Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 609: : You come to play

"The **** with the inflamed stars left the sky. I thought you were the **** of war. It is not a sacred universe, but a frank gentleman. How can I do such a thing at this time? I can't believe I actually flinched." Lu Yang The pair of black wings flickered in the air, constantly traveling through time and space. While scolding Lu Yang. He also said something bad. Scolding will not make any unnecessary evil. After all, the dignity of world-class talent is there. Even anger cannot be as crazy as a shrew in the street.

"I am a man and you are a demon. There is no harmony between us. What else can I say to drag people behind?" The leaves flew at full speed. But don’t forget to say. Luyang Air can only grit his teeth. At this time, he wanted to rush into his most powerful abyss, sink his strength, and return to the abyss. It's just that if he did, he might be torn apart by that huge light tiger.

"Lu Yang" the huge light tiger roared. This is no ordinary tiger. There are six paws. The biggest tiger claw at this time is the tearing space sweep. Looks like countless swords. This huge light power is full of domineering power. This is amazing. Lu Yang and Lu Yang were humming at this time. There are cracks in the wings behind. There is also a turbulent power in the body of God and the body of the devil. More and faster chapters, thanks. This light tiger is really powerful. Even world-class geniuses cannot compete with it.

"Star God, you come to play, I won't do that." Lu Yangkong scolded. There was a blood-stained pupil in the sky, and the virtual image suddenly burst out. People have a weak fear of the terrible spirit of crushing. The shape of the sky with leaves is a kind of stagnation. Much better than the 90,000-hour light tiger at the time. All the light is messy. This is the pressure of the eyes from the painful eyes. The most dangerous of the six demon kings. No matter how powerful the tiger is, it is just a monster. Not a world-class genius, nor a powerful person who can face the power of monsters. Of course, this is difficult to fight. However, this lag is just a matter of no change between souls. After the first update and another roar, Qinghu rushed up again. Lu Yang was also flapping his wings. Flew to Lu Yang to pursue the air. Luyang's body is a kind of bird. It should be good at flying. The Jinwu of Purgatory is not a real flying game. Lu Yang is empty, and his training direction is full of violence. There is no limit to speed. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of the sky of leaves.

"You are too shameless," he said. Lu Yang couldn't help cursing. But there is nothing to do. At this time, Qinghu has been roaring. It's hard to see how difficult it is anymore. Because the Holocaust cannot explode indefinitely. This also requires some delay.

The flow of dark gold and gold quickly escaped from this huge light tiger. This light tiger is also a crazy pursuit. Just at this time. There was a frightening light before him. It looks like a huge beam of light, bigger than any devastating storm in the past. So the days of the leaves and the sky of Luyang are both color changes.

There is a squirming movement in the throat of the "Light of Law" Leaf Sky. But the power of one hundred thousand stars exploded in a hurry. Come now. Against the sky. One hundred thousand stars fell in the dust. burst. ..


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