Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 597: :very clear

However, artificial intelligence is only artificial intelligence after all, and artificial intelligence is needed after all.

These artificial intelligences are just a technology based on the original arrangement of human emotions. They are not new intelligence in the true sense. These artificial intelligences are equivalent to artificial humans, only replacing artificial bodies with machines.

But it's really smart and completely different.

This is a technology that belongs only to your own wisdom. This is a technology that millions of people in the scientific community dream of developing. Please write more and faster chapters.

Lu Yang has also heard that it is an outstanding research institute of Rainbow University. It has spent a hundred generations studying this smart brain, but it has not been realized.

This is a real secret, not complicated, that is to give the machine an independent machine, and then catalyze it to produce wisdom, but countless technical forces have been studied for countless years, and there is no way to make it happen.

But at this time, Lu Yang can see clearly that this light screen actually absorbs the spirit, the boundless spirit is sucked in. This light screen seems to be the most greedy mouthpiece, countless souls here have been swallowed, please Write faster.

No wonder, the halo here is too thin, it turns out that it is always attracted to this place.

Lu Yang felt a special charm blur, and the power of countless elements was directly swallowed by this light screen. This light screen was very calm, but countless spirits and elements were swallowed after the regular ripples caused by the light screen. This ripple is not like water, it is a high-dimensional, Tian can understand it, but it is meaningless. "The monster's technology really reached this point..." Lu Yang frowned, hard to imagine. The level of technological development of the monster is surprising. The devil's technology has reached a point beyond the control of the last emperor. The speed of development of science and technology like this is terrible.

The power of wave particles in negative time and negative space. How many times stronger than the emperor. Lu Yang was killed by Ding. Almost killed a world-class genius.

Lu Yang is also very clear that at this time, the technology of the devil country can develop rapidly like this, mainly about the environment.

The last emperor lives in a dark universe like a rainbow universe. The Rainbow Universe is of course a shadow universe. It is also very large, but it cannot be compared with the demon universe.

Perhaps many scientific theories in the spiritual world have been born, but even experiments cannot be realized. Things like this cannot be used by any technological power like the Rainbow Universe, not even the King of Dooms, but the Demon Universe. There are countless such resources. There are some technological problems that trap tens of millions of people, and tens of millions of people may not make a breakthrough. But once you get the materials, everything will become very natural.

And... the number of monsters is very small. It is very easy to become a great scientist with divine wisdom. As long as you are interested in learning, you will be able to research technology very quickly.

The magic world can also incorporate the experience of civilization into scientific and technological research. This is not just the end of the emperor. The basic rule of a rule is a universal law. Human experience is used to learn science and it is easy to make new breakthroughs.

This is exactly what happened. The monster's technology will develop so rapidly.

"It looks like something big has happened." Lu Yang looked at it and took a deep breath. This time it was really smart, and it really didn't happen. Lu Yang didn't know whether the legendary demon could actually create a real brain. Ye is not very smart, but he also knows true wisdom. ..


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