Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 867: :wedding

Ren Woxing was still weak, panting heavily, coughing a few times, and said, "What about that boy Lu Yang, didn't you go down the Black Wood Cliff with him? Or did he leave you alone?"

Lu Yang had a black line on his face and couldn't help saying, "I'm right behind you. I'm the leader."

Ren Woxing showed a different color when he heard this, turned his head to look at Lu Yang, the look on his face became more ugly, and he snorted.

"Father, if it wasn't for Big Brother Lu to give you luck, I'm afraid Daddy wouldn't wake up so quickly!" Naturally, Ren Yingying would not waste any opportunity to support Lu Yang.

Let me do it without much appreciation, and snorted, "First it hurts the old man, and then he pretends to help the old man heal. This is considered a brave man!"

This old guy is really shameless. Lu Yang didn't want to lift the bar with a seriously injured old man, so he got off the bed so that he could lie down and take a rest.

After Ren Woxing lay down, he glanced over the cheeks of Ping Yizhi and Ren Yingying, and said with a thick voice, "Ping Yizhi, Yingying, you go out first, I have something to say to Lu Yang alone."

Ping Yizhi is nothing. Ren Yingying glanced at Lu Yang, somewhat worried. Maybe she was worried that Renweigui would murder her lover.

Lu Yang's gaze was to signal Ren Yingying to relax.

Until the two of them came out of the room, let me cough for a while, the coughing sound seemed extremely weak, and I definitely didn't want to come from the throat of this powerful old man.

"Master Ren, you left me alone, what on earth do you want to say?" Lu Yang opened his mouth somewhat curiously.

Let Woxing put his eyes on Lu Yang and said, "Lu Yang, tell me, is the person next to you unbeaten in the East?"

Sure enough, Ren Wohang was quite entangled with this issue. Seeing that he was hurt so badly, he was also a dying person, and it was really unbearable for Lu Yang to deceive such a person.

"She is indeed undefeated in the East, but she is now my woman, and she doesn't want to argue with you about the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. The last time she fell off the cliff, she has already died once. Don't worry." Lu Yang patted his chest to make sure.

Although Lu Yang said so, there was still a murderous look on Ren Woxing's cheeks. Grinning his teeth, "Your daughter? Isn't the dog thief in the Eastern Unbeaten a man? He pretends to be a woman, doesn't the old man recognize him?"

Lu Yang glared, and said, "The Invincible Dongfang has always been a woman, but she has always pretended to be a man. I said that as the leader, you and the Invincible Dongfang have been brothers and sisters for decades, and you never realized that she was actually a man. Girl?"

When I asked this, I was stunned. Looking back on the various things, the East is indeed a little different. It's just that I didn't think much about it at the time, and I didn't pay attention. At this moment, after Lu Yang raised a point, he just thought about it.

"Yes, yes, it's really weird, it's really weird. However, if she is a woman, how can she practice the Sunflower Book!" Ren Woxing shouted again.

"She is the perfect yin physique, and she has learned a lot of the yang constitution, which is considered to be the yin and yang physique. It is just right to practice the Sunflower Collection, and she does not need to be from the palace." Lu Yang explained briefly.

Ren Woxing was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

This laughter made Lu Yang's hair horrified, and this old man shouldn't be mad.

The laughter of Ren Woxing lasted for a long time, and then slowly stopped, and said, "The old man left the sunflower treasure to the East Undefeated. It seems to hurt her, but he didn't want to leave her with a big gift. It is ridiculous. Funny, hahaha!"

"As the leader, you don't need to talk about the things in the past. Now it is better to look at my face and stop entangled with the East." Lu Yang said.

Ren Woxing looked sharply at Lu Yang, and shouted, "You like Yingying, so you left the undefeated oriental girl by your side. The oriental girl is cruel, aren't you afraid that she will harm Yingying?"

"Nowadays, Yingying and Dongfang Undefeated get along very well. If the leader does not provoke the incident, I think they will always live in harmony." Lu Yang is very confident about this.

Ren Woxing took another breath after hearing this. He recalled that Ren Yingying had been protecting Dongfang invincible before, and he knew what Lu Yang had said was true. Then he sighed again.

"Leader Ren, now you are feeling unwell, do you plan to attack Hengshan and Shaolin?" Lu Yang asked Ren Woxing with a decadent look on his face.

Let me frown and said, "How do you know that the old man is going to attack Shaolin? Ah, Yingying told you. Yingying is really facing you. Lu Yang, the old man told you that as long as the old man is still alive, he will push forward to dominate the rivers and lakes. The process will never stop for a moment!"

"If this is the case, then I have to say goodbye. I want to take Yingying away and return to Hengshan by the way to prepare for the battle." Lu Yang finished speaking, paused, and then hesitated to let me go, before turning around and asking for it. Leave this room.

"Hold on!" Lu Yang hadn't stepped out of the room, but he heard the rough voice of his own accord.

"As the leader, what else is there?" Lu Yang turned his head and said lightly.

"Lv Yang, you are indeed a little capable, and Yingying is handed to you, and the old man can rest assured. But you just leave like this, but the old man is not reconciled. But it is better to stay here for a night and leave after a few days." The tone of the line is still rougher than before, but it has obviously eased a lot.

"What's the difference between leaving today and leaving a few days later?" Lu Yang hesitated and asked.

"Of course it's different. Tomorrow, the old man will personally preside over your wedding with Yingying. After you get married, go wherever you love, and the old man can no longer control!" Although Ren Woxing was lying down, he brushed his sleeves and said .

As soon as Lu Yang heard this, he was stunned. The old man's reaction before and after was too different. But it's no wonder that whatever we do should also be aware that one's life is coming soon, so there is such an arrangement.

"Why, don't you want to marry Yingying on this black wood cliff?" When I saw Lu Yang hesitating, he shouted again. The voice at this time was a bit cold. ..

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