worry about it. If Chahar dies, someone else will take his place!"

Ling Yang's expression gradually lost after hearing his words. He lowered his head lightly, a deep intolerance in his eyes.

Qi didn't notice the change in his expression either, and there was a team in his mind thinking about how to solve this matter perfectly.

After a while, he remembered the same. He lowered his head and wanted to say something to Qi. Seeing that Ling Yang's face was like this, he couldn't help but froze for a while, frowned and said, "Why are you so sad?"

Ling Yang suddenly recovered, shook his head and said: "No... nothing!"

An unpleasant look flashed in Qi Ye's eyes, and he coldly snorted: "How can I accomplish great things if I don't want to stay away from it. When I followed the pen, I watched him go to the world with my own eyes. This is the achievement!" Yibian said. He became even more angry, and said in an even more angry tone: "I heard that you accepted this task for a woman. Not to mention that you are greedy for money and **** at a young age. Just say that you are unwilling to do things. Just let people watch. I’m having a headache. I really don’t know what you must love to give you such an important task."

Ling Yang had been a little uncomfortable being reprimanded every day. Although partly because he was a little afraid of Qi Ye, it was inevitable that he felt uncomfortable. Hearing that he was going to kill Chahar, my heart became even more unhappy. Listening to him say this about himself, I couldn't help but get furious.

Suddenly raising his head, he coldly snorted: "This is unreasonable. You also know that asked me to do this. But you have been pointing fingers at me ever since you came here. I never ask what you are going to do. You never knew to report me! I didn't say a few words, you actually came to train me!"

He also got more and more angry as he spoke, and he was out of breath after only a few words. Blushing.

Qi also looked at his angry look, not only did he not feel angry at all. Instead, he quickly became interested.

Ling Yang was very excited at this time and did not notice the change in his face. He still delivered the message by himself: "The head of Chahar is so good to me! Why should I kill someone! This is a loyal believer and a firm ally. Killing me has no other ally! You are Let me field arms!"

Qi Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Hey! Is this angry?"

Ling Yang was furious, and his heart burned more fiercely. He delivers goods here, and they don’t pay much attention to it.

He angrily said: "I'm not stupid, I'm not stupid, Chahar, you killed me!"

Qi Ye's eyes narrowed into a slit. Suddenly, he smiled slightly and said, "Do you know? Now you remind me of a person more and more!"

Ling Yang was taken aback, frowned and said, "Who!"...


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