Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 830: : Lin Pingzhi must be killed!

Lu Yang was speechless, he almost forgot this incident along the way. I couldn't help but swallowed and opened my left palm, "Look, my injury is completely healed."

Lu Yang had already taken the medicine from the system mall. At this moment, his palm was completely restored as before, and no scars were left.

"It's one thing to get better, but it's another thing to be bullied by others. Brother Lv, Lin Pingzhi, this kid, absolutely can't let it go." Ren Yingying also said.

Lu Yang shook his head helplessly, "I said Yingying, Dong Xiaobai, I almost forgot about it. Besides, we have just arrived in Hengshan. We have to rest for a few days before leaving, right?"

"It's been too long. Who knows if Lin Pingzhi will be in Songshan? If we go, the kid has already left Songshan, the world is so big, where can we find him?" There is some truth.

Ren Yingying also agreed, "Yes, it should not be too late. Brother Lu, I have already discussed with Sister Dong. If it is not convenient for you to go down the mountain, then the two of us should go and we must kill Lin Ping!"

Sister Dong? Haha, listen to the affectionate people, they really are the same haters! Lu Yang also had nothing to do. Let these two beautiful girls go to Songshan alone. Although she is said to be very strong, especially the undefeated martial arts of the East, it is still difficult to protect the way of others. If they fall into the hands of shameless people, That would be bad.

Lu Yang reluctantly said, "Then when do you plan to leave?"

"Now!" the two girls said in unison.

Lu Yang widened his eyes and looked out the window again before saying, "No, it's late at night, in the dark, you go to Mount Song?"

"At the latest tomorrow morning!" Ren Yingying still took a step back.

Lu Yang calculated for a while, but there was nothing to calculate at this time, and he exhaled, "Well then, I will go with you. Tomorrow morning, okay?"

When Lu Yang said so, Dongfang Unbeaten and Ren Yingying were happy. After all, the two of them didn't want to leave him.

At this moment, the girl Yue Lingshan also opened the door and said loudly, "You are going to Mount Song, and I will follow!"

Lu Yang's eyes widened. These three women are ready to play, and then it will be difficult to clean up, but if Yue Lingshan is left alone in Hengshan, it does seem to be a little inappropriate.

"Lin Pingzhi is your little forest, we want to kill him, will you be willing?" Dongfang's undefeated pupil picked up slightly, and said with some doubt.

Yue Lingshan raised her chin and said, "He hurt Big Brother Lu, so naturally I won't let it go. I have cut off gratitude from him, so what can I not give up?"

Although Yue Lingshan said so, Lu Yang could clearly see some hesitation in her eyes. Perhaps in her heart, it is also difficult to tell how she feels towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lu Yang sighed. It seems that this trip to Mount Song is definitely going. You must let the little girl Yue Lingshan fully see Lin Pingzhi's talent."Well, tomorrow morning, the four of us will go down the mountain together and rush to Mount Song." Lu Yang exhaled and said, "Yingying, Xiaobai, you go to rest first. I have something to say to Lingshan alone."

Ren Yingying and Dongfang Invincible looked at each other. Both of these girls were acquainted, so they turned to leave and gently closed the door outside.

"Brother Lu, what's the matter?" Yue Lingshan raised her eyes to look at Lu Yang, and asked with a little doubt.

"If you don't want Lin Ping's death, I can find a way to get rid of Yingying and Dongfang girl." Lu Yang said straightforwardly.

Yue Lingshan's eyes were a little surprised, and it took a long time to calm down, and calmly said, "Why do you ask me that? Lin Pingzhi's life and death, what did I do?"

Her tone was extremely unconfident, and naturally she still had inexplicable feelings for Lin Pingzhi.

It's no wonder that Lin Pingzhi is a handsome guy, and he usually likes to talk witty words. Moreover, Lin Pingzhi was even more attentive to Yue Lingshan in order to let Yue Buqun relax his vigilance. Naturally, it was difficult for Yue Lingshan to fall into his sweet trap.

"I know you are hesitant, but Lin Pingzhi only has hatred in his heart. Everything he does is for revenge." Lu Yang's voice was very light, as if he was speaking to himself.

After Yue Lingshan heard this, she was stunned, sighed, and said helplessly, "I know, but if I let him die like this, I will still feel sad."

The girl really told the truth.

"I think of a way to save his life." Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly.

"Miss Ren and Dongfang girl are not willing." Yue Lingshan raised her eyes and only stared at Lu Yang, "Brother Lu, let me go to Songshan with you. I have something to ask face-to-face. After I figure out these things, I will There will be no more hesitation."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Didn't I tell you to go with you?"

Yue Lingshan also nodded. After that, the room fell silent again. After a while, Yue Lingshan spoke again, "Brother Lu, it's late, I will go back first. Also, I want to apologize to you. I doubted you before. I suspect that you hurt Xiaolinzi and stole it. It’s a sword to ward off evil spirits."

"It's okay." Lu Yang stared at Yue Lingshan's pink cheeks and said calmly.

After Yue Lingshan said these words, she turned around and pushed the door out. Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that getting a little girl would not have to be easier than defeating one by one master.

On the second day, Lu Yang handed over all matters concerning the Hengshan faction to Yixin. He took Ren Yingying, unbeaten in the East, and Yue Lingshan went down the mountain, checked the direction, and went straight to Mount Song.

Originally, this way, without the little nuns, should have been a happy journey. However, there were too many girls like Yue Lingshan. After all, this girl was still shy, and Lu Yang couldn't be too affectionate with the other two girls in front of her.

On the way, Lu Yang had to be restrained.

The two girls, Ren Yingying and Dongfang Unbeaten, were very serious along the way, thinking about **** Lin Pingzhi. ..

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