Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 10 Chapter 88: : There are so many rebels

"Let Kazuo Yamamoto come over and see me." Putting down the papers in his hand, Lu Yang expressionlessly gave orders to the dark parts hidden in the surroundings.

It was only three days of retreat, but I didn't expect that after I left the customs, there would be ninja rebellion, and it was not someone else, it was the few Shangren who were defeated and incorporated by Lu Yang in the Civil War in Chayin Village.

After a while, Kazuo Yamamoto came to Lu Yang. On the way, Kazuo Yamamoto had already guessed Lu Yang’s purpose in finding himself, and he bowed his head deeply with guilt: "Please punish the leader, the subordinates have let the adults down. Subordinate expectations."

"Hmph, those three guys who eat inside and out." Lu Yang's eyes flashed with anger, and he squinted at Kazuo Yamamoto and asked, "Have you sent Anbu to hunt down?"

Kazuo Yamamoto replied slightly uneasy: "Anbe has been dispatched to carry out the execution, Tanaka Honda and Inoue take the two who led the team."

"Then what's the result? It failed?" Seeing the expression on his answer, Lu Yang knew that there must be no result, but Lu Yang still wanted to know how his dark side had suffered.

"Yes, I left yesterday afternoon and returned early this morning. Except for Naka and Honda, only one of the six Anbe returned, and the rest..." Said this, Yamamoto Kazuo's heart was even more disturbed.

Not only did he not notice the signs of Betrayal, but he also failed in the hunt and lost six elite Zhongnin. I don't know how the leader will punish him for his negligence this time.

"How courageous!"

Lu Yang patted the table slightly angrily, but his gesture was not heavy but Kazuo Yamamoto was startled.

"Well, you don't blame you for this. It's already very good to be able to dispatch Anbu to hunt down in the first place."

Seeing that Lu Yang didn’t blame himself, Yamamoto let go of his anxiety, recalling the strength of the traitors, and asked with a headache: “Then, what about the traitors? Do you want his subordinates to lead the team to hunt down? ?"

"No, using their strength to send Anbu in the past is also to die. I will go there in a few days."

It is clear that there are not a few Lu Yang who carry the handles at all, knowing that the subordinates can't handle this matter at all, unless they send more than ten ninjas from the village at once, but that will cause problems in the village. Yes, and it happened that Lu Yang also deliberately went out to the Shinobi world again, so he made up his mind to deal with the traitors at that time.

Kazuo Yamamoto stunned, then bowed and replied: "Yes, the subordinate understands." In his heart, he prayed for a while for the traitors, praying that they would not die too badly at the hands of the leader. Well, with the cruel methods of the leader, it is as simple as daily routine that it is not as good as death.

"Okay, you go down first." Lu Yang waved his hand to let Kazuo Yamamoto get out, and the latter fled away.

Only a moment later, Lu Yang regretted it. He had processed less than one-third of the files before, and now there are so many left. If he didn't let Kazuo Yamamoto get out, would it be easier?

"I can’t talk about it. Why didn’t Konoha’s three generations of Hokage be so busy when watching anime? There was even time to peep or something. When it was my turn to be the head of the Ninja Village, I realized that it was so busy. It is imminent to innovate the transaction processing organization!"

After complaining, Lu Yang still had to be patient to finish the approval of these documents. Whoever allowed so many documents was because of the recent development of Lu Yang’s steps, but they have disappeared; so the workload of three days was piled up. One day, it’s strange not to be tired.

A few days later, some of the same members of the defecting ninjas were defeated by Lu Yang and surrendered. The original "Rebels" had been worried because of this matter, and were afraid that they would become the leader because of this matter. One of the thorns will be liquidated.

Who knows that after a few days, the leader is either working hard in the office to approve documents, or strolling around the construction site to supervise the project, or walking amiably on the street, or I heard that there is still something to do with the processing structure, look like that from the beginning The tail didn't take them seriously, which made these ninjas breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help but doubt their sense of existence.

Are we so unworthy of attention? Or is it that in the eyes of the leader, we don't actually feel threatened? This is the voice of this part of the ninja. Although it is a bit fortunate and a bit unhappy, it is always good. After all, no one really wants to be liquidated by the legendary leader who is cruel.

"Silent, why is Laozi's methods cruel? I haven't seen a ninja cut a few ninjas before, and then used ninja ninjutsu to experiment with ninjas. Recently, I just used treason to study the criminal law. As for this Is it scary?"

Today, it is rare to have time to use the transformation technique to hide among the basic masses. Lu Yang, who listened to the voice of the people in a private interview with the microservices, was not unexpectedly heard talking about himself. It’s nothing more than being praised for the engineering role of the last propaganda. What is the legend of that cruel method? Does it really matter to discredit the leader of Shinobu Village like this? Don't these guys know that there is a crime of slander in this world?

"Hey, it seems that we have to set up a special agency in Anbu to deal with the dark things in the village, and the agency and the person in charge will give the leader a scapegoat. Otherwise, the leader will definitely be hacked as a dog over time."

On the way back, Lu Yang expressed his desire for the first time in Konoha's three generations of Hokage's friends, Shimura Danzo and the root organization he led. If such a similar organization had long existed, the second and third batches of rebellion dealt with recently would not have been resolved by themselves, nor would they have added a lot of black information for themselves as the representative of the bright and upright.

After a private visit to WeChat, Lu Yang said that he had received a lot of goods, and he knew that he had begun to have a good ruling side in the hearts of ordinary people, and a lot of dark sides were left in the hearts of ninjas because of recent events. At the same time, it is the first time I have realized the role of this root. It is really like Danzo said that it is an indispensable existence of a Shinobu village, guarding the village in the dark, although Danzo is not a good person, in that There is still so much selfishness in position.

"If you want to form a root-like organization, you must first find a person similar to Danzo, but where to find it, it is impossible to train yourself, this talent, ah!"

Back to the office, Lu Yang thought about the issue of talents. It is clear that the country of tea has a large population, and the economy and environment are good. Why are there so few talents? ..


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