Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 488: : Lightweight effect

Lu Yang didn't bother to pay attention to the nonsense that Shunzhi said, and immediately said, "The emperor ordered me to protect the old emperor. Now there are thousands of lamas who have killed him. The old emperor should follow me!"

Shunzhi calmly listened to Lu Yang's words, and then he spoke a moment later, "If I have such a catastrophe, why should I avoid it. In life, everything should be natural and not forced. Since the lama wants to kill me, then Let them come. They want to kill me. If you want to save me, you will definitely hurt the Lama's life. Their lives are no different from the lives of the poor."

Lu Yang was really fed up with this wonderful theory. As soon as he entered the temple, Lu Yang felt that he was really going to go crazy with the frosty abbot, then the deadly master Yulin, and now the harp and crooked Shunzhi.

"There is no difference! Is there no difference between the living and the dead? Is there no difference between people and pigs and dogs? If there is really no difference, what is the difference between the Queen Mother and Queen Duan Jing? Then what is your family?" Annoyed, Lu Yang specifically revealed the shortcomings of Shunzhi.

Sure enough, Shunzhi couldn't calm down anymore after hearing this, and said, "What did you say? Who told you these things?"

"It was Hai Dafu who told me." At the critical moment, he had to make it clear to Shunzhi who was starving, otherwise, he might not be willing to leave. Lu Yang said, "Hai Dafu is my friend in the palace. He told me He was ordered by his master to investigate the cause of Queen Duanjing’s death. It’s a pity that Hai Dafu is no longer alive."

"What? Hai Dafu is dead?" Shunzhi couldn't keep calm at this time, and his tone trembled.

"Hai Dafu did his best to serve his master. He finally found the **** who knew about it in Yangzhou and found out the real murderer who killed Empress Duanjing. It's a pity that Hai Dafu was not the opponent of the murderer, but was killed by the murderer. "Lv Yanghe explained, let this Shunzhi forget about the so-called Buddhism and other theories.

Sure enough, Shunzhi temporarily forgot the Buddhist theory at this time, and asked eagerly, "Who is the murderer?"

"It's the queen mother today!" Lu Yang said straight to the point, saying, "Although the queen mother looks weak, but she possesses special skills. She brutally killed Queen Duan Jing and her sister Zhenfei."

"This bitch!" When Shunzhi first heard about it, his face was uncertain, but after a moment, the uncertain look finally settled on hatred, and he cursed angrily.

"The emperor already knows everything. He originally planned to come to Wutai Mountain to meet the old emperor in person, but the emperor was worried that traveling would disturb the queen dowager and would be detrimental to the old emperor. That's why he sent me to see the old emperor!" Slowed his tone and said.

Shunzhi was silent at this time, and he was obviously moved by Lu Yang's remarks. Lu Yang saw that the time was almost ripe, and then gave Shunzhi the last psychological blow, saying, "Now that group of lamas are here to arrest the emperor to threaten the emperor. If the emperor misses you and is captured, the people of the world are afraid It's going to suffer again." Shunzhi was finally moved by Lu Yang’s words, and immediately said, “Yes, my life is not important, but if the war caused by the poor monk, the poor The sin of the monk is too great. Okay, the poor monk will go with you!"

Lu Yang stunned in his heart, and it seemed that this Fudge Dafa had improved again. As he was about to leave with Shunzhi, the door that had been concealed here was pushed open, and the one who came in was Master Yulin with his hands folded and his eyes drooping slightly.

"I’m in madness, you’ve moved all thoughts again. Everything that has an effect must have a cause. If you reflect on it, there must be a cause for your wife to resent you and even kill you. The cause is immortal, and what you do will not help. "Master Yulin came in and said. This old monk is also very powerful, and he immediately grasped the reason why Shunzhi was so moved at this moment, and instantly analyzed it clearly.

The expression of Shunzhi's original determination to leave faded again.

Lu Yang was speechless, this old monk Yulin liked to sleep so much, so he went to bed honestly, why did he come out at this time? Lu Yang thought that the old Yulin monk could not speak, and his feelings were haggling and hungry.

Shunzhi immediately looked ashamed, folded his hands together, and said in a low voice, "Master, the disciple knows it is wrong."

Are you the wrong eggplant? Lu Yang's eyes widened, Shunzhi admitted his mistake too quickly. It is human nature to escape when encountering danger. How can I admit my mistake?

Master Yulin here nodded with satisfaction and said, "However, since the lives of idiots are related to the safety of the people in the world, let's go to the temple behind the mountain for temporary shelter."

This Yulin can be regarded as showing great compassion. Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, worried that the old Yulin monk would change his mind at any time. Immediately said, "Yes, yeah, without further ado, let's go quickly. Master Yulin, please lead the way."

This Qingliang Temple is the Lama’s primary attack target. If you leave here temporarily, you can delay it for a while. It is also helpful to observe how many lamas there are. The number mentioned by the previous lama may not be accurate. It may be to scare people. Say more intentionally.

Immediately, Master Yulin took a few people to the back mountain, which is actually not very far from Qingliang Temple. It is a more broken temple. It was so tattered that it didn't even have a temple name, and there was only an old monk in charge of cleaning it.

This temple is not as good as Qingliang Temple, and there is not even a place for Tibetans. The old monk Yulin made the old emperor hide here, which was a strange decision. This temple has only two rooms and one main hall. At this moment, several people were sitting in the main hall.

At this time, a message came from Qingliang Temple that the lama had already been killed. Of course, the abbot of Qingliang Temple was not willing to let the monks of Qingliang Temple be innocently implicated, so he asked the little monks to retreat. This retreat does not matter, the group of lamas barely used much effort to find the ruined temple where the old monk was hiding.

When Lu Yang left the ruined temple, remembering the light-weight effect prompted by the system, he immediately jumped, using the light work of the Tomb School. But after adding this light work effect, it turned out to be much higher than the original jump. ..

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