Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 617: : Not a corpse

Wait, don't shoot, it's a man, not a corpse!

"Stop, stop!"

"Report quickly."

Lu Yang quickly called the colonel and set off to the place where the accident occurred. They went back and forth from a pile of abandoned vehicles to the roadside in the suburbs, and saw a small group of soldiers on guard and observation missions surrounding them. Civilians.

Local civilians? Lu Yang was a little surprised and hurriedly walked over. The soldiers saluted immediately. The surrounding civilians looked at him and Colonel Fu in horror.

Lu Yang knew that the basic-level officers and soldiers of the army were a bit nervous. After all, they all ran away, so he returned to the army with a smile, "You don't have to be such a big fan, these are all people, not enemies," he said, "Why are you still? Afraid to stay here like a dead person?"

The soldiers laughed, put away their weapons, relaxed their hands and feet. The civilians also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Yangke together: "This is the supreme commander of our army, General Cheng. This is our commander, this is ours. head." An older, sophisticated civilian replied: "Not all of them," he said, "We come from two or three counties and cities under Sgurs, and Several places next to him." He said, on the other hand, he quickly glanced at Lu Yangke's face and his broken arm.

Lu Yang was used to it a long time ago, so naturally he didn't care. Instead, he asked calmly and tenderly: "Where is the county old man?"

Commander Fu had already taken out the military map. As soon as Lu Yang lost his voice, he replied: "The commander is a county seat more than 50 kilometers northwest and is not on our route."

"Okay," Lu Yang looked at the civilians in a blink of an eye. They were neatly dressed and looked good. They are more calm and calm, and there is no sign of fleeing their lives. "Today, more than fifty kilometers in the world is not a short distance, ah, recently the corpses from these provinces are running around in groups. How did you come to us? How do you know the whereabouts of our troops?"

His voice is clear and his thoughts are mature. "We didn't know there was an army," he said. "The other day we were all surrounded and ran in the same direction. We were so frightened that we escaped from the county town and hid in the mountains."...Then we looked at the county town from a distance and many dead people passed by. All came in this direction. Our leader sent people to see, they saw the dead body in the city, and then left. We followed them to see what happened, and then we saw them walking in the other direction, we wanted to continue following them, but we saw some big planes flying here and still hovering in the sky, and we couldn’t see them dropping their bodies, so Let's see them first, let's see your army. "

"Yes, these are all the bombers sent by the Qingyin Military Region to support us," Lu Yang said with a smile. "We are the Haiyuan Field Army. We are helping a group of troops and civilians from Changnan to prepare to retreat to the Haiyuan area." He thought for a while and asked: "You just said that people from the counties below the two cities How many people live together, how about the army?" he said? "

The man quickly replied: "Boss, we have a total of nearly 4,000 people. We have found military and armed police in several counties, so most of them have weapons." "But only guns and rockets, and... …". "..


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