Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 614: : A ray of light

"Jie" the skeleton and the devil laughed. A long stick, like a bone stick, turned into a magical dragon, smashing the left arm of the leaf sky. Lu Yang also walked out blatantly. In the glorious hands of ancient chaos. Chaos stars are printed on the palm of the hand. burst.

He put his hand directly on a skull. Shatter the entire skull. Dark power flows through pure black bones. Make the sky of the leaves very uncomfortable. Light and dark gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, eight elements. Darkness is the strongest. Lu Yang's law, the fire is controlled.

Just at this time. The terrible power frenzy is raging. Lu Yang just couldn't help but feel pulled away. The entire dark golden sun burned madly. Lu Yang looked away. It turned out to be an endless whirlpool. It is like a huge whirlpool in the Jinxuan Sea in the past. Only Lu Yang felt that he could not enter the Dragon King Crystal Palace experience. This is a desperate situation.

Therefore, Lu Yang tried his best to break out. It can fly both skulls and black snakes. Ye Tianyi vibrates the dragon's wings. Fly straight to the distant darkness. It is difficult to get out of this dark vortex. Skeleton. Hurry up; Come on, God's body was cut three times, three times in a row. A lot of darkness also points to the soul. But for the other leaves of the emperor. I'm afraid I'm already inside.

It took three souls. Lu Yang finally rushed out of the whirlpool area. But the vortex continued to expand. Lu Yang had to continue flying to the depths of this dark ocean. However, the two monsters continued to attack like the victims of wolf bones. In the dark ocean, they are like fish and water. The speed is too fast.

"Bang" a ray of light. Lu Yang thinks this is a bright thing. But found a black spider with beautiful stripes. It is also a human exercise. Countless spiders have sharp stripes on their legs. This is not a spider that uses spider silk to grasp. This is a kind of hunting spiders, they continue to kill and exert their amazing lethality. "Get out" rants. The great Yan Qiankun exploded with the power of the immortal starry sky sword. Lu Yang's knife made a deep mark on the head of Killing Spider. But spiders are not afraid of death. Crazy. More powerful than the skull.

"Trouble" Lu Yang scolded secretly. In this dark ocean, these dark monsters far surpassed themselves. I can't get rid of it. If we continue to fight, it will be difficult to distinguish victory from defeat. Not because Ye was afraid of war. This is a practice field. What you need is a break. Not these monsters.

"Bang" is at this moment. The skeleton monster about to pierce the sword into Ye Shen's body was humming. The red light penetrated its head and heart. Life and death forces collide with each other. The skeleton monster suddenly exploded.

"Brother Yeda, I'm here." The blood was shining. The **** in blood descended.

Bloody Heaven Zunlong. Come and help. In the dark ocean. The light of blood penetrates the darkness, like the dawn of the sun. Unparalleled majestic power erupted in the blood of heaven. The power of the spear of God. This dead and dead monster wrapped around Lu Yang's skull is easily broken by dragons. In the face of such a powerful force, the darkness was broken. Almost bankrupt.

Lu Yang saw Long Cheng appear. Nature is also an explosion of happiness. Now, the skeleton monster was directly detonated. But I was shocked. Opposite Xingben's skull. Can't break it. Now the dragon is here, this is the direct failure of the skull and the ghost. What kind of power is this. ..


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