Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 905: : Angry Ye Kai

"This woman, I want to be against you." Although Ye Kai didn't look at Fu Hongxue, he also answered with a cold tone.

Mingyue Xin rubbed Ye Kai's painful wrist, and said with a bit of contempt at the corner of her mouth, "You are Ye Kai, is this how Li Xunhuan teaches you how to treat guests?"

"Master taught me that you never have to be merciful to the wicked!" Ye Kai said this directly, and immediately put Mingyuexin into the ranks of the wicked.

"Hey hey, Brother Ye, there must be a misunderstanding in this." Lu Yang was really worried that this would start immediately, and he really didn't know who should be busy by then. It's not too late to go up to dissuade him now.

Lu Yang pulled Ye Kai and stood in front of Mingyuexin. If Ye Kai suddenly hurt someone with a flying knife, at least he could stop it immediately.

"The Mingyue heart of Mingyue Tower is extremely noble, and you will never approach someone for no reason. You are so close to Fu Hongxue, naturally, you have an unruly purpose!" Ye Kai insisted on his opinion.

"If it weren't for Fu Hongxue's begging, I wouldn't be here." Mingyue said with an iron face, "Since you are not welcome, I will leave."

After Mingyue said her heart, she turned and wanted to leave.

Lu Yang wanted to open his mouth to stay, but someone spoke faster. Fu Hongxue first said, "Cui Nong! Don't go!"

"Fu Hongxue! Are you crazy! She is not your Cui Nong at all!" Ye Kai said angrily.

But Mingyuexin really stopped. Fu Hongxue's face was pale, and she said every word, "You all go out!"

These words also brought Lu Yang with him.

When Fu Hongxue said this, he slowly pulled out his single knife. This meaning couldn't be more obvious, if Ye Kai kept talking nonsense, he would have to do it.

Although Fu Hongxue was poisoned, he was always desperate. For him, he probably didn't care about this poison at all, and he would not be afraid to fight because of this poison.

Ye Kai's face was not good, and his fingers were already slightly bent. He was going to throw a flying knife, and that was not within a blink of an eye.

Lu Yang couldn't ask the two to fight anymore. He quickly pulled Ye Kai and pushed him out of the house.

Lu Yang closed the door and opened his mouth to Ye, "Fu Hongxue is now very poisonous, so don't be familiar with him!"

"Very poisonous in his body? At least he is still alive now! If he continues to entangle that woman, he will definitely die without a place to bury him!" Ye Kai still couldn't hide the anger in his heart, almost gritted his teeth and shouted.

Lu Yang was startled and said, "How can you know so clearly?"

"Don't worry about it, in short, you can't let Mingyuexin stay here! If necessary, kill her!" Ye Kai made a murderous gesture.

Good deed, you Ye Kai is really a little bitter! Such a beautiful girl, can you kill it if you say it? My son can't let you succeed like that. Lu Yang stared. "Lv Yang, can you move your hands?" Ye Kai spoke straight again.

Lu Yang stared completely, and said in astonishment, "Why should I take the shot?"

"If you refuse to take action, I have to come!" Ye Kai said, and he actually took a throwing knife from his arms, and rushed into the room.

Lu Yang was in a hurry and pulled Ye Kai back. He tugged Ye Kai's arm tightly, and said, "Hey, hey, don't act rashly, you must investigate everything first!"

"What else needs to be investigated? I already know it very well!" Ye Kai still insisted on charging in.

"You give me a few days, at least let me investigate the matter clearly! If Mingyuexin is really going to be unfavorable to Fu Hongxue, I will do it, how about it?" In order to stop Ye Kai, Lu Yang also worked hard.

After hearing what Lu Yang said, Ye Kai just stopped and stared at Lu Yang, "This is what you said."

Lu Yang nodded solemnly. Ye Kai just exhaled and said, "Okay, but I will stay here these few days. If Mingyuexin does anything, I can stop it in time. Forget it, I sweated out with you. I'll take a shower first!"

Ye Kai, this guy is also considered resolute and resolute. After speaking, he put away the flying knife and turned away.

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he accidentally discovered that he had a pair of peeping eyes behind the house.

Although the peeping person was very vigilant, he found that Lu Yang was alert and fled immediately. But Lu Yang also saw it really, and that person was undoubtedly Yan Nanfei.

The sneaky Yan Nanfei was indeed very suspicious. Lu Yang made a scrutiny.

Until the evening, Lu Yang deliberately paid attention to Yan Nanfei's every move, and when he noticed that he was out of the room, Lu Yang followed him away.

Yan Nanfei was very alert and seemed to be worried about being followed, and looked back from time to time.

However, with his skill, it is difficult to find out that Lu Yang exists. Yan Nanfei circled the town several times before heading to his destination.

Lu Yang saw it really, he really entered the Mingyue Tower. The maid at Mingyue Tower also knew him, but she just met him and opened the door to let him in.

Just waiting for the door of Mingyue Tower to close, Lu Yang jumped, his steps were extremely light, leaving no sound. He jumped to the third floor of Mingyue Tower.

Between these three floors, there is a window that is not closed, it is concealed. It's just that there is a girl watching over this window.

Lu Yang sneaked over, took a breath, and shot immediately. Before that girl could see what was happening, she was knocked out by Lu Yang. Lu Yang supported her fallen body, gently placed it on the floor, turned around and closed the window, and followed the wall to the beam.

Following the beam, Lu Yang arrived in Mingyuexin's room again. Yan Nanfei was already in Mingyuexin's room at the moment, but his face was extremely ugly.

Mingyuexin's face was also missing, so she could see where she went, but she was still able to maintain a cold complexion.

"Why did you come to me? I didn't tell you. If there is nothing wrong, you are not allowed to leave Fu Hongxue!" There is still a guqin in front of Mingyuexin. When she talks, her fingertips seem to be there. Fiddle on the strings. ..

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