Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 524: : Impossible to crack

"Ah! My bar..." the bar owner screamed, screaming miserably.

Ward responded quickly and immediately called out the micro communicator: "Ragna, what are you doing?"

On the other side was Laguna's leisurely voice: "Oh, Ward, I played cards with me, did you go to the bar again?"

"Fart, Astar is everywhere in the sky, there is a large-scale aerial battle here, people are sent to support." Ward is not satisfied.

"What, I know, I immediately ordered...damn, you are playing, it is obviously mysterious..."

Ward shook his head helplessly, turned off the communication, strode to the bar, stopped the car, and drove to the Ministry of Defense.

"Good job!" Lu Yang couldn't help but praise.

Scarlet’s test will destroy most of the missiles in the middle. Fortunately, subsequent enemy ships will react quickly, otherwise they will be reduced by half.

Lu Yang glanced again at the energy indicator that had exceeded the red line. Obviously, the energy has been exhausted.

"School, will be back soon, we have no energy. We must make an emergency landing!"

Frowning, he took it back to the control room. Everyone is wearing seat belts, they are like enemies.

"Spring, the remaining missiles..." said, "Let me go outside to intercept, or I will be hit when I die."

"No, I can't stand outside now, or I won't go back to school. Maybe the dusk of the gods is more difficult than we thought." Lu Yang was very determined to stop, he didn't have much at this moment. method.

"What are we doing!" Lin Nuo asked.

"Pray!" Lu Yang uttered two words, and the airship descended sharply. Lu Yang wants to work hard to see if he can get rid of the missile. Unfortunately, Somado did not let him do this.

Under his control, the missile returned to both sides and then rushed towards the airship again.

The airship had rushed to the ground, and the high-speed friction caused a pair of dragon claws to fall. The sharp sound hit everyone's eardrums.

The airship was moving fast on the ground, and in front was a very magnificent building less than two hundred meters away.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

The doctor woke up and saw the building about to be attacked in front of him. He shouted: "That's a super alloy building! Mom! I must fight it!"

Lu Yang tried to pull the joystick. He turned his head and said, "I hope the superalloy in your mouth is not so difficult!" The orange-red dragon quickly rushed to the superalloy building on the ground. The doctor must know the hardness of the super alloy. He seems to have seen the fragments of the airship in front of him, and his body is also swaying in the fragments...

Unfortunately, this building is the main defense headquarters. At this time, in the battle hall, President Ragnar was making a series of orders to keep various telephones. When the bell rang, public complaints almost blew up the phone.

There is more than one of them, Gabadia has come, the dragon army, the universe, aliens attack...

"What do you say, do they really know the verification code?" Ragnar looked at the man next to him and said angrily: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Yours, call the servant and say you are playing cards. You can't disturb anyone."

"Oh, hehehe, that's it, hehehe!" Ragnar's face immediately returned to normal, and he thoughtfully said: "I set the verification code so complicated, I think it is impossible to crack, it should be his own." ..


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