Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 913: : Conspiracy to frame

Hanging Ghost Forest, listening to this name tells that it is not a good place. This series of things was done with ghosts, first in the ghost town and then in the hanging ghost forest. This is too unlucky.

Fu Hongxue was swiftly blazing under the anger of revenge, but if Lu Yang wanted to keep up with him, there was no problem.

The Hanging Ghost Forest is actually a bamboo forest. It is very likely that someone has been hanged here, or there have been hanged ghosts here, so it is called the Hanging Ghost Forest.

"Luo Tao! Where are you! Come out quickly!" Fu Hongxue went to the hanging ghost forest and looked around, but did not notice Luo Tao's trace, so she shouted.

There was a bit of energy in his shout, and his voice naturally spread throughout the bamboo forest.

"Fu Hongxue! Take it to death! Look at the move!" A rough shout suddenly came from the sky above the forest. This voice did not come from Luo Tao.

When Lu Yang raised his head and looked over, a person fell from the sky. Going towards this Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue made the knife almost instinctively. This knife was not a killer move, and even ordinary martial artists could avoid it. But this person who descended from the sky did not hide.

With a thump, it was a sound that fell into the flesh alone.

Blood splashed out and landed on Fu Hongxue's cheek. Lu Yang was startled, but couldn't hide it anymore. He jumped out and pulled the man with the middle knife. When he turned it over, it was Luo Tao.

It's just that at this moment, Luo Tao's acupuncture points are blocked. Obviously someone deliberately threw him from above and told him to die at the hands of Fu Hongxue.

"Ding, complete the hidden mission and gain insight into the process of Luo Tao's death! Earn experience rewards, five thousand points. Tianya Mingyue knife chivalrous value reduced by five points!"

There was a system prompt sound in Lu Yang's ear, Lu Yang was also speechless, this chivalrous value was still reduced, this is really a bit cheating rhythm.

"Someone framed you!" Lu Yang raised his head, stared at Fu Hongxue, and said decisively.

It's just that not long after Lu Yang's words fell, a group of people walked over not far away, it was Luo Shaobin, Leiqin, Guojie and others. There are also a group of Shaolin disciples and Emei disciples.

"Father! Father!" Luo Shaobin saw Luo Tao's body, his face changed suddenly, and he rushed forward, unable to help being hysterical, "Father! What's wrong with you, father!"

Luo Tao could no longer answer, his head tilted to one side and died.

Luo Shaobin swiped, drew out his long sword, and shouted sharply, "Fu Hongxue! Lu Yang! You killed my Luo family! I want you to pay for it today!"

Lu Yang was speechless and thought, this Nima has included this son, no wonder the chivalry value will be lowered, isn't this a murderer? "Wait, when will we kill you Luo Family?" Lu Yang is speechless, he will misunderstand, at most, he will kill Luo Tao alone, when will he become The Luo family is full!

"You still want to quibble! My Luo family has been killed all the way, leaving blood on the floor, asking my father to hang the ghost forest for the appointment, except Fu Hongxue, who can do this! On that day, Fu Hongxue said personally They want to kill me in the Luo family!" Luo Shaobin was a little excited, spitting stars all over the sky.

"Hey, Fu Hongxue, this is a framing, you must not admit it!" Lu Yang's eyes widened. What Fu Hongxue likes to do is to confess some things he has never done.

"I wanted to kill the Luo family." Fu Hongxue came again. It really made Lu Yang a headache. He said, "I killed it. If you want revenge, just come!"

Lu Yang was completely speechless, this Fu Hongxue was really a deadly rhythm. It seems that today is inevitable a fierce battle.

Monk Guojie came up and said in a low voice, "Amitabha Buddha, Fu Shizhu, your actions are too sinister and vicious. By now, you can't let you stay in the martial arts. Today, Lao Na wants to kill the martial arts. Up!"

After Guo Jie said, he turned the stick in his hand upside down, and immediately rushed towards Fu Hongxue's door with his inner strength.

With a bang, Lu Yang's evergreen sword had already caught Guojie's stick.

"Master Guojie, if you want to fight, why don't you fight with me? We didn't have a good time last time, but this time I want to have fun with you!" Lu Yang twitched his mouth.

"Hmph, you are ill-intentioned to help the monk, and you are also going to kill you today!" The abbot seemed to be not very good at meditation, and always wanted to kill.

He said these words, rotated the stick in his hand, and hacked it down and hit Lu Yang on the top of his head.

Lu Yang's long sword spun, blocked it for a moment, leaped a step back, and said to the Yinshitai who was there, "Yinshitai, the most recent weapon list, the world's number one sword, seems to say It’s because of Master Tai’s Dingyang Needle. Last time I didn’t have the opportunity to see and see, I’m going to get a good experience today."

Master Lei Yin snorted too coldly and shouted, "Okay! Let you see and see the Dingyang needle of my Emei school today!"

When she finished speaking, she drew her sword out. The whole body of the sword was shiny, but the body was extremely thin. Even if it was a needle, it was not an exaggeration. No wonder her sword was called Dingyang Needle instead of Dingyang Sword.

As long as this kind of weird sword, there is always a set of alternative swords to match it.

Lu Yang unknowingly stirred up a smile at the corner of his mouth, and it was a joy to be able to fight against the heads of the two martial arts of Tianya Mingyuedao.

After the cause and Guojie are not talking nonsense, they deceived themselves, so they had a trick with Lu Yang.

The Shaolin monk over there laid the Arhat formation, and the female disciples of Emei also ended the formation. It's just that Emei's array is used as a supplement to the Shaolin Arhat array. With the supplement of Emei's array, this Arhat array has more than doubled its power.

The Dingyang Needle of Lia Yin, the sword technique is extremely elegant, and there is a kind of inward attraction force between the stabs. It seems that this is a set of sword technique mainly based on qi, which is beyond defense.

Guojie's Yi Jin Jing's internal strength is wrapped around his Zen stick, one attack and one defense, the power is also extremely strong. Compared with the last time they competed with Lu Yang, the two of them are more desperate, and their skills have naturally improved. ..

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