Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 1269: New hero

Looking through the gate, Yimapingchuan is all grassland. The corpses spread across the grassland, and the traces of the war have not disappeared.

Lu Yang said it was an inspection, but in fact it was just going out for a walk. Zhao Jun hasn't left yet, they plan to attack another city.

After a great battle, the city once again returned to peace. Ling Yang was arranged by Lu Yang to comfort the people. The people not only need to be comforted, but also Ling Yang took the opportunity to preach the doctrine.

Nothing can convince the people more than the victory of a war.

Lu Yang was patrolling the city wall to see where he left off.

After Ling Yang kicked the watchtower, the gap in the city gate was already blocked. At this time, Lu Yang had also taken it to Miyagi, carrying Harhan's head to the wall. Seeing this, the group of Huns could only begin to retreat.

However, they have just begun to retreat. Didn't there be a vote of people killed outside the ancient city, it turned out to be Zhao Guoren!

Zhao Mu swore to the sky that they really didn't come to ambush the Huns. Zhao Muyuanyuan saw that the Huns were about to break through the city, and immediately led the soldiers to start a surprise attack on the Huns, and then occupied the city wall. However, what he didn't expect was. The Huns retreated at this time.

Zhao Mu did not see the scene where the gap was blocked, so he was very puzzled.

The running away Huns were hit by Zhao Jun. Zhao Mu's injustice in this chapter is very painful. However, when he got under the city gate, he was not happy because Lu Yang would not let it go.

The reason is that they recruited people when they were in danger and did not come to rescue them. So they are very upset.

Zhao Mu couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw that Lu Yang didn't open the city gate.

In desperation, he could only retreat, seeking further plans.

Lu Yang knew that Zhao Mu would definitely try to attack again. The purpose of their next visit was to threaten Qin. Now that the city was occupied by him, Zhao Mu had two choices, one was to attack another Huns' city again, and the second was to attack his city.

And attacking his city will have to tear himself apart. Zhao Mu does not have this list, so he can only attack the Huns city.

But he didn't know if Zhao Mu had this list torn apart with himself.

Lu Yang patrolled for a while before returning to the city. Ling Yang in the city is giving alms. It was also embarrassing for him. Sitting alone on the futon, the treasure elephant was solemn, really like a living Buddha. Here are the people who are grateful.

Lv Yang rode his horse over, bypassed the victims and went to Lingyang not far away and whispered: "You have done this all morning too, take a rest!"

Unexpectedly, when he said a word, Ling Yang remained motionless and ignored him.

Lu Yang was amused for a while, it's hard to believe that this guy finally has the consciousness to be a **** stick. He yelled. Ling Yang remained motionless. Lu Yang took a closer look, but saw that he was drooping, breathing evenly, and he was obviously asleep!

Lu Yang felt a bit in his heart, this guy really didn't work well. He snorted, twisting a stone in his hand and flicking his fingers. Quickly fell on the Lingyang waist guard.

Ling Yang suddenly woke up from the pain and couldn't help but shouted: "Ah!"

The believers below suddenly saw him get up from the ground, and they were startled.

Ling Yang woke up and realized where he was. He touched his lower back subconsciously, and then glanced at Wang Lu Yang's direction.

A newly promoted believer next to him saw him like this, and hurried over and asked in surprise: "My Messenger, something has happened to God!"

Fortunately, Ling Yang reacted quickly. Seeing that the believers looked at themselves, he immediately made a sacred stick, frowning and said: "Just now the gods showed me the future of the grassland, the day when we Huns will die!"

A group of believers were dumbfounded after hearing what he said.

In fact, Ling Yang just said casually, otherwise how to explain that he jumped up suddenly in surprise. I don't want believer Zhang to hear his words, his face pale, as if he really had a purpose in life. Some believers began to pile on the ground and kowtowed their heads in prayer, while some prayed in horror for Lingyang to appear.

Where did Ling Yang think that they would react like this when he said a word, it was impossible for him to tell a lie at this time.

He hurriedly made a divine stick again, pretending to be a finger, and then he smiled: "Don't worry, everyone, this... the gods have told me that a big disaster is coming, and they have also told me how to solve the disaster. This method is... ahem, the **** hasn't said yet, he will tell me when that happens!"

A group of believers were relieved after hearing what he said.

Ling Yang was afraid that he might not be round enough, so he said: "The **** said that the disaster of Zhao is his seat. When he sent the disaster, he also sent a human hero to rescue us. If we follow this man's Perseverance, we can be saved. The disaster of Qi is that he sent General Wu Tian to rescue the people of Qi. And I, the King of Xicheng, met this disaster to teach the Huns. If you can obey our hero, you will surely be saved! "

A group of victims listened to his words, and they leaked surprised eyes.

This year, Kun Luan Shen is relatively busy. This also talks about disasters, and then talks about disasters. Still busy picking heroes.

Is it fun for the gods to play this way?

The crowd hurriedly asked who this hero was. Ling Yang smiled when he heard the words, turned his head and signaled a vengeful smile to Lu Yang, and then said, "It's him!"

Hearing this, a group of people followed his fingers and looked at it. In front of Lu Yang, a beggar holding a Po Wan and licking the porridge in the bowl noticed that the eyes of others couldn't help but was stunned, and raised his head to look at the crowd in surprise.

But when he saw Ling Yang rolled his eyes, he waved his hand and said, "Get out of the way!"

The beggar was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously stepped aside. And behind him, Lu Yang, who officially followed a few Huns soldiers.

Everyone looked at Lu Yang blankly. Lu Yang was also stunned. He didn't expect that Ling Yang's way of revenge would be so special. He could only smile bitterly.

However, he does not reject his approach, just to make good use of the current situation! ..


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