Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 604: : Empty space

This time, Lu Yang did his best. It’s not difficult to stop. But the formation here must be Lu Yang’s. So fast, Lu Yang can’t even reach his limit speed of nine. The evil light magician is constantly using the labor law. Increased, and a strong attack on Lu Yang broke out with a smile.

"The stars are dead..." The use of stars is too heavy for the soul of God, but after the chaos practice, Lu Yang's spirit is stronger, even the spirit of Xixing is stronger, but it can be used .

There is no doubt that he will die.

The "spell" was filled with laughter in the evil light, breaking Lu Yang's soul and body between Lu Yang's eyes, and suddenly burst out a very strong divine light, directly entering the spirit of the evil light magician. This is short-lived, but crucial.

"The star is dead." The background at this moment does not seem to be a dazzling pool of blood, but a vast and bright sky, also in this bright sky, accompanied by the fear of the evil master, in this evil light In the middle, the sky suddenly became desolate.

"No..." The devil was terrified by Lu Yang's stars before being destroyed. Even with bodyguards, it would be difficult to defeat the devil. The evil master was surprised. If it weren't for the powerful protection, I would be afraid of the evil master. It's just that it is shattered, even if it is not broken, there is only a trace left, and it will die soon (just like it is). The evil light stopped fighting, killed Lu Yang and killed many people, but he didn't want to do that. Lu Yang could even get it out, but also killed the infection with a ban in Lu Yang's case.

The destructive power of the evil light is transmitted to the evil master, just like the general super destructive power, the evil light of the devil's body is not the evidence against destruction.

Then, due to fear, the demon's soul appeared in front of the extinct power. His struggle had no effect, even though he tried his best to change a magical body or mobilize this great battlefield.

In this way, it is like an empty space. With a "bang", in this evil light, when the magic master disappears, it is like a tall building collapsed, the sky also collapsed, the soul collapsed, and the magic circle also collapsed. Unsustainable, full of countless blood, the light disappears between heaven and earth, like a rose, but it also means a kind of terror.

There was a "bang", followed by a loud bracelet—heavy weight dropped to the ground, not a huge stone or something—but Lu Yang himself.

At the point of Lu Yang, his own weight is already terrible, crushing everything...

Lu Yang just fell. At this moment, the red blood was full of countless fears, the dark gold, and the blood of God shining brightly, giving people a sense of desolation.

This series of blood is red, and the earth is soaked with this black gold. The blood is bright, the blood is bright, and the strong breath means that there was a very terrible war here. I am afraid it is news. The speed attracts. Countless demons.

Damn it, I want to keep a sober will, I want to mobilize his power, I want to leave.

But it doesn't work

The power of the stars is so powerful that the evil light of terror, such as Lu Yang, is also a direct fall. Such a powerful power must be used at a huge price.

"Is there Ding's power..." The power of the stars is doomed to death, Lu Yang is already in extinction, and even a soldier's spirit to easily destroy Lu Yang has been completely exhausted. ..


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