Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 860: : Go the other way

"Brother Lu, you" Yue Lingshan couldn't help but persuaded, "If anything happens to you, the Hengshan School will really be ruined. Even if you don't care about yourself, don't you care about the Hengshan School? Do you want to ignore Master Ding Yi's instructions?"

The girl Yue Lingshan wanted to use Hengshan dispatch to hold Lu Yang in a hurry. But this is not a very good idea.

Lu Yang exhaled and said, "Dear Hengshan disciples, if there is anything unexpected about my trip to Lu Yang, the head of the Hengshan faction will be taken over by Yixin."

"Brother head!" The little girl from Zhong Heng Mountain, especially Yi Lin, shouted loudly.

"Needless to say, I have decided, do you want to disobey the leader's words?" Lu Yang pretended to be serious and shouted, then his eyes turned to Yixin and said, "Yixin, you must take good care of the Hengshan school. ."

Yi Xin looked distressed, but knew that Lu Yang had made up his mind and that persuasion was of no avail, so he had to give his hand and said, "Yes, brother, the disciples must go all out."

Lu Yang nodded, and the other party Zheng Fangsheng Linghu Chong said, "The two masters, brothers Linghu, if the magic sect comes to the mountain before I leave, please take care of the three Hengshan disciples."

"Amitabha, Lord Lu, rest assured, Lao Na will do his best." Fang Zheng naturally said slowly.

Linghu Chong also said, "Don't worry, Brother Lu, my Huashan School will definitely coexist and die with the Hengshan School."

Lu Yang said this just to behave. He knows clearly whether he will cross Ren Woxing. There is a status system with a systematic map, which can be found even in the end of the world.

Lu Yang instructed a series of things, and then turned to Dongfang Undefeated and said, "Dongfang, it seems that you have to run with me again this time."

The corner of Dongfang's undefeated mouth provoked a smile, and said, "Following you, always working hard. What can I do?"

This is a complaint, but it also brings a bit of joy. But it really made Lu Yang feel comfortable.

Lu Yang smiled and nodded. The two of them said goodbye to the people of Hengshan faction and left Hengshan immediately.

When the two reached halfway up the mountain, the unbeaten Dongfang spoke lukewarmly, "It's really good to be waiting for Yingying in your heart. In order to pick her up from the Blackwood Cliff as scheduled, you can excuse everyone."

In these words, but a little jealous.

Lu Yang gets along with so many little girls, he is still capable of dealing with this level of jealousy, and said, "If you are on Blackwood Cliff, I can't wait for a month, I will kill Blackwood Cliff long ago. , Saved you."

Sure enough, Dongfang Unbeaten heard this, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and said, "I'm afraid you are just talking. In your heart, Yingying's position is the first, right?"

"You girls are generally important in my heart, and I will never give up." Lu Yang said seriously.

Invincible in the East just smiled, she couldn't see the thoughts in her heart, and she didn't know how much she believed in this rhetoric.

When Lu Yang got off Hengshan, he opened the system map and searched for the location where he could go. Sure enough, he was still on the black wood cliff. At this time, he hadn't set off yet. It seemed that something really happened on Blackwood Cliff.

Lu Yang could originally consider using the system map's teleportation function to directly teleport to the Black Wood Cliff, but it is a rare experience to go to the Black Wood Cliff. It would be a pity to just pass it this way.

Dongfang Undefeated's internal and light skills are not weak, and the two of them have a fast footwork, but in seven or eight days, they rushed to the bottom of Heimuya.

Lu Yang looked around, but never saw the road to Heimuya. He exhaled, "Dongfang, how on earth is this Heimuya going up?"

The corners of Dongfang Unbeaten's mouth raised an arc, and said in a mocking tone, "Last time you and Yingying and let me go up to Blackwood Cliff to kill me, did you see the way to get up to Blackwood Cliff?"

"Speaking of it, I pretended to be dead that time. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of the guards, I kept my eyes closed. I didn't know how to get on the black wood cliff. Of course I didn't know how to go." Lu Yangyi The face said helplessly.

His helpless look amused Dongfang Undefeated. She smiled Yin Yin and said, "It's really embarrassing for the dignified head of the Five Sacred Sect to pretend to die for going to Heimuya."

This girl is just like that, she likes the look of falling into trouble. Lu Yang recognized it too, and continued to cheekily, "How on earth are you going to get up to this black wood cliff, you hurry up and take me there!"

The little girl in the East unbeaten was happy enough, stretched out her slender fingers and hooked at Lu Yang, and said in a charming tone, "Come with me!"

She turned around, twisted her waist and added a charming tone, which really made Lu Yang couldn't help but feel a little eager. Forget it, this place is not a good place to do that. The people on Blackwood Cliff will come down at any time. If they are hit by them, it will be ashamed and thrown into the house.

The Eastern Invincible took Lu Yang to a cliff, and Lu Yang raised his neck. There is neither a hanger nor a stone ladder. How to go up? At this height, if you step on it with light effort, you won't be tired and half dead.

Besides, Lu Yang is able to use light skills to go, not necessarily everyone in Heimuya can do it.

"Where?" Lu Yang said with some doubts.

"Look at your feet." Dongfang Unbeaten said softly.

After hearing this, Lu Yang stepped back a few steps, and glanced at his feet, and there was no difference. Invincible in the East, his arms raised, and his inner strength stirred up the soil on the ground, but there was a pull ring under the soil.

Dongfang Undefeated threw his long whip, and the tail of the long whip was wrapped around the pull ring, and was immediately pulled up by Dongfang Invincible. What was exposed in front of Lu Yang was a stone ladder that went straight to the ground.

Lu Yang was dumbfounded.

Dongfang Undefeated said, "When you go down, be careful, there will be people from Heimuya guarding it."

Lu Yang nodded and stepped in first.

Climbing down the steps, there is a long stone path, with torches inserted in the stone walls on both sides, and the light of the fire can just illuminate the road in front of him. After walking a short distance, seeing the people guarding Heimuya, it's a pity that these people died under the invincible long whip of the East before they could see the appearance of the visitor. ..

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